@MoneyBags1348, I'm pleased to see someone else is appreciative of the work Der Geist has done. He was universally castigated as a complete idiot and shit stirrer, when in fact he was right on the ball with everything that was going on the background (which, of course AVZ, did not want to be made public. I still reserve judgement on that issue, but it is what it is, and I will respect the position taken by the Board as being best for SHer's in the long run) My understanding is that a number of T20 holders were also pushing for some sort of Announcement to be made, so he wasn't the only one concerned.
Of course, he sold out in disgust in the 90's, on the way to 136.5, when AVZ would not follow his preferred path of disclosure, and then agitated for the release of 'the truth' via his enigmatic releases of tidbits on Twitter. He may have been the catalyst for the TH and suspension, but of that I can't be sure
But now that a lot of the reality of the clusterfuck we find ourselves in is clear for all to see, he is supportive of AVZ shoving the shit back up the arses of all these crooked bit players. Why wouldn't he? Not sure he is feeding Jens info, that could be 'you know who in the red ferrari', as that string of tweets ended up exactly at the "director should resign' position
Anyway, this is all speculation on my part, and I'm grateful to those who DM me with corrections to the general theme from time to time.