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In short birdman,Can honestly say I am at the point where I don’t know up from down. After a couple of months of trying to sort fact from fiction I am struggling to work out the good guys from the bad.
Something official that can be easily verified, ie; an announcement through the ASX, would be helpful about now. It might also serve to stem the flow of absolute crap we are having to sift through at the moment in order to find something resembling the truth!
Kabila clan seem to have realised just how much value Manono tenements are worth but already signed away their portion and are pushing to get some back or compensation ($100 million via Lubumbashi court) an they are using cong to exert pressure, slur campaign. Chinese via Jin Cheng (Zijin) want to sneak in via the back door and want to control this in tandem with catl so it’s under Chinese ownership and control, so Zijin have sponsored snacks and also muddying waters. It’s possible both are working in tandem.
Oh and the DRC government are doing fuck all, that parts important.