Could be worse ,you could be on a lettuce diet @$6 a popI'm somehow in the middle of a no booze, no sugar, no carbs health kick.
Eating 2 types of steamed vegetables and 150g of meat for dinner with a glass of water just ain't cutting it for me when I'm watching my portfolio tank 60-70% from their all time highs.
Especially when a cob of corn is costing $3....
Oh well, focus is long term. Hold on for the ride, keep working hard, hope macro stabilises, inflation does not crush us.
Good times are coming.
I just want to get stuck into my whisky collection....
Well if its a month to 2 weeks then the next one should be a week, follwed by 2 days.. hahahexpected a month, got two weeks, in two weeks when we get 2 weeks, do I feel the same as would of today?hopefully nf’s not playing with the timeline to massage our expectations,,,, see you in two weeks
Hoping so mateWell if its a month to 2 weeks then the next one should be a week, follwed by 2 days.. hahah
I got “ which one is that? that biotech company?” I’ll take that as a win todayI think we need to start a new thread to on what we are saying to the Mrs when she asked what is happening with our $200k. Any suggestions appreciated!
Two weeks this time, extremely positive in my view. Another month would have been deflating. I pray the macro improves with the new FY!
Yeah. Just remember thoughI'd take it with a grain of salt based on all previous ann's
It could well be heading to urban dictionary in a couple of weeks with something like:
"when this word is used on an AVZ announcement, just close your fucking trading app and go about your day whilst trying not to be salty as fuk"