Mr Inappropriate
I bet you a case of booze you post again before Friday...
Ohreally, tell me your password. I’ll lock you out and we’ll go halvies in that case…
I bet you a case of booze you post again before Friday...
No one wearing shorts will be allowed in I
Still waiting on Dr Wolf buying us all blocks of VB’s at 50cIMO only, the TH / suspension will be extended at least another month, given no hint of anything sorted, DRC silent and arbitration apparently is going ahead FFS. Anyway, don’t care, unless all the
’s are lined up we are heading down
. Alternatively, line up the
’s =
$AVZ will go back over $1. Bit of a Mystery ATM though
. As others, happy to get out at $1.50 and move on. If there is a $4 party
then I will shout bar, buy a Porsche 911 and let every one drive it on a lap around the track. Not likely to happen is it?, wish it would though
I think sometimes we forget AVZ is not a one man show run by only Nigel . Surely those other highly paid suits we employ have some input .yep, imagine if he's let a permit lapse while head of one company and sat as the director on another while they've come and nabbed it. My goodness, he will have to resign, plain and simple.
This is one of the many reasons why we should just get the ML(if we ever can lol), and sell the fucking lot, and if we do and AJN have some of that turf, the backlash in hindsight thinking this was all part of the plan, just wow, let me guess we'd sell it to CATH, they'd join with Zijin and Dathomir and santa Klaus will prove up a resource then sell that to them too, then they'll all build the battery hub together and rape the DRC senseless.....the DRC Chinese Mob doing what it does best
I reckon we change the name to SST for Shitstorm, oh hang on just checked it's already taken
I bet you a case of booze you post again before Friday...
BEISHAThanks for sharing, thats a very comprehensive citation of events, lets hope all that info holds weight with the Zijin saga.!!
The one item that is open to conjecture from my limited brain cells is on your notes...... 18/5/17
" The term of validity of PR13359 is 5 years from 28 December to 27 December 2021, the licence is renewable for another 5 yrs providing certain conditions are met "
Has AVZ satisfied certain conditions ?
I wonder whether this is what @obe wan was going on about with the recent " amendment" chat we had yesterday ?
I Saw that coming...
Ha ha!!lol, There was no way I could take the bet, to simply reply 'yes ill take the bet', would have lost me bet
I think he's learned a trick or two off Zijin on how to corner a beast
IIRC, this was a statement from AVZ right? Despite @Roller62 asserting that splitting of a tenement can't be done under the Mining Code, IMO, it appears to be the current fact, and it is this that is incomplete. Whether its incomplete due to being ultra vires, or they are prepared to go with it, who the fuck knowsAn area which was excluded under the Ministerial Decree to award the Mining Licence, will be renewed under a 5-year Exploration Licence to Dathcom, with discussions regarding the terms of the ongoing joint venture under discussion with the DRC Government
If this is the reason for the holdup then its on CAMI right? Govt bureaucrats waiting for their paper bags? Mines minister signed decree so is the tail wagging the dog? Smells like petty annoying fuckery but not a show-stopper. Give them their petty snacks and lets get on with it.IIRC, this was a statement from AVZ right? Despite @Roller62 asserting that splitting of a tenement can't be done under the Mining Code, IMO, it appears to be the current fact, and it is this that is incomplete. Whether its incomplete due to being ultra vires, or they are prepared to go with it, who the fuck knows