obe wan
Hi Beishe ,Hi Obe wan
" 13359 has been cut at the last bore collar carried out by AVZ on Carrier "
Does this " adjustment " effect the CDL project as a whole ?
Or does it effect other prospects outside of CDL ?
Where i am coming from, if we have Roche Dure and CDL, do we really need anything else ?
Those 2 projects alone will have a LOM of 100yrs plus .
‘Does this " adjustment " effect the CDL project as a whole ?’
Yes indeed it would ; currently the bulk of the northern / CDL zone is blank on the CAMI website ; it’s been cut at the last bore collar ; AVZ can obviously prove work has been carried out on site at least up to the physical location of that last bore …. Past that ; it’s likely that they can’t ; before , that wouldn’t have actually mattered as it all fell under the 13359 umbrella ; but this has obviously changed for this particular project

If AVZ can get the northern section signed up with an exploration licence then off we Trott …. (No doubt with a load of speed bumps along the way ) ; if not and it’s decided that exploration licence is magically let opened up again ; well what do you think they chances of AVZ getting it again and I’m pretty sure that it would land in the palms of an entity aided by Klaus , Cong and Co.
The extensions 4029 and 4030 … I think those are probably most at risk of being pulled from under AVZ by Klaus and Co as I don’t think any work has been carried out on the extensions . I’d be surprised if 4029 isn’t being targeted …. 13359 has likely been targeted under ‘ a chance’ ; it’s bloody odd how 13359 was cut and Northern left blank.
If DLA piper know their stuff then they should be able to pull it in order at least for 13359