@Winenut (s) I joined twitter to post information that could reach a wider audience and now I’m reading Jens post scenarios saying we don’t have the ML and there’s in country risk
I already posted a comment on the ML and as far as the in country risk KoBold would supposedly face….
According to the reports, part of any agreement between the DRC and the US includes US military support and permission for the US to have military bases in the DRC which significantly reduces in country risk. Add to that Trump has signed an Executive Order to use US Defence funds for accessing critical minerals. Doesn’t sound like KoBold is taking on too much risk to me
Jack Ma (KoBold) worth US$28 billion
Bill Gates (KoBold) worth US$107 billion
Jeff Bezos (KoBold) worth US$211 billion
Elon Musk (Tesla) worth US$327 billion
Add to the above that KoBold has a joint venture partnership with BHP to look for battery minerals
BHP worth $200 billion
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BHP has partnered with KoBold Metals, a mineral exploration company, to explore battery minerals in Australia and other countries.
If I was MD, I would say to the DRC, US and KoBold….
@Winenut (s) wants $12 and so do we, otherwise you can let Zijin and Vominiere deal with the M23 militia and the US and KiBold can look for low grade lithium somewhere else because the ICC and ICSID (World Bank) support our right to ownership
In the end I’m sure Nigel will get what he feels is the best deal for shareholders, especially when he knows it’s shareholders money he’s sitting at the table with
The truth is I’m spending too much time on the forums again thinking about AVZ, it’s now 2:46am here in Newy and I should be asleep