KoBold said that to advance the plan AVZ would need to receive “appropriate compensation” and agree to transfer all its interests in Congo. Once all disputes are resolved, Zijin would keep the northern section of the deposit, and the US company would develop the southern portion.
Zijin can't be allowed to be the biggest winner in this plan and end up with the north for almost free .The DRC Gov can't compensate us for the north as they are broke . For this deal to advance , and for Felix to save his skin , maybe he'll need to pressure Zijin into paying us a fair price for what they stole from us . Imagine them actually having to pay overs (just kidding) considering the hundreds of millions they have spent so far in bribes & rehab work etc . I wonder if they will be wanting a refund on all the sancks they paid for ... hello Celeste ...
With that calibre of backers , KoBold better not insult Nigel with a low ball offer of compensation for the south (and all that Tin ) . With the time and effort our BoD and DLA Piper have invested getting us to this point , I can't see Nigel buckling now . We still have the favourable results at the ICC , & ICSID as our backup .
This could be the ideal outcome . To be paid a suitable price for the entire tenement & leave the DRC completely . Holey smokes . Yes I originally wanted to see this through to mining and processing , but not after witnessing the amount of corruption at EVERY level of the DRC government over the last few years
Once this is over and dollars are in my bank account , I'll be first in line to contribute to a fund to have Shane E , the MMGA scum , Tommy R , Klaus and his daughter all held accountable in their endeavours to undermine AVZ . Hopefully there is another fund that can be setup to somehow say thank you to our friends in the DRC who have fought for us all the way , Franck , Kiki , Jonnno and others .
Hoping for a fantastic , timely outcome for all genuine AVZ holders