That response I did was logic speaking and staying positive .
It is personal consequences to Felix and his ministers that I hve concerns about .And what exact powers the ICSiD and ICC can enforce on them.
They may have off shore accounts set up that an attitude of "I could not give a hoot about any rulings as I will be gone living in another country "
Logic would say to resolve this utter mess ;a deal has been made to receive a mining licence for the South and a fair price for the North paid to Dathcom.
And we all move on .
But is the DRC logical ? or ministers in power interested in their hip pocket .
Yes a miracle in charnge of Felix attitude is required.
Mate I'm just reminding you of your positivity . Your backflip is uncharacteristic . Chin up.
" Thank you to all that stayed positive and supported shareholders on this forum in very difficult time situation for AVZ
Geo thanks
Beginning to jump for joy.."
Aka PASBOZ on hotcrapper. 12/01/25
"Well done Nigel and BOD
Fantastic result for shareholders. Once the Mining Licence is justly returned to Dathcom.
CATL have the funds and experience to build a hydroxide plant .
Win Win Felix with CATH but only headaches with Zijin
Zijin will only put a major hole in the ground but CATL can create a new industry for the DRC.
It is obvious now that Arbitration in June will not proceed." whale aka PASBOZ. 9/01/25