AVZ Discussion 2022

Well I went out today to buy a pair of camouflage pants , but I could not find any
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Coming to perth for another visit hey ?

Yes mate, i am in.

look forward to it

PM me
Fuck it let’s go to Nigel’s house on the River 😊

He should have just finished renovations

Beautiful outlook over the Bay.

Big Balcony, hopefully he supplies the booze 😉

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I live in hope AVZ still gives him some legal hell at the end of this.

You shouldn't be able to write that drivel and walk away without serious consequences.

We've had a few years of financial hell waiting for legal cases etc. Spread the love.

Quite simply Tommy you know who and the AFR are running away as fast as they can from everything they have ever penned regarding AVZ and the situation in Manono

Everything they have published reeks of something not quite right and an agenda that doesn't support the 20000+ shareholders here and abroad that are invested in Manono

Bigger fish to fry right now but tick tock, tick tock for the slimey weasel and it's previous master

All IMO of course
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Do you mind not quoting him in posts, he gets deleted eventually when the tribe reports.

Fucking hard work keeping our undies free of his racing stripe, I really don’t know why zeebot can’t ban the prick, perhaps he’s had threats, like deBoss got from MMGA scum
My fucking gears are fine.

I wouldn't know folate existed if people didn't quote it.

Too much folate increases risk of brain and nervous system damage, and cognitive decline

Chuck it on ignore, people.

Edited my post to remove the traces of brown stain.
They didn't achieve a lot with their threat, Fuck MMGA
Their side kick company


Is having a spot of bother with the Chinamen and asking protecting from the Australian government, lol
That's what happens when you get certain individuals on your board.

Tommy the tool is not working for the AFR anymore. Got fired !!!🤣🤣🤣

Google searching him still says he's at AFR but I didn't dig any further than page one.

Quite simply Tommy you know who and the AFR are running away as fast as they can from everything they have ever penned regarding AVZ and the situation in Manono

Everything they have published reeks of something not quite right and an agenda that doesn't support the 20000+ shareholders here and abroad that are invested in Manono

Bigger fish to fry right now but tick tock, tick tock for the slimey weasel and it's previous master

All IMO of course

If he ever gets taken to court would you be keen to attend and drink a bag of goon in the front row?
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Edited my post to remove the traces of brown stain.

Google searching him still says he's at AFR but I didn't dig any further than page one.

If he ever gets taken to court would you be keen to attend and drink a bag of goon in the front row?

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Werfen wir einen Blick darauf. Am 27. September 2021 gab AVZ bekannt, dass AVZ sich einen wichtigen Partner gesichert hat – CATH. Für 24 % zahlen sie 240 Millionen Dollar. Am selben Tag war die AVZ-Aktie 0,345 AUD wert. Machen wir also eine kleine Kindergarten-Matheanalyse – 24 % x 240.000.000 $ = 960.000.000 $ sowie (4 x 24 = 96 %) 4 x 0,345 AUD = 1,38 AUD.
Wie ich bereits im vorherigen Beitrag sagte, hat AVZ am 31.01.2024 eine Ressourcenerhöhung von 47 % angekündigt. Auch hier gilt: einfache Mathematik: Nehmen Sie die obigen Zahlen und multiplizieren Sie sie mit 47 %. 960.000.000 $ x 0,47 = 451.200.000 $. Addieren Sie das dann zu den 960.000.000 $ und Sie erhalten 1.411.200.000 $. Aktienkurs – 1,38 $ x 0,47 = 2,03 $.
Bedenken Sie aber auch, dass diese Zahlen 3 Jahre alt sind. Außerdem werden die Rohstoffpreise steigen. Noch einmal, was ich in meinem vorherigen Beitrag sagte: 2,00 AUD sind eine niedrige Zahl und nicht einmal ein fairer Marktpreis.
Ich würde lieber alles verlieren, als das zu bekommen, was Sie sich ausgedacht haben. Ich musste 2 Jahre lang darauf sitzen und habe mich bereits damit abgefunden, dass alles verloren gehen könnte. Für mich alles oder nichts. Jeder andere hat seine eigene Situation. GLTAH.


Edited my post to remove the traces of brown stain.

Google searching him still says he's at AFR but I didn't dig any further than page one.

If he ever gets taken to court would you be keen to attend and drink a bag of goon in the front row?

I’ll sit next to Wino as I know he’ll bring that top shelf goon.
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Screenshot 2025-01-18 at 17.23.06.png

Last month Lithium chart....go Baby go. Chinese can't push the lithium price artificial down for ever.
That chart will spiral nicely upwards in the next few years....AVZ / CATH will be producing to minimal costs the finest hard rock Lithium by then.,,,and on top a refinery, which keeps the transport costs minimal....If this plays out in the next months..defiantly a HOLD for me....Cash cow in the making
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*I don't know if you're here ( TSE ) Dominic :unsure:

But mate, you're a Legend on X ( Formally known as 🐦 )

dog with a bone.png
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I might need to take another trip to Kalgoorlie and help them move out, I'll take the sign as a little memento.

View attachment 75945
Dan, you got a cheap laugh out of ke the first time with this photo... and here you are, getting another.... fuck the pricks.
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View attachment 76254
Last month Lithium chart....go Baby go. Chinese can't push the lithium price artificial down for ever.
That chart will spiral nicely upwards in the next few years....AVZ / CATH will be producing to minimal costs the finest hard rock Lithium by then.,,,and on top a refinery, which keeps the transport costs minimal....If this plays out in the next months..defiantly a HOLD for me....Cash cow in the making
Would hate to burst the bubble on pricing but so many operations just sitting by waiting for price rise to turn their production back on
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Master of Quan
Would hate to burst the bubble on pricing but so many operations just sitting by waiting for price rise to turn their production back on
Because they aren’t profitable at the current rate. We would be, so all increases are just cash in the bank baby. We could undercut any mofo out there and still make good coin
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The DRC is now
" Between a rock and a hard place"
For 3 years they have been promoting a battery hub in the DRC.
CATL / CATH are providing the financial backing to do so but legally with AVZ
CATL are the no 1 battery producer in China and on excellent mutual benefits to China and would receive approval to expand in Africa.
put this against
IMF sanctions
Corruption being publicly exposed
Failure to provide a mining license to AVZ / CATH backing is saying NO to a battery manufacturing and lithium hydroxide plant.
A lot to answer for ??
All because a few brown paper bags ans selfishness of certain individuals.
Agree if Zijin try to take Comminiere to court over loosing the right to mine over an illegal deal would be further embarrassment.
This new agreement provided mant to save face .
Pressure now for the DRC to act rightfully
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How fucking stupid, shortsighted and fucked up has Celestin (and his wife) been in this whole affair???

I can't see a bigger, complete, self arse-fucking from a high ranking bureaucrat just about anywhere in the world than the one here presumably from the head of the CKK clan

What an absolute and complete fucktard

The whole world watching, recording, commenting, investigating, probing, observing, international agencies, ICC, ICSID, IMF, worldwide investors you name it!!!

This is going to unfold on a worldwide stage in a very, very, very bad way for that miserable piece of shit

Just sayin' :cool:
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It has been proven many times that embarrassment is not a discouraging factor in the DRC. Stupidity and greed reign. But yes Whales it will be interesting to see how things unfold.
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How fucking stupid, shortsighted and fucked up has Celestin (and his wife) been in this whole affair???

I can't see a bigger, complete, self arse-fucking from a high ranking bureaucrat just about anywhere in the world than the one here presumably from the head of the CKK clan

What an absolute and complete fucktard

The whole world watching, recording, commenting, investigating, probing, observing, international agencies, ICC, ICSID, IMF, worldwide investors you name it!!!

This is going to unfold on a worldwide stage in a very, very, very bad way for that miserable piece of shit

Just sayin' :cool:
There are two factors that constantly amaze me, number one is the total lack of support from the Australian government and the media, and the way Comminiere just continue on with their Zijin mates as if everything is going to be sweet as! I just don't get it, does my head in!
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How fucking stupid, shortsighted and fucked up has Celestin (and his wife) been in this whole affair???

I can't see a bigger, complete, self arse-fucking from a high ranking bureaucrat just about anywhere in the world than the one here presumably from the head of the CKK clan

What an absolute and complete fucktard

The whole world watching, recording, commenting, investigating, probing, observing, international agencies, ICC, ICSID, IMF, worldwide investors you name it!!!

This is going to unfold on a worldwide stage in a very, very, very bad way for that miserable piece of shit

Just sayin' :cool:
He has grown up, and spent his entire career, operating in a context where the way he's behaved is totally normal. So in some ways not at all surprising.

But he has failed to see that, like it or not, things in DRC are changing.
Cos yes, he's a fuktard ;P
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