Tired of the the soft bigotry of low expectations when it comes to Africa and Africans.
Everybody just shrugs off the corruption, violence and the tribal in-group warfare within the political upper echelons because , ah well, it's Africa, what do you expect? Treating them with kid gloves rather then functioning adults with autonomy who could have functioning civil society if not for the greed of the few.
African nations keep saying they want to participate in international affairs, trade and humanities and yet, when given the opportunity to operate like a developed nation their leaders immediately fumble the ball selling each other out for personal or tribal gain every time. No matter whether they are autocratic nations, so called 'democratic' (it's in the name!) nations or increasingly socialist nations like South Africa - it's the same pattern over and over.
I don't know what it will take for Africans to hold their leaders accountable, or for other nations to begin working with them like real nations not economic zones for exploitation. But I do know this, it's going to have to come from within - and so far I don't see any trend towards the self accountability and personal sacrifice that will be required to end the cycle.