I think everyone is aware the CCP controls the DRC Government . That doesn't diminish the satisfaction we are going to get by dragging the DRC Government to the ICSID final Verdict, and if found guilty , exposing them for one of the biggest acts of Corruption and Theft against a Foreign Investor in recent history .An act of Corruption and Theft of Global Significance . Exposing them for having lied to the International Investment Community with regards to the DRC stamping out corruption where they see it . Lied about the DRC now being a safe place for foreign investors . The main game now is dragging the DRC Government to the ICSID . Talk by some that the DRC will not honour the ICSID final Verdict is irrelevant . If the DRC Gov is Guilty they need to be exposed in the International Courts . If they are confident , they could start by paying their own ICSID fees .Why not call the dog by it's real name?
It is not DRC/China, but China/DRC.
Any money pumped into the DRC by any organisation, is immediately syphoned off by the corrupt fuckers and monetised into expensive watches, real estate all over the world and expensive shiny cars. The more blink the better.
5, 6 centuries ago, the European 'explorers' used mirrors and marbles, nothing has changed.
China is fully aware of this and couldn't give a rat's arse, simply because it suits their final ambitions, get as cheap as possible and without losing any lives huge mineral deposits to be able to control the world.
Control of the world is their end game.
They will use any method to achieve this, legal, or illegal, all in the name to further China.
To achieve that they have completely fucked entire Africa over and can make Africa jump the way Xi wants them to jump.
And there one has to understand that China doesn't mean China, but means the upper echelons of the Chinese communist party, which is an organisation more ruthless and corrupt than Putin, prepared to knock their own comrades off, if they don't tow the line, or enrich themself without taking the hierarchy in consideration.
That is what AVZ is dealing with.
Shane the absolute fuckhead from Tasmania is so far up himself and so confused with his million aliases, that he can't see and understand that he is being used in this complete shemozzle, he is feeling mighty important.
I can't wait till the law catches up with the fucking idiot.
As they say 'pride comes before the fall'.
Don't be too surprised if Shane morphs himself into another identity, fairly soon, adding to his enormous list of fukhead personalities.
Even Sigmund Freud would have to stop all his work and going to the pub, to deal with this obsessive dangerous idiot.
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