AVZ Discussion 2022


But your zenith was calling Linda a trans.
F'in hilarious & I had the privilege of reading it before it was modded
I don't actually think I did that?

Did I?

And to be honest if I did it actually wasn't intentional

I did say "so and so became so and so and morphed into so and so" (just in relation to the online forum avatars and identities for one person changing about three or so times on the forum).....but my intention was never to call out anyone as a trans.....just that the same poster had effectively changed identity numerous times :rolleyes:

Part of the problem with online posting (and texts and non face to face communication) .....it can get lost in translation

Nevertheless .....I'm truly glad you brought this to my attention!

Happy we're here now and can discuss AVZ and comments and thoughts and posts without being immediately attacked and flamed and baited by hostile and weird antagonists

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I think one of the issues as to why the AVZ thread on the crapper is how it is, is because the only ppl downramping AVZ right now are fools, while the rest are either neutral or own shares. This will happen when a stock has so much potential, the HC mods(who I've had multiple run-ins with in the past) wld perhaps be sitting there saying "shit, we need to look like we are acting neutral, we cant ban the only downrampers even if they are total flogs who barely have a rational thought between them, because on the off chance something unforseen happens to AVZ SP then we are going to look like we were 'ramping biased holders' "...I really don't want to defend them one bit because they seem to be wrong a lot more than they are right, but just some food for thought I can't see it changing until we at least get the ML, which I can only assume is coming this month with pressure mounting from every angle on all invloved, DRC gov included.
with you there ohreally

Once the ML comes through and fundamentals set in nicely the whole thing on some forums changes

Right now happy to be here and will continue to stay to look for balanced and interested contributions with a dash of fun and humour

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Been checking this a couple of times a week for a while. At cob AVZ mc is 88% of LTR which is as high as I've seen it.
It's been around 75% recently so the gap is closing again.

BTW do you remember maybe 4 years ago, the SP was in the teens and falling and your mate Boss.... was being a pain.
We had a discussion about future SP. I reckoned $1 and could not understand why a sober guy like you, think you were still running the STT thread splendidly then, could be so bullish at $3-4?
Now I understand that you were seeing a bigger picture than me.
Been a long while since the STT thread days. Stopped the ST comp due to numerous tech issues I had when I changed platforms and it was time for me to hand over to new blood with new ideas. The creation of the STT was born from the same frustration of spammers/trolls on the ST threads in early days. To my surprise it continues to this day in almost identical form to what the early STT'ers pioneers created. Credit to those running it now. All power to them.

AVZ was probably the easiest decision I've made investment wise. My research at the time that KE acquire 100% the ground surrounding Manono indicated that the historic Monono deposit strike was likely to extend on to this land. Then KE acquired 60% of Manono itself. Absolute no brainer then and to this day absolute no brainer now. Poor old KE did not have the foresight or fortitude to let it ride. A bad decision IMHO. A Rockfella moment missed for him. Imagine what his holding would be worth now and in 5 years. Now Nigel gets his MD stock options and he himself will be worth north of $500m (10x from here) in a few years. KE could have had much more than that this given his initial holding.

The approaching EV and home storage revolution was the worst kept secret around. Key was how to invest in it to max your gains. Gains would be and will be spectacular if you had the balls to ride out the volatility and trolling. Avz was the worst trolled stock I'd ever seen and I 'd seen and been on plenty of very heavily trolled stocks with magnificent FA stories . . Knowing the asset well I realized the heavy trolling was just because so many were so desperate to talk it down to get a position to invest or trade. Many here sitting on double digit bags already and the project is not even up an running yet. Can you Imagine the screaming for Lithium in a few years time. Buy for your grand children I said back in early days and I meant it. Think of those punters in early 1900's who bought up oil stocks early... then hung on for generations wealth ....in the +$100's of mills now. What we have here is a early FMG in the making... I bought FMG many times in the 20-30c range and sold out (for a net loss!) as I did not see the Twiggy vision/big picture. The only diff is I see the Lithium energy boom potentially is going to be bigger than the Fe boom was due to impending climate crisis. Remember those early FMG investors can now afford to buy their own islands!!

Trolling: Many comment on how bad the trolling is today especially due to 1 rather low smarts inexperienced poster. Back in the day there were 10-20 semi intelligent trollers and a few really smart ones simultaneously hammering the threads. It was like a two year game of whack a mole. Whats happening on AVZ HC now, in terms of trolling, is very light weight indeed. If you can't handle that then your gunna have trouble going forward in your investment life. Personally I pay very little heed to AVZ trollers now as I know AVZ infinitely better than they do and will only weigh in when the troller has a reasonable new angle to discuss which is obviously dodgy and is getting traction. Most points discussed by AVZ down rampers are rehashes that have been discussed to death 100+ times. Which interests me very little and is a time waste. My energy is much better spent on research.
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I know what you are saying but in the context of this style of forum as opposed to "the Crapper" I'd not see it as so much of an issue. I'm more referring to spelling mistakes or incorrect language etc, perhaps adding a minor point a little while after 5 minutes might have expired. Minor modifications in other words and not changing ones overall sentiment or modifying a post which has proven to be inaccurate. But it is good to know there is capability safeguard against the later.
100% my friend.....100% ;)
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So nice to read threads without shit in it, great to be aboard! Can I bring my likes over from hotcrapper??!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I got moderated because I used the word moderator go work that out

Lmao - I know, Go figure, How Fucked is that, like when they warned my about Doxing when all i did was report the Psycho Bitch :rolleyes:

As they sit there wondering why the Ship is Sinking and everyone is abandoning Ship because they refuse to take back the Platform from the Trolls

Because they think their Shit don't Stink up on that HC High Horse, when in fact it stinks like the Crapper :poop:

Anyway, If they keep it up, they'll do themselves out of a Job as more and more People migrate to TSE imo

Win-Win for TSE (y)

*In other News

Did you see where,

The war for hearts and minds can be as important as any gun battle.

Ukraine has so far been beating Russia handily in the game of information warfare, setting the narrative for how the fighting is being perceived and winning broad global support through videos showing their resolve to fight.

Videos of President Volodymyr Zelensky in the streets of Kyiv following nights of bombing and vowing to keep fighting has inspired his countrymen and made him a hero around the globe.

Equally as effective have been videos of disgruntled, older Ukrainians mocking invading Russian forces, like one woman telling soldiers to put seeds in their pockets “so at least sunflowers will grow when you all die here.”

Another showing a motorist offering to tow a tank crew back to Russia after they had run out of gas, underscored Ukrainian’s bitter contempt.


*Go Zelensky, Go Ukraine✌️
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I’m in full troll mode at the crapper. I’m not proud of it but I don’t care anymore.
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Lmao - I know, Go figure, How Fucked is that, like when they warned my about Doxing when all i did was report the Psycho Bitch :rolleyes:

As they sit there wondering why the Ship is Sinking and everyone is abandoning Ship because they refuse to take back the Platform from the Trolls

Because they think their Shit don't Stink up on that HC High Horse, when in fact it stinks like the Crapper :poop:

Anyway, If they keep it up, they'll do themselves out of a Job as more and more People migrate to TSE imo

Win-Win for TSE (y)

*In other News

Did you see where,

The war for hearts and minds can be as important as any gun battle.

Ukraine has so far been beating Russia handily in the game of information warfare, setting the narrative for how the fighting is being perceived and winning broad global support through videos showing their resolve to fight.

Videos of President Volodymyr Zelensky in the streets of Kyiv following nights of bombing and vowing to keep fighting has inspired his countrymen and made him a hero around the globe.

Equally as effective have been videos of disgruntled, older Ukrainians mocking invading Russian forces, like one woman telling soldiers to put seeds in their pockets “so at least sunflowers will grow when you all die here.”

Another showing a motorist offering to tow a tank crew back to Russia after they had run out of gas, underscored Ukrainian’s bitter contempt.


*Go Zelensky, Go Ukraine✌️

So true Frank...so true

In all respects

Putin in the eyes of the world is a despot, a warmonger and a criminal ........Zelenskyy is an admired and heroic politician

Hopefully AVZ and the DRC and the EV revolution can in some way help shift the balance of power and change the global paradigm for the better

Well....I know that's a crazy big statement but in the end I'm just hoping for a better, greener and safer future for my family and in particular for my kids

I don't think around the world we are terribly dissimilar in that respect

Go AVZ.....Go Green......EV's rule....C'MON!!!!!:D:cool:(y)
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I’m in full troll mode at the crapper. I’m not proud of it but I don’t care anymore.
I know where you're coming from but it ain't worth it

Let it go....you don't need it

And you'll feel all the better for it

Get on board here and enjoy the fresh air!!!! Woo Hoo!!! :D:cool:
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Hello people,

Found my way here thanks to Frank.

Here’s looking forward to some hearty AVZ discussion between friends and holders alike.
Solid day on the charts soo far.

welcome Steve
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bad decision IMHO. A Rockfella moment missed for him.
KE dumped half his shares on that shocker day, then a month later resigned then was retained as a consultant till early Q4 2018.

Question is why dump? Sector sentiment decline was a screen, limit of his intentions also covers, pointing to others selling is another. My reckoning is he hid something even more alarming: that AVZ was deliberately misled by a consultant regards BNB (Chinese investors quickly saw this, English Aussies : no) — after all nothing came of the BNB MOU -/ everyone was waiting for project finance after Manono visit and nada emerged till KE dumped,

issue is Did AVZ rely too much on that consultant when going public on that MOU relationship? Is that a fair question? Did KE in a way drink the poison chalice of notoriety by deflecting from a more fundamental question about management being led ‘down the garden path’? Even so, is management required to do its own due diligence on particulars? Where’s responsibility?

Again, big questions arise with going to mine.

How do people see AVZ running MLTO?
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I don't actually think I did that?

Did I?

And to be honest if I did it actually wasn't intentional

I did say "so and so became so and so and morphed into so and so" (just in relation to the online forum avatars and identities for one person changing about three or so times on the forum).....but my intention was never to call out anyone as a trans.....just that the same poster had effectively changed identity numerous times :rolleyes:

Part of the problem with online posting (and texts and non face to face communication) .....it can get lost in translation

Nevertheless .....I'm truly glad you brought this to my attention!

Happy we're here now and can discuss AVZ and comments and thoughts and posts without being immediately attacked and flamed and baited by hostile and weird antagonists

Hi mate
No, was talking to azzler who I think wrote it, but obviously I can't check it 'cos it was deleted.
Sorry for any confusion caused by me.
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WOW!:love: Just flew in from site last night and then woke up this morning to see so many fellow AVZers who have joined the flock...even Roller and Stevo are here:)
This calls for a new pic;);)
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Lmao - I know, Go figure, How Fucked is that, like when they warned my about Doxing when all i did was report the Psycho Bitch :rolleyes:

As they sit there wondering why the Ship is Sinking and everyone is abandoning Ship because they refuse to take back the Platform from the Trolls

Because they think their Shit don't Stink up on that HC High Horse, when in fact it stinks like the Crapper :poop:

Anyway, If they keep it up, they'll do themselves out of a Job as more and more People migrate to TSE imo

Win-Win for TSE (y)

*In other News

Did you see where,

The war for hearts and minds can be as important as any gun battle.

Ukraine has so far been beating Russia handily in the game of information warfare, setting the narrative for how the fighting is being perceived and winning broad global support through videos showing their resolve to fight.

Videos of President Volodymyr Zelensky in the streets of Kyiv following nights of bombing and vowing to keep fighting has inspired his countrymen and made him a hero around the globe.

Equally as effective have been videos of disgruntled, older Ukrainians mocking invading Russian forces, like one woman telling soldiers to put seeds in their pockets “so at least sunflowers will grow when you all die here.”

Another showing a motorist offering to tow a tank crew back to Russia after they had run out of gas, underscored Ukrainian’s bitter contempt.


*Go Zelensky, Go Ukraine✌️

It’s infuriating what that angry little man is doing Frank.

He’s destroying his own country let alone Ukraine. I can‘t see how he can keep power in the next couple of years after this debacle.

The cover of Time magazine you posted says it all really. Surely his own people will see and end to him within the next year or 2 after this atrocity. Interest rates are already 20% in Russia, the sanctions are hitting hard and setting the country back 10 years plus.

Of course the big story is the plight of the brave Ukraine people, my heart just breaks for them.

I hope the psychopath is taken out by his inner circle to stop this madness. He sacked his defence chief yesterday, thats how bad things are going for him.
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Perhaps someone on the bird can let Elphamale know about this forum. He was a valuable poster who left because of the trolls.
Did 8Horse take up position again recently? Someone go bring him over :)
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Hi all,

I received the below from Nigel last night. Please DO NOT put it on HC. Love the battery part.

Sorry yes all good. I’m in africa so the rumour was a red herring I placed to ensure my covert actions
Mining licence is taking a little longer as they are all concerned about the global public opinion - read: want to better manage the battery chain
I’m hoping this month for the licence

Sent from my iPhone
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Hi all,

I received the below from Nigel last night. Please DO NOT put it on HC. Love the battery part.

Sorry yes all good. I’m in africa so the rumour was a red herring I placed to ensure my covert actions
Mining licence is taking a little longer as they are all concerned about the global public opinion - read: want to better manage the battery chain
I’m hoping this month for the licence

Sent from my iPhone
What does global public opinion mean?
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Hi all,

I received the below from Nigel last night. Please DO NOT put it on HC. Love the battery part.

Sorry yes all good. I’m in africa so the rumour was a red herring I placed to ensure my covert actions
Mining licence is taking a little longer as they are all concerned about the global public opinion - read: want to better manage the battery chain
I’m hoping this month for the licence

Sent from my iPhone
Hi Misfits, thanks for sharing.
Sounds cryptic. Could read into this many different ways.
Essentially we're still in the dark. 🤔
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