AVZ Discussion 2022


Biding my Time 1971
Was with two birds that look very like pictures JAG posted :sneaky:

I'm missing out somewhere.
So he's gone for a foursome with Felix eh?
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So he's gone for a foursome with Felix eh?
Hey Xerof just intrigued....is your Avatar Syd Barrett from Pink Floyd?
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Psychogirl is liking my posts on the Crapper, I feel so dirty, how do I make her stop🤮
Same thing happened to me, feel dirty too.
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Finally found the avz thread lol
I notified the other users to have a look as we can get rid of the paid down rampers and concentrate on the stock and not the constant bickering
And we can add emojis lol sweet😁😁
Hello people,

Found my way here thanks to Frank.

Here’s looking forward to some hearty AVZ discussion between friends and holders alike.
Solid day on the charts soo far.

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Hello people,

Found my way here thanks to Frank.

Here’s looking forward to some hearty AVZ discussion between friends and holders alike.
Solid day on the charts soo far.


Welcome Stevo, Looks like the Crapper mods are on to us guys giving hints...

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Thinking that AVZ will surpass the mcap of LTR shortly. Its just inevitable. Seems to bounce between $300-500m below their market cap over the course of the recent greater market correction. Expect AVZ to to creep ever closer as we go forward in the short term . Soon LTR will be a simply be something growing ever smaller we see in our rear view mirror. At 10mt production and high grade with PLS/hydroxide onsite all current OZ producers will ultimately be in our rear view mirror.

All is of course IMHO
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Bellskioneson didn't read my last post before it was modded - I hope he can read Morse code😁
.... - - .--. ... ---... -..-. -..-. - .... . ... - --- -.-. -.- . -..- -.-. .... .- -. --. . .-.-.- -.-. --- -- .-.-.- .- ..- -..-.
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Biding my Time 1971
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Biding my Time 1971
Bellskioneson didn't read my last post before it was modded - I hope he can read Morse code😁
.... - - .--. ... ---... -..-. -..-. - .... . ... - --- -.-. -.- . -..- -.-. .... .- -. --. . .-.-.- -.-. --- -- .-.-.- .- ..- -..-.
But...but...that says Nigel picks up his ML Friday:unsure:
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I got a perma ban from HC for telling people about this forum, and I couldn't care less.
Oh I also accused HC of being a corrupt POS. :rolleyes:
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Psychogirl is liking my posts on the Crapper, I feel so dirty, how do I make her stop🤮

Back in the"Old Days" when i was on "The Crapper" She who can't be named, Old ( PhychoGirl ) :eek:

Used to do the same thing with Me, Call me names / Flame & Bait Me, but like my Posts at the same time ffs o_O

How do you make it Stop, Stop Replying for Starters or just give the Crapper the Chop, Who needs that Shit anyway :poop:

The best way to piss that Phycho off is Not Respond, Drives them Nuts, as they hate Not getting a response / reward :cry:

If you or anyone else, like i did "Feels Dirty" then "Simples" Give the Crapper the Flick (y)

Simples !.jpg

You all have a choice,

Stay Cool here, Not Hot and Dirty in the Pile of BS on the Crapper - Simples ;)

Food for thought

Frank :cool:
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Back in the"Old Days" when i was on "The Crapper" She who can't be named, Old ( PhychoGirl ) :eek:

Used to do the same thing with Me, Call me names / Flame & Bait Me, but like my Posts at the same time ffs o_O

How do you make it Stop, Stop Replying for Starters or just give the Crapper the Chop, Who needs that Shit anyway :poop:

The best way to piss that Phycho off is Not Respond, Drives them Nuts, as they hate Not getting a response / reward :cry:

If you or anyone else, like i did "Feels Dirty" then "Simples" Give the Crapper the Flick (y)

View attachment 1995

You all have a choice,

Stay Cool here, Not Hot and Dirty in the Pile of BS on the Crapper - Simples ;)

Food for thought

Frank :cool:

You are right Frank, I'm even poking Flash now - I can't help myself sometimes...
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Cheers boys enough of crapper

loved the Morse bit
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Hello people,

Found my way here thanks to Frank.

Here’s looking forward to some hearty AVZ discussion between friends and holders alike.
Solid day on the charts soo far.



Man Hug.jpg

Great to have you finally onboard the good ship TSE Bro(y)

Welcome to the Club my Friend :)


Frank :cool:

p.s. - Stay Cool Here, Not Hot on the Crapper :oops: :ROFLMAO: ;)

p.s.s. - Fyi - You can also have Private Conversations on here as well o_O
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Hey FYI I was just able to edit a mistake in a post I made a day ago. Pretty good functionality if you ask me, it's very annoying when you see a mistake in one of your posts which can't be rectified!
Is this the new normal @zeeb0t ? Previously the edit limit I thought was 5 minutes, hoping its been extended considerably. Particularly when typing on a phone screen it's very easy to make mistakes that aren't always noticed straight away. Cheers.
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Staff member
Hey FYI I was just able to edit a mistake in a post I made a day ago. Pretty good functionality if you ask me, it's very annoying when you see a mistake in one of your posts which can't be rectified!
Is this the new normal @zeeb0t ? Previously the edit limit I thought was 5 minutes, hoping its been extended considerably. Particularly when typing on a phone screen it's very easy to make mistakes that aren't always noticed straight away. Cheers.

It is editable forever now.
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Hey FYI I was just able to edit a mistake in a post I made a day ago. Pretty good functionality if you ask me, it's very annoying when you see a mistake in one of your posts which can't be rectified!
Is this the new normal @zeeb0t ? Previously the edit limit I thought was 5 minutes, hoping its been extended considerably. Particularly when typing on a phone screen it's very easy to make mistakes that aren't always noticed straight away. Cheers.
Interestingly I hold an alternative view

I would prefer if we can't edit posts hours or especially days ago

It allows people to potentially change what they have said ....after the fact

If I've made a particulalry bad mistake I reply to the post and offer what was meant or explain the mistake to clear it up

Keeps the facts out there without posts being able to be doctored

Just my view

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Staff member
Interestingly I hold an alternative view

I would prefer if we can't edit posts hours or especially days ago

It allows people to potentially change what they have said ....after the fact

If I've made a particulalry bad mistake I reply to the post and offer what was meant or explain the mistake to clear it up

Keeps the facts out there without posts being able to be doctored

Just my view


All edits are kept in an edit history. If the post gets reported I can easily check in on that.
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