AVZ Discussion 2022


Could be due to DRC Mining week starting June 1st till the 3rd.

Although I'm not sure if AVZ have a stall?

The annual “rendez-vous” for mining players has expanded its reach and now offers a year-round digital engagement platform, connecting the mining community through a wide array of activities, including webinars, podcasts, online networking, and of course…our live event in Lubumbashi from 1-3 June 2022.

Engage directly with key stakeholders from the private and public sectors through our unique networking channels to meet new partners, source new customers or identify promising projects.

Forgot all about that, surely Felix would be wanting to open that with some big news?

You'd also hope that the majority shareholder of the largest lithium deposit in the world in the DRC would have a stall wouldn't you :unsure:
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Forgot all about that, surely Felix would be wanting to open that with some big news?

You'd also hope that the majority shareholder of the largest lithium deposit in the world in the DRC would have a stall wouldn't you :unsure:
Can just imagine the Dathcom stall, a dozen fired up lawyers arguing at a white plastic bunnings table.
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Could be due to DRC Mining week starting June 1st till the 3rd.

Although I'm not sure if AVZ have a stall?

The annual “rendez-vous” for mining players has expanded its reach and now offers a year-round digital engagement platform, connecting the mining community through a wide array of activities, including webinars, podcasts, online networking, and of course…our live event in Lubumbashi from 1-3 June 2022.

Engage directly with key stakeholders from the private and public sectors through our unique networking channels to meet new partners, source new customers or identify promising projects.
Maybe Zijin has asked for a booth next to AVZ, to have a chat. 🤣
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Maybe Zijin has asked for a booth next to AVZ, to have a chat. 🤣
Pretty sure they would try to share our booth, saying they've paid for 15% of it.
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Maybe Zijin has asked for a booth next to AVZ, to have a chat. 🤣

Zijin will just sit inside AVZ's booth and when challenged will claim that they paid for 15% of it. 😆

Edit. You beat me to the punchline there Nbaz 🤣
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Like others here I am finding the silence RE AVZ from both the DRC government and Nigel and The BoD deafening. While thrashing it out in my own mind I came up with a theory on what I hope is the reason for the lack of a response from both Gov and AVZ.

Given the volume of misinformation out there the quiet strategy could work providing they are in fact holding a good hand. If The DRC and AVZ were to make comment can you imagine the shit storm that would rain down on them by the opposition parties trying to discredit them. DRC and AVZ are then put in a position of defending their stated position or reverting to their strategy of silence. Both of which would only then provide fodder for the trolls. By remaining silent they are able to release whatever information they choose at a time of their choosing, a far better option than getting dragged into a damaging tit for tat with people who’s position will not change no matter how much truth is put in front of them. In this instance a small target strategy may be the best option.

It shits me too tears that this has occurred and it certainly chips away at one’s faith in human nature. However I still hold and will continue to hold for the very same reasons I bought in the first place.

As I said, Just a theory to help fill the void.

Good luck to all long term holders.

Too right, spot on. Trolls and down rampers have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at this and AVZ management has not taken the bait. Doing so would be unwise and unwinnable for the reasons you state @Birdman7
There is no obligation by AVZ to wait until 1 June for an announcement, so given the fact there has not been one I fully suspect an extension to the suspension. All fine with me if it means there is clarity, full clarity on ownership at the end of it.
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Like others here I am finding the silence RE AVZ from both the DRC government and Nigel and The BoD deafening. While thrashing it out in my own mind I came up with a theory on what I hope is the reason for the lack of a response from both Gov and AVZ.

Given the volume of misinformation out there the quiet strategy could work providing they are in fact holding a good hand. If The DRC and AVZ were to make comment can you imagine the shit storm that would rain down on them by the opposition parties trying to discredit them. DRC and AVZ are then put in a position of defending their stated position or reverting to their strategy of silence. Both of which would only then provide fodder for the trolls. By remaining silent they are able to release whatever information they choose at a time of their choosing, a far better option than getting dragged into a damaging tit for tat with people who’s position will not change no matter how much truth is put in front of them. In this instance a small target strategy may be the best option.

It shits me too tears that this has occurred and it certainly chips away at one’s faith in human nature. However I still hold and will continue to hold for the very same reasons I bought in the first place.

As I said, Just a theory to help fill the void.

Good luck to all long term holders.

Too right, spot on. Trolls and down rampers have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at this and AVZ management has not taken the bait. Doing so would be unwise and unwinnable for the reasons you state @Birdman7
There is no obligation by AVZ to wait until 1 June for an announcement, so given the fact there has not been one I fully suspect an extension to the suspension. All fine with me if it means there is clarity, full clarity on ownership at the end of it
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Like others here I am finding the silence RE AVZ from both the DRC government and Nigel and The BoD deafening. While thrashing it out in my own mind I came up with a theory on what I hope is the reason for the lack of a response from both Gov and AVZ.

Given the volume of misinformation out there the quiet strategy could work providing they are in fact holding a good hand. If The DRC and AVZ were to make comment can you imagine the shit storm that would rain down on them by the opposition parties trying to discredit them. DRC and AVZ are then put in a position of defending their stated position or reverting to their strategy of silence. Both of which would only then provide fodder for the trolls. By remaining silent they are able to release whatever information they choose at a time of their choosing, a far better option than getting dragged into a damaging tit for tat with people who’s position will not change no matter how much truth is put in front of them. In this instance a small target strategy may be the best option.

It shits me too tears that this has occurred and it certainly chips away at one’s faith in human nature. However I still hold and will continue to hold for the very same reasons I bought in the first place.

As I said, Just a theory to help fill the void.

Good luck to all long term holders.

Best these things be taken care of in court, then make an announcement about the court rulings.
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Zijin will just sit inside AVZ's booth and when challenged will claim that they paid for 15% of it. 😆

Edit. You beat me to the punchline there Nbaz 🤣
At least there’d be plenty of snacks..
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We do need the ML announced tomorrow though.

ML not being announced validates the questions around ownership and should realistically add some concern to shareholders.

If it's no big deal then they could issue it, given that we have already received ministerial decree many weeks ago.
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We do need the ML announced tomorrow though.

ML not being announced validates the questions around ownership and should realistically add some concern to shareholders.

If it's no big deal then they could issue it, given that we have already received ministerial decree many weeks ago.
The ML has nothing to do with ownership.
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The ML has nothing to do with ownership.
Maybe but perhaps they need to know the ownership structure before the CAMI paperwork can be finalised?
What else is the hold up? :unsure:
At that recent conference of the NGO's the spokesman for CAMI was referring to the Dathcom shareholder registry.
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Great, then let's get it issued tomorrow :)
I doubt it will be issued. However the problem with the ML is not the % ownership. There are multiple problems at the moment. An announcement today or tomorrow should clarify things.
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oh great the arseclown is back just before the 1st, who would of thought, and yeah as I've brought up here many times, tantalex have tailings rights in the area, but now Franck says that's sold too, and it's not on the portal, even though I've read about 10 articles in the last few months stating tantalex/Klaus have the rights, either way now it's another pls explain..."permit expired and its on top of our land that we are paying surface rights for and now we're told its sold as well"....seriously wtf is going here lol, and now also AJN/Klaus are in the area and so to is one of Zijin's new PR's while they try to rape our 15% and Cong coming in from the rear too. Cong, Zijin and Klaus think that they own whatever the fuk they want to own and they clearly have connections in most departments that matter.

ffs every single government departement in the DRC could not be more of a disorganised pack of useless shit talkers if they tried, don't get me wrong it's clear Felix and a few others are trying to fix 'some' things but look what they're up against, it's apparent to me that Felix's way of helping is to sell the DRC to foreign investors beyond China and just hope they muscle out the Chinese and justice prevails, but instead all he's creating is a shitstorm or legal proceedings that thus far have been judged by a corrupt court system and ruled against the foreign investors he's tried to bring in, unfortunately it's not working but I give full credit to Felix and Co. for being better than all their opposition.

Felix you need to stop selling to the world and just concentrate on cleaning up the corruption, clearly easier said than done. But come on, 'Oh battery hub, let's have another 20 conferences and instigate talks with another 20 countries and 20 foreign companies who will get raped in the DRC too because the entire system is in support of Chinese brown paper bags. START ISSUING SOME PRESIDENTIAL DECREES, or watch your country and your presidency go down the dunny.

Nige $2 takeover, sell it off mate, let the seagulls devour themselves over there, fuk me. Seriously not joking, if we stay suspended after the 1st, then unless a resolution is actually imminent(not AVZ imminent) then sell it off. I'll even take $1.70-$1.80 and sit back and watch the shitshow unfold with my money in my pocket. Is it worth more? hell yes, but who's gonna sort this shit out in a few weeks??? hope I'm wrong, but hmmmm
Your frustration / bemusement, call it what you will, is shared by all.

If Felix cant back up his talk of eradicating corruption, especially with the most important project of them all, if Zijin intention to hold up progress via ICC courts ( which takes forever to get a decision ), then lets talk T/O and get the fuck out.


I have plenty of other stocks in my portfolio in which I can make a fortune, who would welcome the extra cash........plenty of ways to skin a cat............................ right Felix ?

skin a cat.gif

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What most people don't realise about the silence during a court/legal case - is that the public automatically assume that the defendants (or perpetrators) are guilty by non-admission.

Generally, it is highly recommended that those involved in a legal/court case do not announce anything publicly; not until the proceedings are judgements are final.

Obviously - i'm unsure as to where things are up to for AVZ; but I personally am not concerned about the lack of foundation of the supposed acquisition of shares from Zijin.

IF it takes more time to kick Zijin out - i'm more than happy for that. I don't want Zijin involved a single %.
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Your frustration / bemusement, call it what you will, is shared by all.

If Felix cant back up his talk of eradicating corruption, especially with the most important project of them all, if Zijin intention to hold up progress via ICC courts ( which takes forever to get a decision ), then lets talk T/O and get the fuck out.

View attachment 8144

I have plenty of other stocks in my portfolio in which I can make a fortune, who would welcome the extra cash........plenty of ways to skin a cat............................ right Felix ?

View attachment 8143

Hey Beisha would you be so kind to point me in the right direction of where you started learning charting and approximately how long it took you to get to your abilities currently ?
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