AVZ Discussion 2022


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When AVZ entered the ASX 200 the indexes involved were required to buy. For what ever reason a large number of shorts also entered that day.
There was discussion that the large number of shorts may have been a hedge against the long positions that they were required to buy. This probably has something to do with AVZ being in a shit jurisdiction..... funny that.
My guess is that the big drop in short % on shortman.com is likely the long and shorts of the indexes that bought just cancelling each other out now that we have been delisted. The remaining short positions are likely dickheads like Hoots and boatman + a heap of traders + others. I havent heard of anyone successfully buying offmarket for short positions to be closed so I wouldnt jump to conclusions that they know any more than we do or that they closed at a low price. IMO
Yes totally agree.

Could very much be the index funds closing out hedge positions they had taken......correct

My very best wishes to them

And I continue to hope that Hoots, Boatman, old mate Shane and all the other knobjockeys get absolutely royally fucked.....
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We have legal title over the tenement, so why are we letting zinjin? I think is the real question. Of course I’ll get the hit brigade here shouting me down. But why if our legal title is so good. Are we not securing the tenement? How is this not top of our list? A nice shareholder announcement “we have secured our tenement with contracted security and ensured all entities other than AVZ are expelled from what is legally ours”. But of course this would require 2 things.
1. Actual good legal title (looking less good and less legal now)
2. A CEO and BOD interested in working for their money.
I don’t see either, but maybe that’s because the guys have gone quiet. (Cue the hopium addicts screaming “I have faith” “ there are things going on behind the scenes”

But why if our legal title is so good. Are we not securing the tenement?

I can think of a reason.....

african army.gif
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Bro is trying to reason around something being stolen means hey, maybe you never owned it in the first place?
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Bro is trying to reason around something being stolen means hey, maybe you never owned it in the first place?
So we never owned it, yet were allowed to spend 100m to explore and define the biggest lithium hard rock project the world will ever see....

Yep, all makes sense to me now.

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If you go back a bit, bro accused the BoD of lieing when they stated we have good legal title of 75%, and he hasn't retracted this statement.
So he is saying he believes the BoD know they don't have good legal title, and deliberately mislead shareholders.

When he was confronted with the rulings and interim measures that support AVZ's good legal title claim, of international courts such as ICC as ICSID that use a strictly legal framework to make their rulings, he claimed that these systems of justice were a fantasy, didn't exist and I was making it all up.
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Cumquat Cap

Everyone knows to ignore old mate Tommy or whoever the fuck he is, panic merchant banging on about the same things over and over.

Plenty happening behind close doors where our detractors cannot fuck with avz’ progress. Avz hold good legal title over 75% and important to remember majority of this delay pertains to disputed north, no one disputing avz’ ownership of Roche Dire (just the %).
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Another call for applications. Only valid for 5 days… (not enough time for serious applicants?) i am sure they already have someone in mind and are just ticking boxes here…

Manono lithium call for tenders
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Everyone knows to ignore old mate Tommy or whoever the fuck he is, panic merchant banging on about the same things over and over.

Plenty happening behind close doors where our detractors cannot fuck with avz’ progress. Avz hold good legal title over 75% and important to remember majority of this delay pertains to disputed north, no one disputing avz’ ownership of Roche Dire (just the %).
Man I'd love to believe that no one's disputing avz's ownership of Roche Dure but all I can see is PR13359 being in Cominiere's name and the DRC not complying with the ICSID order to reinstate Dathcom's title to 13359.

I couldn't give a shit about the north part just get this shit sorted with the south this is dragging on far too long.

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Another call for applications. Only valid for 5 days… (not enough time for serious applicants?) i am sure they already have someone in mind and are just ticking boxes here…

Manono lithium call for tenders

And so it goes on...in conjunction with Cominiere, Zijin will never back down on its claimed ownership of the northern part of PR 13359.

And so it goes on...Interim ICC and ICSID orders continue to be ignored because everyone's in on it, all the way to the President himself.

And so it goes on...oh fuck, is it too early to start drinking?
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And so it goes on...in conjunction with Cominiere, Zijin will never back down on its claimed ownership of the northern part of PR 13359.

And so it goes on...Interim ICC and ICSID orders continue to be ignored because everyone's in on it, all the way to the President himself.

And so it goes on...oh fuck, is it too early to start drinking?

Well as much as this may drag on unnecessarily - isnt there some Gold Bullion held in a Bank in New York on behalf of the DRC.

The ICSID have a number tools at their disposal including the World Bank that is apparently holding billions in Aid for the DRC - lets see how this plays out - not happy about the delays but hey you are dealing with a 3rd World Country who wants to play with the big boys.

And then of course you have the ICC.

Lets just wait for the announcements.


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Well as much as this may drag on unnecessarily - isnt there some Gold Bullion held in a Bank in New York on behalf of the DRC.

The ICSID have a number tools at their disposal including the World Bank that is apparently holding billions in Aid for the DRC - lets see how this plays out - not happy about the delays but hey you are dealing with a 3rd World Country who wants to play with the big boys.

And then of course you have the ICC.

Lets just wait for the announcements.



Yes, the announcements will make for interesting reading.

We are awaiting the ICC announcement following AVZ's application to have the fines liquidated (paid to AVZ). These fines stretch back to May 2023 when Cominiere first decided to ignore the ICC's interim ruling (fifty thousand euros/day), PLUS a further fifty thousand euros/day from Nov 2023.

I'm guessing an announcement is imminent.
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Biding my Time 1971
And so it goes on...in conjunction with Cominiere, Zijin will never back down on its claimed ownership of the northern part of PR 13359.

And so it goes on...Interim ICC and ICSID orders continue to be ignored because everyone's in on it, all the way to the President himself.

And so it goes on...oh fuck, is it too early to start drinking?
probably incorrect
yes but probably not a permanent position
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probably incorrect
yes but probably not a permanent position
I already started 10 mins ago as soon as I opened my computer and started reading .
cheers ice GIF by Monkey Shoulder
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I have sent a message to DRC mining week on Tiktok ,,, AVZ
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Bro is trying to reason around something being stolen means hey, maybe you never owned it in the first place?
If you’re referring to me “bro” I assure you I’m not trying to troll im trying to gauge opinion on lighting a fire under the asses of management to do something about Chinese actors taking our shit. Watch them accidentally extend their mining into our tenement. See also gold mining and cobalt mining through DRC. Our beautiful high strip ratio tenement we all paid for. I’m on board with the slamming and blaming of corrupt actors. I’m up on Twitter reminding everyone how it was stolen. I’ve just chosen this angle. Probably wrong one. Just saying if you don’t lock your bike in Dandenong it was never yours. All respect to you and fellow holders
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If you’re referring to me “bro” I assure you I’m not trying to troll im trying to gauge opinion on lighting a fire under the asses of management to do something about Chinese actors taking our shit. Watch them accidentally extend their mining into our tenement. See also gold mining and cobalt mining through DRC. Our beautiful high strip ratio tenement we all paid for. I’m on board with the slamming and blaming of corrupt actors. I’m up on Twitter reminding everyone how it was stolen. I’ve just chosen this angle. Probably wrong one. Just saying if you don’t lock your bike in Dandenong it was never yours. All respect to you and fellow holders
What’s your Twitter handle Rhyno? I will follow you.
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