AVZ Discussion 2022


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The biggest alarm bell in that article is the implication that AVZ were in the good books with Kabila - that doesn't necessarily bode well for which way Felix will lean towards in enforcing or making a call on next steps

"AVZ had acquired the Manono mine through a close relationship with the family of former president Joseph Kabila, who is said to be the true owner of Dathomir."
*It's Never a Dull Day in the DRC, Like Sands through the Hourglass, So are the Days of our DRC President, as

Forum for reconciliation and Katangan unity: Kabila and Katumbi put the political landscape in turmoil

The former Congolese head of state and his former challenger exchanged a handshake in public last weekend for the first time in several years. Since then, conjectures have been rife regarding this act which took place on the eve of the next presidential election, scheduled for 2023.

In the DRC, bringing together former President Joseph Kabila and ex-Governor of Katanga Moïse Katumbi in the same room was improbable.

Getting them to exchange a hug, in public at that, seemed nigh on impossible.

However, this is the scene that hundreds of witnesses witnessed, on the morning of May 22, 2022 in the Saint Pierre and Paul cathedral in Lubumbashi.

The initiative for this event, immortalized by a particularly delighted crowd, came from Mgr Fulgence Muteba, the very influential archbishop of Lubumbashi, the gigantic city of Haut-Katanga.

Since May 17, the prelate has brought together all the sons of the region around a so-called reconciliation forum.

Objective: to silence internal quarrels in order to boost the development of this rich province.

Bishop Fulgence Muteba will therefore have succeeded in his bet.

Symbolically at least.

Joseph Kabila, 50, and Moïse Katumbi, 57, in addition to shaking hands, exchanged a few words.

Such a scenario was unimaginable a few weeks ago, given the growing animosity between the two men and this since 2015 following their political divorce after a long companionship.

Accused of alleged embezzlement of public funds when he was head of government, Augustin Matata Ponyo saw his horizons brighten in November, when the Constitutional Court considered that it had no jurisdiction to judge him, cutting short the prosecution against him.

In recent years, the former head of state and the former all-powerful governor of the richest province of Congo have fought a merciless fight against the backdrop of the presidential chair.

Unrest in the presidency?

In fact, the Congolese political microcosm is now noisy with questions about this announced reconciliation.

Many are indeed questioning both its sincerity and its scope at a time when the negotiations for the presidential election of December 2023 are already in full swing.

Are we witnessing the emergence of yet another political force?

What about the personal ambitions of each other?

The coming months should bring more clarity to this rapprochement.

One certainty, however, is that the current president, Félix Tshisekedi, must not have looked favorably on the two personalities arm in arm.

Mr. Tshisekedi, 58, is a candidate for his own succession, after falling out with his predecessor.

He now has a strained relationship with Mr. Katumbi.

Félix Tshisekedi facing these 9 fronts for the 2023 elections (Tribune de Jean-Pierre Alumba)

With the approach of the elections scheduled for next year, 2023, in September; as the Constitution stipulates in its article 73: “The ballot for the election of the President of the Republic is convened by the National and Independent Electoral Commission (CENI), 90 days before the expiry of the mandate of the President in office”.

"Elected" on the promise to make the DRC a rule of law where everything will be centered on "the people first", the pre-election organization is essential for the current Head of State of the DRC in the approach of the 2023 elections.

In the general staff of certain political parties and civil society, they are preparing to hold him to account by using, in large part, the accountability of these promises.

As for next year's elections, the current Head of State will face nine (9) probable fronts while his predecessor had only four (4).

The 4 fronts of his predecessor, Joseph Kabila were:

1. Security instability in the country;

2. The social precariousness of the majority of citizens;

3. The pressures of the West on their geostrategic interests in the DRC, in particular the revision of the mining code, the exploitation of strategic minerals, the granting of the contract for the construction of a deep water port in Banana, the execution of the Inga project III as well as the Chinese influence in the DRC;

4. The opposition (the political opposition and religious denominations had united against the regime of Joseph Kabila).

The current Head of State will face 9 fronts in the 2023 elections.

These 9 fronts will be primarily:

1. The social precariousness of the RDs. Congolese ;

2. Security instability in the country;

3. The Opposition (FCC, LAMUKA, religious denominations and part of civil society as well as the diaspora and youth movements);

4. Dysfunction within his political party UDPS;

5. The Sacred Union, a multi-headed monster (CASH, ENSEMBLE, MLC, FCC Mosaic, etc.);

6. The international community that he does not always manage to convince;

7. The opulence and euphoria of power within one's biological family;

8. Divorce with his former partner, Joseph Kabila;

9. The respect of agreements with its political partners as well as the management of their ambitions (Moïse Katumbi, Vital Kamerhe, Jean-Pierre Bemba, Christophe Mboso, Modeste Bahati, Lambert Mende, Mbusa Nyamwisi, Charles Okoto, etc.).

Faced with these 9 fronts, it will be very difficult for him to organize the elections if he is not sure of emerging victorious.

Then, he could put in place four options or scenarios allowing him to stay in power a little longer (the sliding policy), in particular:

1. Organize a dialogue for a political compromise that will allow him to get closer to his opponents by offering them a government of national unity for a period of 2 to 3 years;

2. Support the organization of rigged elections to be declared the winner by the CENI and the Constitutional Court;

3. Use the non-funding of the CENI, the enrollment of new adults, the census of citizens and the granting of identity cards to all DR Congolese;

4. Create troubled situations by voting certain problematic laws at the level of the National Assembly over which it has control.

Faced with this picture, any wise and enlightened person could ask themselves the question of how his predecessor, Joseph Kabila with 4 fronts, could not resist the pressure of these even being a politico-military – Comment va s out of the current Head of State with his 9 fronts?

Given that he does not demonstrate mastery of any important parameter of an electoral process that wants to be credible, but rather the clear desire to rig or better, to exercise large-scale fraud.

If he opts for the organization of elections in 2023, he only has one year left to do what he has not been able to achieve for 3 years.

This is the real challenge of the current Head of State to convince the electorate in 2023.

The future holds many surprises for us.





Food for thought on the Felix front :unsure:

Fingers 🤞 for Felix

Frank :cool:
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I'm alive... Just kidding I'm dead inside.

Fucken hell, I have unrequited lust for those days, although I'm heading to Dunedin in a few weeks to watch the All Blacks play Ireland with three mates, two of whom are huge pissheads, that I am unable to match, and won't. But it should be a good 3 days, in amongst the 20,000 students at Otago Uni, who do enjoy a tipple or two with us old bastards

In the meantime, Nigel, sort your shit out will ya

I'm Dunedin born and raised and was a Scarfie too, I left uni with half a Political Science degree and full honours in drinking Speights and burning couches to keep warm. Might explain this weekend as I was drinking with a mate from home :LOL:

Maybe think on it after something to eat and a shower, how something can progress within the said system to be officially signed stamped and delivered isn't really a trivial matter. I'll feel much more comfortable with it after the government formally says something similar to what you have.

In the meanwhile I'm sinking some rums myself but after hitting 40+ I'm liable to be having a nap with a headache by about 6pm. Enjoy you still can, there is only so much one liver can take. ;)

Naah I completely agree, it's astonishing that it could happen and go that far. The whole tree seems pretty rotten not just the odd piece of fruit. Was merely pointing out that the piece of paper having an official stamp doesn't mean its legal and stands up in court.

I normally get terrible hangovers, managed to eat some dinner and get some sleep and I feel fine now so lets see how long that lasts.
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Fucken hell, I have unrequited lust for those days, although I'm heading to Dunedin in a few weeks to watch the All Blacks play Ireland with three mates, two of whom are huge pissheads, that I am unable to match, and won't. But it should be a good 3 days, in amongst the 20,000 students at Otago Uni, who do enjoy a tipple or two with us old bastards

In the meantime, Nigel, sort your shit out will ya
Mother in Law is Irish & was eldest of 13 siblings …Pic is of my wife /cousin (who married the Munster halfback )with a few of the lads…Enjoy the crac (fun)
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I hope when you say wife/cousin you are talking about 2 different people? :ROFLMAO:

Sorry couldn't resist
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Morning all, an article referencing the DRC digitalising the land titles starting with a pilot study in Kinshasa:

“The Democratic Republic of Congo will be equipped with digital parcel documents from December 2022, promised Monday, May 23, 2022 the Minister of Land Affairs Molendo Sakombi. According to him, this project is part of the reform of the law regulating the land sector in the DRC.”
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Biding my Time 1971
Mother in Law is Irish & was eldest of 13 siblings …Pic is of my wife /cousin (who married the Munster halfback )with a few of the lads…Enjoy the crac (fun) View attachment 8059
Was he halfback in October 1978? World famous if he was 😂
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Against my better judgement I watched a show on iView, 4 Corners on the weekend - all about rare earth minerals and of course Lithium. It was actually well presented (until Bob Brown showed up) and I recommend spending an hour of your time watching what the Australian renewables market is working on.

There's one comment that absolutely floored me. We have several miners in this Country gushing over a 7-year Lithium mine life. No wonder they're scared about AVZ's deposit as we'd dwarf anything we can dig here!

There was an ASX listed company trying to mine Tin under the Tasmanian rainforests which I'll have to remember to short once AVZ gets into it's own tailings. Again just a short-term mine.

The other comment is we're in a 20-year ramp up of rare earth and Lithium requirements.

Great to see Aussie's digging more stuff out of the ground as we do it so well, but AVZ is going to set records for decades to come.

Bring on Wednesday, eh?
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Mother in Law is Irish & was eldest of 13 siblings …Pic is of my wife /cousin (who married the Munster halfback )with a few of the lads…Enjoy the crac (fun) View attachment 8059
Doesnt really matter which one is your wife, they both stand out like beacons compared to the dudes standing behind them....;)

I gotta say, i got bored last night and visited the crapper for some light relief, went to the $10 party thread, after sifting thru copious one liner BS, to the point of snoozing, light relief and lol,lol,lol was found with you , @Sammael and @Dazmac66 having pot shots with one of the biggest trolls of them all in YOUATE3........my advice, fuelling his DUMBNESS will only ensure FRUSTRATION....


The joust between RHYNO1980 and DAZZMAC66 , was also a doozy.....lol

Apart from the laughs, the following posters i would like to see frequent TSE is BABY JACK, BULLDOZER, QBALL, SF120, KEVIN NOVACASTRIAN, even RHYNO 1980, he could provide the beers for us all as an apology to Dazz....lol

The posters i wouldnt like to see on TSE is BOT, KOALA VALLEY, STICKSHIFT, and all the rest.

On a side note, ALL lithium players are nice and green today, my portfolio is up 6% , so happy days, now just need AVZ to get back to trading on Wednesday , with AWESOME NEWS, then


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Hates a beer


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Doesnt really matter which one is your wife, they both stand out like beacons compared to the dudes standing behind them....;)

I gotta say, i got bored last night and visited the crapper for some light relief, went to the $10 party thread, after sifting thru copious one liner BS, to the point of snoozing, light relief and lol,lol,lol was found with you , @Sammael and @Dazmac66 having pot shots with one of the biggest trolls of them all in YOUATE3........my advice, fuelling his DUMBNESS will only ensure FRUSTRATION....

View attachment 8066

The joust between RHYNO1980 and DAZZMAC66 , was also a doozy.....lol

Apart from the laughs, the following posters i would like to see frequent TSE is BABY JACK, BULLDOZER, QBALL, SF120, KEVIN NOVACASTRIAN, even RHYNO 1980, he could provide the beers for us all as an apology to Dazz....lol

The posters i wouldnt like to see on TSE is BOT, KOALA VALLEY, STICKSHIFT, and all the rest.

On a side note, ALL lithium players are nice and green today, my portfolio is up 6% , so happy days, now just need AVZ to get back to trading on Wednesday , with AWESOME NEWS, then

View attachment 8067

Yeah sorry @BEISHA just like to give a little bit back occasionally whilst scratching through the garbage to find anything relevant. :censored:
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Hates a beer
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Against my better judgement I watched a show on iView, 4 Corners on the weekend - all about rare earth minerals and of course Lithium. It was actually well presented (until Bob Brown showed up) and I recommend spending an hour of your time watching what the Australian renewables market is working on.

There's one comment that absolutely floored me. We have several miners in this Country gushing over a 7-year Lithium mine life. No wonder they're scared about AVZ's deposit as we'd dwarf anything we can dig here!

There was an ASX listed company trying to mine Tin under the Tasmanian rainforests which I'll have to remember to short once AVZ gets into it's own tailings. Again just a short-term mine.

The other comment is we're in a 20-year ramp up of rare earth and Lithium requirements.

Great to see Aussie's digging more stuff out of the ground as we do it so well, but AVZ is going to set records for decades to come.

Bring on Wednesday, eh?

Fyi, Fwiw @ 0.02c at current value, It's Closer to 42Mins or can't you Count :rolleyes: ;) :ROFLMAO:

Digging In: Why powering a green future means more mines

“It's absolutely ironic. But to save the planet, we are going to need more mines.” Government Geoscientist

Around Australia new mining operations are being established and old sites, shuttered decades ago, are being brought back to life.

These miners aren’t digging for coal or gold, they’re hunting for other lucrative commodities – known as critical minerals.

“Critical minerals (are) everything you use for electric vehicles, for transport, for manufacturing. We're really at the start of what could be a new mining boom.” Minerals lobbyist

If you own a mobile phone, if you power your home with renewable energy or drive an electric vehicle, then these minerals are already playing a key part in your life.

And they will play a vital role in all our futures.

But there is a hidden cost?

“We have to decide as a country. How valuable is a place and is it worth risking for mining?” Research scientist

On Monday Four Corners investigates the new critical minerals mining boom and finds Australia is in the box seat to exploit a surge in worldwide demand.

“Australia is still the luckiest country. Last century we were the luckiest because we had all the coal and a huge amount of natural gas… what we know the future needs is things that Australia also has in spades.” US energy policy adviser

From lithium mines in WA and the NT, to cobalt operations in NSW and tin mining in Tasmania, these critical minerals are not just making major profits, they’re playing a part in the super power rivalry between America and China.

“China has always known the value of critical minerals. We are moving into a period now of geopolitical competition, everybody is looking for leverage. The Chinese are quite explicit about that.” China analyst

With China dominating the control and supply of these critical minerals, many nations are keeping a close eye on Australia’s mining operations in the hope of breaking China’s dominance.

“We have met with heads of state, senior cabinet officials and global businesses…They all want to break this stranglehold.” Mining CEO

But environmentalists are concerned that hard fought environmental protections are being put at risk in this new type of gold rush.

“It's not saving the planet. That's ridiculous. That is green spin, green extractivism, coming out of the mining industry.” Environment activist

This fascinating film reveals the tensions, and the big decisions Australia will have to make to enable the production of these vital minerals without inflicting further harm on our increasingly fragile environment.

“It's a confounding issue for the environmental movement. There's absolutely no doubt that we have to move to mining of critical minerals, if we are going to address the climate crisis... At the same time, we need to be absolutely sure that we are not repeating the mistakes of the past.” Environment lawyer

Four Corners investigates the new mining boom in critical minerals - necessary in mobile phones, renewable energy and electric vehicles.

Angus Grigg finds Australia is in the box seat to exploit a surge in worldwide demand.

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With any luck Mr.Hughes leaving coincides with a star/superstar project manager with more experience joining us
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Doesnt really matter which one is your wife, they both stand out like beacons compared to the dudes standing behind them....;)

I gotta say, i got bored last night and visited the crapper for some light relief, went to the $10 party thread, after sifting thru copious one liner BS, to the point of snoozing, light relief and lol,lol,lol was found with you , @Sammael and @Dazmac66 having pot shots with one of the biggest trolls of them all in YOUATE3........my advice, fuelling his DUMBNESS will only ensure FRUSTRATION....

View attachment 8066

The joust between RHYNO1980 and DAZZMAC66 , was also a doozy.....lol

Apart from the laughs, the following posters i would like to see frequent TSE is BABY JACK, BULLDOZER, QBALL, SF120, KEVIN NOVACASTRIAN, even RHYNO 1980, he could provide the beers for us all as an apology to Dazz....lol

The posters i wouldnt like to see on TSE is BOT, KOALA VALLEY, STICKSHIFT, and all the rest.

On a side note, ALL lithium players are nice and green today, my portfolio is up 6% , so happy days, now just need AVZ to get back to trading on Wednesday , with AWESOME NEWS, then

View attachment 8067

I don't know about Rhyno, but I get the impression he lost it.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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I don't know about Rhyno, but I get the impression he lost it.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
He sure did, i think he was overwhelmed with all the blow ins.......;)

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Fyi, Fwiw @ 0.02c at current value, It's Closer to 42Mins or can't you Count :rolleyes: ;) :ROFLMAO:

Digging In: Why powering a green future means more mines

“It's absolutely ironic. But to save the planet, we are going to need more mines.” Government Geoscientist

Around Australia new mining operations are being established and old sites, shuttered decades ago, are being brought back to life.

These miners aren’t digging for coal or gold, they’re hunting for other lucrative commodities – known as critical minerals.

“Critical minerals (are) everything you use for electric vehicles, for transport, for manufacturing. We're really at the start of what could be a new mining boom.” Minerals lobbyist

If you own a mobile phone, if you power your home with renewable energy or drive an electric vehicle, then these minerals are already playing a key part in your life.

And they will play a vital role in all our futures.

But there is a hidden cost?

“We have to decide as a country. How valuable is a place and is it worth risking for mining?” Research scientist

On Monday Four Corners investigates the new critical minerals mining boom and finds Australia is in the box seat to exploit a surge in worldwide demand.

“Australia is still the luckiest country. Last century we were the luckiest because we had all the coal and a huge amount of natural gas… what we know the future needs is things that Australia also has in spades.” US energy policy adviser

From lithium mines in WA and the NT, to cobalt operations in NSW and tin mining in Tasmania, these critical minerals are not just making major profits, they’re playing a part in the super power rivalry between America and China.

“China has always known the value of critical minerals. We are moving into a period now of geopolitical competition, everybody is looking for leverage. The Chinese are quite explicit about that.” China analyst

With China dominating the control and supply of these critical minerals, many nations are keeping a close eye on Australia’s mining operations in the hope of breaking China’s dominance.

“We have met with heads of state, senior cabinet officials and global businesses…They all want to break this stranglehold.” Mining CEO

But environmentalists are concerned that hard fought environmental protections are being put at risk in this new type of gold rush.

“It's not saving the planet. That's ridiculous. That is green spin, green extractivism, coming out of the mining industry.” Environment activist

This fascinating film reveals the tensions, and the big decisions Australia will have to make to enable the production of these vital minerals without inflicting further harm on our increasingly fragile environment.

“It's a confounding issue for the environmental movement. There's absolutely no doubt that we have to move to mining of critical minerals, if we are going to address the climate crisis... At the same time, we need to be absolutely sure that we are not repeating the mistakes of the past.” Environment lawyer

Four Corners investigates the new mining boom in critical minerals - necessary in mobile phones, renewable energy and electric vehicles.

Angus Grigg finds Australia is in the box seat to exploit a surge in worldwide demand.


42 minutes of content, sure.

But can I add the following for the consideration of the Court?

AVZ Ale top-up x 3 = 6 minutes. It's a long walk to the brewery shed out the back.
AVZ Ale empty x 2 = 4 minutes.
Pause play to answer The Countess' questions x 11 = 5.5 minutes. For the record it was 7 'yes', 2 'no' and 2 'maybe tomorrow'.
Pause play to add a few ASX companies to my shorters watch list x 2 = 1 minute.
Pause to wipe a tear away after hearing Bob Brown talk = 1 minute. Selfishly I agree they shouldn't mine under pristine rainforest particularly when AVZ has a lot more product..

Round that up tp 60 minutes as I have to admit watching a bit of the credits.....

So, if you have between 42 and 60 minutes - still worth watching.

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42 minutes of content, sure.

But can I add the following for the consideration of the Court?

AVZ Ale top-up x 3 = 6 minutes. It's a long walk to the brewery shed out the back.
AVZ Ale empty x 2 = 4 minutes.
Pause play to answer The Countess' questions x 11 = 5.5 minutes. For the record it was 7 'yes', 2 'no' and 2 'maybe tomorrow'.
Pause play to add a few ASX companies to my shorters watch list x 2 = 1 minute.
Pause to wipe a tear away after hearing Bob Brown talk = 1 minute. Selfishly I agree they shouldn't mine under pristine rainforest particularly when AVZ has a lot more product..

Round that up tp 60 minutes as I have to admit watching a bit of the credits.....

So, if you have between 42 and 60 minutes - still worth watching.

#Okilly Dokilly.png


The Count.jpg

Bottoms Up.jpg

What about the "Snacks" you forgot to mention the time it takes Collecting / Counting the "Snacks" ;)
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