Direct from ASIC:
Anyone has a right to inspect a copy of a company’s share register. As a member, you may inspect the register free of charge. However, the company may charge other people to inspect the register. The inspection fee is set out in Sch 4 of the
Corporations Regulations 2001 (Corporations Regulations).
Anyone has a right to request a copy of a company’s share register. A company must provide a copy of the register to you within seven days of you requesting the copy. The maximum fee for supplying a copy of the register is set out in Sch 4 of the Corporations Regulations.
When requesting a copy, you
must provide your name, address and the purpose of your request.
You cannot obtain a copy of a register for an improper purpose, such as:
- soliciting a donation from a member
- soliciting a member of a company as a stockbroker or sharebroker
- gathering information about the personal wealth of a member, or
- making an unsolicited offer to purchase financial products such as shares or units off-market
- if the company keeps the register on a computer, the company must provide the copy in the format set out in Part 2C.1 of the Corporations Regulations.