Hi Lucas Don Velor
Copper fans often use 3% of in-ground ore as a rule of thumb. There are other heuristics, but this one is popular. I am inclined to use at least 3%, rather than 1% as a guide to the value of the Manono resource due to Manono's homogeneous high grade ore with few impurities, and its near-surface location that requires little stripping.
Manono has a total mineral resource of 842 million tonnes grading at 1.61% lithium oxide (Li2O), containing 13.52 million tonnes of Li2O. The split is: Roche Dure, 669 million tonnes grading at 1.63% Li2O, and Carrière de l'Este: 173 million tonnes grading 1.58% Li2O.
Assuming a lithium metal price of $US15,000 per tonne, the aggregate value of Manono's lithium resource is: 842 million tonnes x 1.61% Li2O x 0.464 (lithium content) x $US15,000/tonne = $US93.8 billion ($AU142 billion).
Three percent of $AU142 billion is $AU4.26 billion.
AVZ holds 75% of the resource, which equates to $AU3.20 billion. Since AVZ has 3,528,729,748 shares on issue, that's 90c per share.
While 90c is just a guesstimate and nowhere near the resource's true market value or what we will accept, it takes into account the 80% drop in lithium price that has occurred since 2022. In any case, it's still a whole lot better than the 15c being bandied around by some over at the other place.
Oh, and mine certainly are not for sale at a miserly 90c.