AVZ Discussion 2022


So after reading all this you guys are now saying a timeline for a decision is september , well that has changed from last year thinking about February this year , when at the time I said March this year , lets just say nobody really knows timelines , court outcomes , etc if we have no company update then the company still knows nothing or are in discussion ( I DONT SEE WHO WITH ) about some sort of resolution why they can't update us ? because I believe they have know Idea also what is going on .. Corruption at its best and I anybody is happy here to still be discussing this situation this time next year because of a good outcome I call bullshit . Just follow all the stock rises you missed out on over the next year if Lithium prices really increase . I want to sell out and get trading better companies .
I don't think it's changed. From my recollection the company said from the start that they wouldn't reasonably expect any final award regarding the Dathomir case before Sep 2024.

My suspicion is that it will drag to the right a little, but that would still be pretty good progress for an ICC case.
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Fucking over it

Talking in circles

No news that anything is progressing

Zijin drilling the north with inpunity

No ML in sight

No deal in sight

No compromise in sight

No indication that we will relist anytime soon and shareholders continuing to be financially fucked over

Complete shitshow
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So after reading all this you guys are now saying a timeline for a decision is september , well that has changed from last year thinking about February this year , when at the time I said March this year , lets just say nobody really knows timelines , court outcomes , etc if we have no company update then the company still knows nothing or are in discussion ( I DONT SEE WHO WITH ) about some sort of resolution why they can't update us ? because I believe they have know Idea also what is going on .. Corruption at its best and I anybody is happy here to still be discussing this situation this time next year because of a good outcome I call bullshit . Just follow all the stock rises you missed out on over the next year if Lithium prices really increase . I want to sell out and get trading better companies .
Fucking over it

Talking in circles

No news that anything is progressing

Zijin drilling the north without inpunity

No ML in sight

No deal in sight

No compromise in sight

No indication that we will relist anytime soon and shareholders continuing to be financially fucked over

Complete shitshow
According to 9card the jurisdictional challenge decision in the Zijin 15% of Dathcom case is due this month. This result will have massive flow on effects for all of the other cases except Dathomir particularly our case against Cominiere at the ICC that is also set to determine if the Dathcom JVA is still valid.

The Dathomir matter is slightly more complex to sort out due to the criminal complaint considerations within the DRC and without Cong conceding that the SPA's were completed correctly we will need to wait until final ICC decision later this year to have this resolved

Management are being pretty open about the fact that they want a negotiated outcome for all matters and to move the project forward. The question is are our enemies coming to the table or are they just trying to stall and see if they can find a way to negotiate with someone else instead.

Their latest plot after the attempted coup at the AGM spectacularly failed is to try and remove Nigel and John Clarke from the bod in the WA Supreme Court seemingly using a claim of 'oppressive conduct' regarding the northern area

If management had something viable from our enemies they would take it. But China are throwing the kitchen sink at trying to take Nigel's power away as he won't sell us down the river like that clown Huljich. If we give them an inch on their terms they will take the whole 221 carrés imo
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Fucking over it

Talking in circles

No news that anything is progressing

Zijin drilling the north without inpunity

No ML in sight

No deal in sight

No compromise in sight

No indication that we will relist anytime soon and shareholders continuing to be financially fucked over

Complete shitshow

Everything is spurious in nature, AVZ will take action in respect of these contraventions at the appropriate time.

dumb and dumber time GIF
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According to 9card the jurisdictional challenge decision in the Zijin 15% of Dathcom case is due this month. This result will have massive flow on effects for all of the other cases except Dathomir particularly our case against Cominiere at the ICC that is also set to determine if the Dathcom JVA is still valid.

The Dathomir matter is slightly more complex to sort out due to the criminal complaint considerations within the DRC and without Cong conceding that the SPA's were completed correctly we will need to wait until final ICC decision later this year to have this resolved

Management are being pretty open about the fact that they want a negotiated outcome for all matters and to move the project forward. The question is are our enemies coming to the table or are they just trying to stall and see if they can find a way to negotiate with someone else instead.

Their latest plot after the attempted coup at the AGM spectacularly failed is to try and remove Nigel and John Clarke from the bod in the WA Supreme Court seemingly using a claim of 'oppressive conduct' regarding the northern area

If management had something viable from our enemies they would take it. But China are throwing the kitchen sink at trying to take Nigel's power away as he won't sell us down the river like that clown Huljich. If we give them an inch on their terms they will take the whole 221 carrés imo
Their latest plot after the attempted coup at the AGM spectacularly failed is to try and remove Nigel and John Clarke from the bod in the WA Supreme Court seemingly using a claim of 'oppressive conduct' regarding the northern area

If we give them an inch on their terms they will take the whole 221 carrés

correct breaking bad GIF
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I’m new here, however know this. The BOD are doing every they can to secure a best result for all invested. What that ends up being remains to be seen. You all understand the environment Nigel and co are working in and the limits to what they can say publicly. In being tight lipped, our investment is being tightly held. Yes some people get anxious without news, but less is more right now.
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Fucking over it

Talking in circles

No news that anything is progressing

Zijin drilling the north with inpunity

No ML in sight

No deal in sight

No compromise in sight

No indication that we will relist anytime soon and shareholders continuing to be financially fucked over

Complete shitshow
I wholeheartedly agree.
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I wholeheartedly agree.

I wholeheartedly disagree.

This is exactly what Zijin want us to think. We need to let them know if they want our asset, they can peel it from our cold dead fingers.

To think that nothing is happening behind the scenes is insane. Do you think Nigel has 50 mil shares and is just sitting on his ass?
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I wholeheartedly disagree.

This is exactly what Zijin want us to think. We need to let them know if they want our asset, they can peel it from our cold dead fingers.

To think that nothing is happening behind the scenes is insane. Do you think Nigel has 50 mil shares and is just sitting on his ass?
What do you think is currently happening behind the scenes? The DRC doesn't have a government at present, I can't see any negotiations occurring at this point

We are likely just progressing our legal cases and otherwise sitting in a holding pattern, also awaiting news from Locke to confirm to our opponents that we have the funding to continue the fight

This is like the reason for a lack of AVZ communication, namely that there's nothing of note to update
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What do you think is currently happening behind the scenes? The DRC doesn't have a government at present, I can't see any negotiations occurring at this point

We are likely just progressing our legal cases and otherwise sitting in a holding pattern, also awaiting news from Locke to confirm to our opponents that we have the funding to continue the fight

This is like the reason for a lack of AVZ communication, namely that there's nothing of note to update

I'd say I'd agree with all of above, except I'd presume informal discussions are occurring as the government finalises formation. Although as far as I'm aware the ministers have been chosen (prime minister and one of the deputies posted on FB - not sure what finalisation process looks like.) We also know that the Green Lady was not voted in.

My comment more so was more so in regards to the spirit of what our mindset should be. Our property was stolen, Nigels property was stolen. Im encouraging anti defeatisim. I think we owe to BOD to give unwavering support, any wages they earn is pocket change to potential pay out.
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I wholeheartedly disagree.

This is exactly what Zijin want us to think. We need to let them know if they want our asset, they can peel it from our cold dead fingers.

To think that nothing is happening behind the scenes is insane. Do you think Nigel has 50 mil shares and is just sitting on his ass?
It’s great that we live in a democracy where we can respectfully disagree timbo.

Just because I agree with the nut doesn’t mean we want to hand over our mine to those cunts or go down without a fight.

But we are being fucked over regardless of how much I love AVZ and not just by the Chinese and it appears not many in senior positions seem to give a fuck.

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I'd say I'd agree with all of above, except I'd presume informal discussions are occurring as the government finalises formation. Although as far as I'm aware the ministers have been chosen (prime minister and one of the deputies posted on FB - not sure what finalisation process looks like.) We also know that the Green Lady was not voted in.

My comment more so was more so in regards to the spirit of what our mindset should be. Our property was stolen, Nigels property was stolen. Im encouraging anti defeatisim. I think we owe to BOD to give unwavering support, any wages they earn is pocket change to potential pay out.
I totally agree our mine was fucken stolen.
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I wholeheartedly disagree.

This is exactly what Zijin want us to think. We need to let them know if they want our asset, they can peel it from our cold dead fingers.

To think that nothing is happening behind the scenes is insane. Do you think Nigel has 50 mil shares and is just sitting on his ass?
“they can peel it from our cold dead fingers”. You win quote of the month. Lifted my mood greatly this Saturday AM.
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It’s great that we live in a democracy where we can respectfully disagree timbo.

Just because I agree with the nut doesn’t mean we want to hand over our mine to those cunts or go down without a fight.

But we are being fucked over regardless of how much I love AVZ and not just by the Chinese and it appears not many in senior positions seem to give a fuck.


Definitely no disrespect intended.

I can't say with certainty management have done a perfect job, but thats irrelevant now. I think every single person has to be in the mindset of $0 or $10 (or similar). Any weakness on our part, any stroke of division between SHs and management, the fuckwits would pounce.

Now whilst this strategy calls for the possibility of 0, I'd burn it to the ground before I'd let it out of our hands for a fair price. With 50 mil shares, I trust Nigel to do the same. Thieves can't be allowed to win, even after 2 years.
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Nah never can hurt us kunts.
I’ll hold hands with timbo and chain myself to our compound gate before I give into those wankers.

Awesome surf after my vent this morning.

Love ya timbo.
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Let me be equally frank with you. If you lack the spine to let our detractors openly sow discord amongst our ranks without pushback as they blatantly steal your money. Thats on you.

If you think letting the 100s, perhaps 1000s of non engaged investors read open lies/succumb to the bullshit that is being spewed. Your call. But Ive had multiple of my non engaged friends come to me and ask me is [insert bullshit] true because they read it from one of the fuckwits. It's been two years, they have an agenda, theyre not stopping. Feel free to put your head in the sand but.

Do you need 2 platforms that have the same users discussing the same news or think HC is some holy ground that literally can't be replicated at a place that you're having this very discussion. Bullshit you're now bringing here mind you.

You're not going to get some magic information on HC that couldn't be gained here or on twitter. I'll continue to treat it as a gutter, you're welcome to do whatever you like. Do you perhaps feel like getting on with the discussion at hand?
But Ive had multiple of my non engaged friends come to me and ask me is [insert bullshit] true because they read it from one of the fuckwits.

May i suggest your " non engaged friends" get engaged and read the TSE forum.....not the ill informed troll fest HC forum ?

Just a suggestion
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Everyone has the right to vent. It's healthy when going through something like this. But our enemies absolutely fucking love it when we show that we are hurting. This is the game they have made and seeing shareholders upset makes them feel like they're winning. The tomato on the crapper gets extra giddy and puts a couple of extra emojis in his posts when people are down.

What they don't like is being called out and evidence shown of how they are corrupt rat fucking parasites. I've defo got some issues with the bod's decisions based on available public evidence but agree with the vast majority of what they have done and voted for them at the AGM so I'll be here doing what I do no matter how long this shit show takes.

The south wasn't left alone by Zijin for nothing. MMGA didn't try and continue to try to get rid of Nigel for nothing. If this was as easy for the DRC government as them ignoring arbitration decisions they wouldn't be showing up to the hearings with over half a dozen law firms to represent them. We're still well and truly in the game. I've won poker tournaments from much worse positions than this.
You have mentioned a few times in the past about the 'Gringos' getting involved . I'm starting think now unless they do get involved AVZ is screwed. Hopefully the recent resource upgrade sparked greater interest/ urgency . F--k the Chinese off re Roche Dure and AVZ join forces with a US partner . Cath have shown their true colours so they can f--k off .
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I wholeheartedly agree.
I am often at that stage where my train of thought often leaves the station without me .
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Yeah i think chances of seeing something is low. We've definitely been fucked over and from that perspective I am ok if the company fucks everyone over too.

Have said in the past that if we don't get that win/win situation then i want everyone to lose/lose (DRC/China)
If FT wants to fulfill that battery hub vision that he keeps on blabbing about with no action, then Manono needs to get out of moth balls.........or he is going to look like a further fool than he already is.

International condemnation will continue , DRC reputation will continue to spiral in the mire.

Thats why i hold hope of a binding MOU to eventuate.

For us longs not to see something materialise in the affirmative, would mean AVZ management have failed in their duty to provide a suitable out come for its shareholders ( owners ) and will be crucified at the next AGM and confirm FT is a servant to China .......not his people .

The month of May would mean 24 months of suspension and potential removal from the ASX.

A deal must be achieved before then for peace of mind.

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Loss of earnings and moral damage as a result of the purported forgery was the reasoning given by the court for the 50m. This was reduced to 25m on appeal as it was considered 'too exorbitant'. Cong gets this money AND keeps his 15% according to these rulings pending appeal by Dathcom.

View attachment 56953

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View attachment 56955
Loss of earnings and moral damage as a result of the purported forgery was the reasoning given by the court for the 50m. This was reduced to 25m on appeal as it was considered 'too exorbitant'.

And just to repeat once again, I spoke to Graeme Johnston 2 yrs ago about this and he said it was full of shit, commented something like this........" if i was guilty and sentenced to 3 yrs jail, why am i here in Perth ? "

Who do you trust ..........Cong v Johnston ( AVZ bod ) ?

BTW, i used to work in commercial real estate, if a agreement by two parties is signed and witnessed, deposit banked , then its a binding legal document first and foremost.

I assume mining agreements are similar in principle, so therefore , Dathomir is fucked!

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