Bloody thankful ya hear to explain all this shit because honestly I don’t understand 90% written in lawyer speakClearly the criminal case brought by Cong against Graeme and Dathcom is causing problems with the DRC government. Although the MoM didn't cite it directly in her cancellation decree. The appeal judge for the criminal proceedings has suspended the sentence and reduced the fine pending AVZ / Dathcom's appeal to the Supreme Court and the outcome will depend on the result of arbitration.
AVZ say they are willing to do a deal with Cong if he withdraws the criminal complaint. But it's been months since they said that and nothing so far. That's because Cong doesn't actually give a fuck about more money and just wants to impede AVZ as much as possible for the benefit of his Chinese masters. The tomato on the crapper also hinted the criminal case will be dropped in exchange for the north indicating further collusion between our enemies.
Without a deal to remove the criminal complaint our only choice is to prove that Cong didn't follow the SPA's correctly in the appropriate forum of the ICC and then return to the highest court within the DRC and have the whole thing thrown out. But that won't happen until Q4 2024 at the earliest. If you voted for the current bod over MMGA at the AGM then you voted for this strategy so suck it the fuck up. At least you have me on your side haha
Gut still says fucked tho