AVZ Discussion 2022

Dave Evans

Omni Bridgeway down again. Bring on a class action against them



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Well for me personally I am tired of all this shit that these low life black fucken cunts and all the slant eyed asshole pricks have put us through the last 20 months , my life has been on hold and lets face it has the Australian government done one fucken thing to help , NO , so I have been quiet with my thoughts but now no longer , you the oz government want me to retire and not claim a pension ??? get off your fuckern ass and support your own people instead of sucking up to the Chinese , fuck them, fuck them off and also we might have a place to rent instead of them owing so many units in Sydney just for their kids to go to uni ,,, hummm are we seeing the big picture now they own us because the goverment wants the taxes , we are sold out , OK neil enough local vodka , but at least I am honest
Hi Pokok

Completely understand your frustration mate, completely agree with your sentiment regards to the perceived lack of support from our australian government and the sell out of our real estate to foreigners, but what i dont agree with..........is the racist connotations .

Not cool.

Just sayin.
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Nigel has had meetings with Tshisekedi thanks to Marius. Marius may have taken offence to comments by DLA Piper but doesn’t have an issue with Nigel and Marius has also condemned Kibeya Kabemba through this whole saga. Marius is now mending his relationship with Tshisekedi after a lot of mud was thrown at him.

I don’t think Tshisekedi had the power (or numbers) to do everything he wanted and he has had to deal with corrupt members of his parliament, including Guy Loando who pretends to support him.

I’m not suggesting he is squeaky clean obviously, all I’m doing is trying to post facts, and as far as election rigging, I’ve commented on that in the past, and you can either go with Tshisekedi, who gave the IGF more power which enabled us to present his evidence to the ICC and ICSID or you could go with Kutumbi who is a mining magnate, friend of Joseph Kabila and a former governor of Katanga. My thoughts on Katumbi are that he is also mates with Loando, Cong, Jerkoff and Allard so who do you prefer!

You can’t clean up endemic corruption in a single term and the DRC and other African countries wanting a greater slice of the battery metals pie is another issue we have to deal with on top of the years of deep seated corruption.

I don’t need counter arguments replying to this post, it’s just what I remember from watching things unfold and I basically don’t give a shit about bullshit comments and whinging, I’m only interested in facts.

Through this whole ordeal shareholders here have used this forum to vent and complain, and many of those never once posted one piece of information or research that was helpful to our cause.

I know you’re a good bloke BEISH and you make the effort to go to AGM’s and ask pertinent questions and bring the information back to this forum. That’s the kind of thing I keep my eye out for, not people venting their frustration and talking bullshit.

There’s a bloke on Twitter named August V who is very knowledgeable on politics who has explained quite a lot about the corruption in the DRC and how it would be impossible to eradicate it in one term in office.

I put his photo below and hopefully it won’t get time wasting responses to the fact he’s showing a photo of Tshisekedi with Biden because there’s already too many political comments on threads by people who don’t have the first idea about politics or economics

View attachment 52756

Tshisekedi is also incentivised to grant our ML and get Manono under construction because of Katumbi getting more votes in Tanganyika and Haut Katanga

View attachment 52758
I will be the first one to admit that i have had my fair share of whinges regards to FT and i will back off now cause you do make good points about " Rome wasnt built in a day " regards to corruption.

Katumbi was never a option for DRC president, as i agree with you.........he is corrupt to the core.

I have made my feelings clear in past posts as to who i would of liked to see become president, but they have no hope, so we have to now put the faith in the incumbent in the hope his mandate of 2019 finally comes to fruition in his second term.

Either that or ICSID / ICC arbitrations force the issue.....;)

Personally i prefer a expedited, amicable binding MOU to come to the fore so that there is no more time delays, to foster better relations and get on with the job of awakening the best lithium project on the planet..........Manono.

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I will be the first one to admit that i have had my fair share of whinges regards to FT and i will back off now cause you do make good points about " Rome wasnt built in a day " regards to corruption.

Katumbi was never a option for DRC president, as i agree with you.........he is corrupt to the core.

I have made my feelings clear in past posts as to who i would of liked to see become president, but they have no hope, so we have to now put the faith in the incumbent in the hope his mandate of 2019 finally comes to fruition in his second term.

Either that or ICSID / ICC arbitrations force the issue.....;)

Personally i prefer a expedited, amicable binding MOU to come to the fore so that there is no more time delays, to foster better relations and get on with the job of awakening the best lithium project on the planet..........Manono.

I prefer not to make any predictions regarding the DRC election, however I can remember Nigel mumbling something along the lines of: I expect FT to win.
I would say our people working in the DRC have a better feeling about what is happening on the ground in the DRC than me.

If FT wins, it would be in the DRC's interest he wins with a huge majority, so he can implement his policies and people can see him as a leader reappearing with a real set of cajones.
Also he can't use the argument that he is only still president, thanks to turtle head and the green dragon, amongst others.

To have a crack at eradicating corruption, he needs balls and a strong hand.

Will a strong FT help our cause? I bloody hope so.

If I was CKK, I wouldn't go near the 12th floor and risk free flying lessons.
Snakes don't fly well.
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I prefer not to make any predictions regarding the DRC election, however I can remember Nigel mumbling something along the lines of: I expect FT to win.
I would say our people working in the DRC have a better feeling about what is happening on the ground in the DRC than me.

If FT wins, it would be in the DRC's interest he wins with a huge majority, so he can implement his policies and people can see him as a leader reappearing with a real set of cajones.
Also he can't use the argument that he is only still president, thanks to turtle head and the green dragon, amongst others.

To have a crack at eradicating corruption, he needs balls and a strong hand.

Will a strong FT help our cause? I bloody hope so.

If I was CKK, I wouldn't go near the 12th floor and risk free flying lessons.
Snakes don't fly well.
If FT wins, it would be in the DRC's interest he wins with a huge majority, so he can implement his policies

Excellent point...;)(y)

No more excuses.
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Well for me personally I am tired of all this shit that these low life black fucken cunts and all the slant eyed asshole pricks have put us through the last 20 months , my life has been on hold and lets face it has the Australian government done one fucken thing to help , NO , so I have been quiet with my thoughts but now no longer , you the oz government want me to retire and not claim a pension ??? get off your fuckern ass and support your own people instead of sucking up to the Chinese , fuck them, fuck them off and also we might have a place to rent instead of them owing so many units in Sydney just for their kids to go to uni ,,, hummm are we seeing the big picture now they own us because the goverment wants the taxes , we are sold out , OK neil enough local vodka , but at leat I
Hi Pokok

Completely understand your frustration mate, completely agree with your sentiment regards to the perceived lack of support from our australian government and the sell out of our real estate to foreigners, but what i dont agree with..........is the racist connotations .

Not cool.

Just sayin.
I agree the comments were out of line.
AVZ have worked hard to build relationships with many good people in the DRC. Racist comments serve no benefit to shareholders.
We have already seen how Klaus has exaggerated and blown comments out of proportion to falsely reflect views noted on social media.
I don’t mean to have a crack Pokok as I get you are frustrated like the rest of us.
I am looking forward to the ML being issued so AVZ can finally showcase our experience and friendliness of Aussies for the win-win relationship.
The mental frustrations are killer but with so many positives let’s hope 2024 is our year.
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When is the ICC outcome?
Anyone know?. I thought it should have been announced before Xmas.
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Hi Pokok

Completely understand your frustration mate, completely agree with your sentiment regards to the perceived lack of support from our australian government and the sell out of our real estate to foreigners, but what i dont agree with..........is the racist connotations .

Not cool.

Just sayin.
Hi Beisha
Not racist at all just my thinking , also i'm married to an asian with 3 mixed race kids and she agrees with me ,, totally sorry I offended anybody
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When is the ICC outcome?
Anyone know?. I thought it should have been announced before Xmas.
The ICSID decision for the requests from AVZ / Dathcom in the provisional hearing on December 11th was expected by xmas (14 day limit on decision from memory). Still no word. Gringos work this week so could possibly be news before new year.
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Hi Beisha
Not racist at all just my thinking , also i'm married to an asian with 3 mixed race kids and she agrees with me ,, totally sorry I offended anybody
and I got a smack on the bum from admin , so now I will keep my thoughts to myself and stalk in the background ,, but when all the photos of the people getting together for lunch to take leadership off BOD prior to AGM I am not on my Pat Malone with my thinking but yes we are all in this together , lets see what March brings
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Biding my Time 1971
Interesting find this morning while browsing through Nabtrade news, IDA (Indiani Resources Limited) has been going through ICSID with Tanzania for dramas similar to ours has accepted ICSID findings and agreed via letter from the Attorney General to pay the amount owing currently 118 Million + interest.
PDF attached from Nabtrade for those interested

It's taken them 3 years to pass through ISCID process for this one, a likely template for our use, if it goes the full distance?

It's inaccurate to say the case is closed at this point - Tanzania have filed for an annulment, (but appear to be on shaky ground). I'm guessing the ad hoc tribunal suggested they wouldn't even contemplate this request for an annulment, unless Tanzania committed to all the penalties and will accept the conditions of the awards, prior to the hearing (which is what IDA's announcement was all about)

Thanks for posting Bray, a good example of the full process for us to be guided by

Fucken hell
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obe wan

Cominiere now returning to the Balthazar waivering the north document again . Obviously feeling some sort of pressure and back to other avenues I.e. seizing the north .

Cominiere must be coming through as looking like an absolute corrupt bag of shit ; let’s seize the north and let’s increase the boundary perimeter of the north , to also give us some of the south and just claim no work had been complete on this section, obviously the no work theory has been evaporated and at least should revert the boundary to its original position .

It does show how much cominiere actually contributed to the project and paid fuck all attention to anything that went on in the project ; many of the early shareholders will remember a number of the bores which were drilled up in the north actually happened early in the piece where Dathcom were drilling around the camp in a bit of a two pronged approach; 1 was to identify the extension cut off whilst also trying to find a sterile piece of land where camp Dathcom could be built .

I remember when they were carrying out the drilling in the north looking for the plot to build the camp and the company was saying (wording along the lines of ) -

“we were pushing out the drilling to find the edges whilst also trying to find sterile land to build the camp and we were still hitting 175m+ “

Obviously exciting news from a mining perspective fell on the ears of cominiere

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It's taken them 3 years to pass through ISCID process for this one, a likely template for our use, if it goes the full distance?

It's inaccurate to say the case is closed at this point - Tanzania have filed for an annulment, (but appear to be on shaky ground). I'm guessing the ad hoc tribunal suggested they wouldn't even contemplate this request for an annulment, unless Tanzania committed to all the penalties and will accept the conditions of the awards, prior to the hearing (which is what IDA's announcement was all about)

Thanks for posting Bray, a good example of the full process for us to be guided by

Fucken hell
Good to see the process works no matter how long it takes, couldnt find their projects value vs what thier $100+ mil compensation payout was, even in the announcement it mentioned a one billion dollar loan from world bank.

Bit different from the multi billion dollar claim for Manono.
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Cominiere now returning to the Balthazar waivering the north document again . Obviously feeling some sort of pressure and back to other avenues I.e. seizing the north .

Cominiere must be coming through as looking like an absolute corrupt bag of shit ; let’s seize the north and let’s increase the boundary perimeter of the north , to also give us some of the south and just claim no work had been complete on this section, obviously the no work theory has been evaporated and at least should revert the boundary to its original position .

It does show how much cominiere actually contributed to the project and paid fuck all attention to anything that went on in the project ; many of the early shareholders will remember a number of the bores which were drilled up in the north actually happened early in the piece where Dathcom were drilling around the camp in a bit of a two pronged approach; 1 was to identify the extension cut off whilst also trying to find a sterile piece of land where camp Dathcom could be built .

I remember when they were carrying out the drilling in the north looking for the plot to build the camp and the company was saying (wording along the lines of ) -

“we were pushing out the drilling to find the edges whilst also trying to find sterile land to build the camp and we were still hitting 175m+ “

Obviously exciting news from a mining perspective fell on the ears of cominiere

View attachment 52852
The MoM seized the tenement

Then Cominiere sold the new north to its JV with Zijin

The idea that Cominiere is acting as some rogue agent without backing all the way up to the top of pride rock is misguided imo



“If he [Tshisekedi] feels like he needs to go ahead with some sort of a deal on the north with Zijin, then we’ll sit down and talk about it,”
- Nigel
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Master of Quan
Cominiere now returning to the Balthazar waivering the north document again . Obviously feeling some sort of pressure and back to other avenues I.e. seizing the north .

Cominiere must be coming through as looking like an absolute corrupt bag of shit ; let’s seize the north and let’s increase the boundary perimeter of the north , to also give us some of the south and just claim no work had been complete on this section, obviously the no work theory has been evaporated and at least should revert the boundary to its original position .

It does show how much cominiere actually contributed to the project and paid fuck all attention to anything that went on in the project ; many of the early shareholders will remember a number of the bores which were drilled up in the north actually happened early in the piece where Dathcom were drilling around the camp in a bit of a two pronged approach; 1 was to identify the extension cut off whilst also trying to find a sterile piece of land where camp Dathcom could be built .

I remember when they were carrying out the drilling in the north looking for the plot to build the camp and the company was saying (wording along the lines of ) -

“we were pushing out the drilling to find the edges whilst also trying to find sterile land to build the camp and we were still hitting 175m+ “

Obviously exciting news from a mining perspective fell on the ears of cominiere

View attachment 52852
What needs to happen for Cominiere to actually take notice of whats happening? So far losing all ICC/ISCID judgments yet zero fucks given.
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obe wan

The MoM seized the tenement

Then Cominiere sold the new north to its JV with Zijin

The idea that Cominiere is acting as some rogue agent without backing all the way up to the top of pride rock is misguided imo

View attachment 52857
View attachment 52858

“If he [Tshisekedi] feels like he needs to go ahead with some sort of a deal on the north with Zijin, then we’ll sit down and talk about it,”
- Nigel
Yes true , but I think the point is that Cominiere are shedding the skin that AVZ are out of everything / lost the whole pie and now reverting back to the North South slice ; Cominiere clearly got caught on the hop when the results from the Northern tenement came out ; they’re initial reaction on X when it was announced clearly indicated a large direct hit.

Selling the North to Zijin is one thing , but also grabbing a chunk of the south and sliding it onto the plate containing the Northern like no one’s noticed , including it in the deal under the deal claiming it’s part of the north as no work had been undertaken there …. Only to be handed results for 170mt in the same area is pretty fucked up .

The initial North South split boundary issued through Cami clearly had the last bore collar as the point of devision ; AVZ announcement clearly shows significant works carried out in the area ; also shows to a lesser extent works carried out further up north I.e. work chip sampling , but activities non the less whilst we carried out $100m + worth of work to the granted tenement i.e. 221 Carres

“The Carriere de l’Este Maiden Mineral Resource was estimated over a 1.2
km strike length. The pegmatite body joins with the Malata Pegmatite to the
north-east “

The mention of Malata Pegmatite may suggest throwing the rats a bone and there’s a significant Pegmatite that could be dealt . It maybe wise that whilst Zijin are on site , that they relocate a couple of their rigs to the Malata Pegmatite zone and draw some data out of that area before it all potentially gets frozen , so as they know what they potentially can get there hands on , as part of a settling deal
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Yes true , but I think the point is that Cominiere are shedding the skin that AVZ are out of everything / lost the whole pie and now reverting back to the North South slice ; Cominiere clearly got caught on the hop when the results from the Northern tenement came out ; they’re initial reaction on X when it was announced clearly indicated a large direct hit.

Selling the North to Zijin is one thing , but also grabbing a chunk of the south and sliding it onto the plate containing the Northern like no one’s noticed , including it in the deal under the deal claiming it’s part of the north as no work had been undertaken there …. Only to be handed results for 170mt in the same area is pretty fucked up .

The initial North South split boundary issued through Cami clearly had the last bore collar as the point of devision ; AVZ announcement clearly shows significant works carried out in the area ; also shows to a lesser extent works carried out further up north I.e. work chip sampling , but activities non the less whilst we carried out $100m + worth of work to the granted tenement i.e. 221 Carres

“The Carriere de l’Este Maiden Mineral Resource was estimated over a 1.2
km strike length. The pegmatite body joins with the Malata Pegmatite to the
north-east “

The mention of Malata Pegmatite may suggest throwing the rats a bone and there’s a significant Pegmatite that could be dealt . It maybe wise that whilst Zijin are on site , that they relocate a couple of their rigs to the Malata Pegmatite zone and draw some data out of that area before it all potentially gets frozen , so as they know what they potentially can get there hands on , as part of a settling deal
All of the drilling results were previously released


AVZ management are obviously confident that they still own the north. They have used similar language in previous announcements and at the AGM last year.


But it's pretty clear that none of this really matters and everything depends on what Simba wants unless we want to spend years chasing this through international arbitration

This resource estimate was released for negotiation purposes imo
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All of the drilling results were previously released

View attachment 52864

AVZ management are obviously confident that they still own the north. They have used similar language in previous announcements and at the AGM last year.

View attachment 52865

But it's pretty clear that none of this really matters and everything depends on what Simba wants unless we want to spend years chasing this through international arbitration

This resource estimate was released for negotiation purposes imo
I think the resource estimate for CDL was released by AVZ with a two pronged purpose.

a) A salvo to the antagonists that a fair amount of exploration work has been done to prove up 170m/t, so this "Manono lithium JV" is in breach plus its a fact file regards to ICSID arbitration.



And the statement above suggests as you mentioned..........a bargaining / negotiation carrot aka MOU.

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I think the resource estimate for CDL was released by AVZ with a two pronged purpose.

a) A salvo to the antagonists that a fair amount of exploration work has been done to prove up 170m/t, so this "Manono lithium JV" is in breach plus its a fact file regards to ICSID arbitration.


View attachment 52870

And the statement above suggests as you mentioned..........a bargaining / negotiation carrot aka MOU.

The MoU as it stands doesn't include Zijin having the north otherwise there wouldn't be a need for new discussions

If that is what Simba wants (to avoid arbitration from Zijin) then we don't have a choice which is why Nigel is ready to sit down and talk about it imo

If we are going to sell some or all of our rights to the north then best to have a valuation available as a starting point for the new negotiations
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