AVZ Discussion 2022


Should be Fucking AVZ's share price by now!!

View attachment 51135

be nice to time re-entry into the market with an uptick in lit markets.... sigh dreams
And seeing as though it's Friday and the bar is open .. .. .. .. ..

The beginnings of a mulberry Gin about a month ago, getting set for Xmas lunch!

View attachment 51139

What's your cocktail name for a #Friday night out? #Wine #WineTime | Cocktail  names, Funny names, Funny name generator
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Cumquat Cap

I agree, those greedy pricks will never want equitable outcomes as AVZ don't pay bribes.

Unfortunately I think they will have to be spanked the proper way to learn how contracts work.

Fucking numpties
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Hates a beer
As they say in the classics MoneyBags, Look Eastwoods and you'll find your answers.......
in the library
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As they say in the classics MoneyBags, Look Eastwoods and you'll find your answers.......

Or you could look at the 2018 Annual Report and see who held a lot of options they bought cheap, then sold too early and have been crying about it ever since

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As they say in the classics MoneyBags, Look Eastwoods and you'll find your answers.......
cleverly played there Doc
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How long do the the things that Felix say will happen take to reach tangible outcomes?

Asking for 95 million Congolese citizens plus 20,000 AVZ shareholders

View attachment 51131
Sigh. If only the DRC had an untapped, project ready lithium resource that could it could bank USD equivalent hundreds of million tax dollars with! I genuinely feel sorry for the citizens of the DRC being let down so badly by their government. It should be the miracle economy of Africa. It's bats*it crazy the MoM was actually coming out here to 'promote mining investment in her country 🤪. From the sublime to the ridiculous...
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be nice to time re-entry into the market with an uptick in lit markets.... sigh dreams

What's your cocktail name for a #Friday night out? #Wine #WineTime | Cocktail  names, Funny names, Funny name generator's your cocktail name for a #Friday night out? #Wine #WineTime | Cocktail  names, Funny names, Funny name generator
well i wouldn't say no to some deadman's cum
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Biding my Time 1971
F-May is far more sophisticated, a dash of salt on the rim too
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Cruiser I appreciated that info, as well as (@BEISHA info) on the DRC elections. wish I’d saved all the information I had on the elections being rigged earlier this year but there was too much other info to collect at the time. I do vaguely remember $3million changing hands to have officials at voting stations changed and Sama Lukonde being involved.

I notice Lukonde has been keeping a low profile lately but I’m too interested in other things to follow up on what sneaky business he is up to, although I suspect he’s up to no good…. Possibly with Adele Kayinda and Guy Loando.

LOCKY82, a few here know who ‘the ghost’ (der geist) is, and he has gone out of his way to make sure his name can’t be put on the forum (isn’t that right shane) 🤫

The main thing I remember about him is he used to get Cong’s sandwiches for him and no doubt still has his number. His biggest downfall might be that with all his narcissistic and egocentric personalities he ends up completely losing sight of reality
In other words he's an narcissistic wierdo wanker of epic proportions. I don't even know how he lives with himself, he must irritate the fuck out of himself all day long every fucking day, 365 days a year.
Reading the fucking nonsensical dribble that he posts makes me want to gouge my own eyes out at this point. I've had the troll fuckwit on ignore for a long time now and any self respecting AVZ shareholder should do the same imo.
Life is way too short to put up with anybody like that. Absolute conniving, untrustworthy filth with some sort of bogey man fucked up agenda that's implemented in a demented insidious language designed to do any sane persons head in.
Fucking insufferable. Fuck off!

This fucking shit is fucked up enough already without the cacophony of the fucking trolls, fuckwits and wankers lurking everywhere, spewing verbal diarrhoea out of their puckerd arse mouths and fucking shit for brains.

Imo at this point bring on ICSID, ICC. Teach the fucking criminals a lesson in moral fortitude they'll never forget.
No more pussy footing around, let's tear them all a new ass hole and then bend them over and tear them another one.

And on that note I'm having a break until we get our next ruling, verdict or otherwise news of progress. (y)
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The Fox

Or you could look at the 2018 Annual Report and see who held a lot of options they bought cheap, then sold too early and have been crying about it ever since

View attachment 51143
Poor Shane didn't have the coin to exercise his options, lost his inheritance on an ASX "sure thing" now lives on baked beans. Hew will never recover, will you Shane. 😂
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In other words he's an narcissistic wierdo wanker of epic proportions. I don't even know how he lives with himself, he must irritate the fuck out of himself all day long every fucking day, 365 days a year.
Reading the fucking nonsensical dribble that he posts makes me want to gouge my own eyes out at this point. I've had the troll fuckwit on ignore for a long time now and any self respecting AVZ shareholder should do the same imo.
Life is way too short to put up with anybody like that. Absolute conniving, untrustworthy filth with some sort of bogey man fucked up agenda that's implemented in a demented insidious language designed to do any sane persons head in.
Fucking insufferable. Fuck off!

This fucking shit is fucked up enough already without the cacophony of the fucking trolls, fuckwits and wankers lurking everywhere, spewing verbal diarrhoea out of their puckerd arse mouths and fucking shit for brains.

Imo at this point bring on ICSID, ICC. Teach the fucking criminals a lesson in moral fortitude they'll never forget.
No more pussy footing around, let's tear them all a new ass hole and then bend them over and tear them another one.

And on that note I'm having a break until we get our next ruling, verdict or otherwise news of progress. (y)

Well as I am the original holder, and Winenuts and TITS haven’t contributed towards promoting and upholding the esteemed honour of the Mantle for some time, I award this to you Sam

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Well as I am the original holder, and Winenuts and TITS haven’t contributed towards promoting and upholding the esteemed honour of the Mantle for some time, I award this to you Sam

View attachment 51167
Fuck yes , he should have his fucken mouth washed out with fucken soap for using the work fuck 😄
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Just one last thing 🤭

#RDC The anger of the population in the face of an incompetent leader.
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Just one last thing 🤭

#RDC The anger of the population in the face of an incompetent leader.

Wouldn't matter who their President was . They are all corrupt and owned by China .

There are 195 countries in the world​

Here are the winners for the Top 10 Poorest Countries in the World for 2023. Drum Roll Please.​



5Democratic Republic of the Congo
3Central Afrian Republic
1South Sudan

Yes that's right ladies and gentlemen ,the DRC is more f--ked than Ethiopia , PNG or even Haiti . That is despite having over US$24 trillion worth mineral wealth .

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In other words he's an narcissistic wierdo wanker of epic proportions. I don't even know how he lives with himself, he must irritate the fuck out of himself all day long every fucking day, 365 days a year.
Reading the fucking nonsensical dribble that he posts makes me want to gouge my own eyes out at this point. I've had the troll fuckwit on ignore for a long time now and any self respecting AVZ shareholder should do the same imo.
Life is way too short to put up with anybody like that. Absolute conniving, untrustworthy filth with some sort of bogey man fucked up agenda that's implemented in a demented insidious language designed to do any sane persons head in.
Fucking insufferable. Fuck off!

This fucking shit is fucked up enough already without the cacophony of the fucking trolls, fuckwits and wankers lurking everywhere, spewing verbal diarrhoea out of their puckerd arse mouths and fucking shit for brains.

Imo at this point bring on ICSID, ICC. Teach the fucking criminals a lesson in moral fortitude they'll never forget.
No more pussy footing around, let's tear them all a new ass hole and then bend them over and tear them another one.

And on that note I'm having a break until we get our next ruling, verdict or otherwise news of progress. (y)
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Provisional Measures - ICSID Convention Arbitration (2022 Rules)​

Except as the parties otherwise agree, the Tribunal may recommend any provisional measures necessary to preserve the parties’ rights (Article 47 of the ICSID Convention, Arbitration Rule 47).
For example, a party may request provisional measures to:
  • prevent action that is likely to cause current or imminent harm to that party or prejudice to the arbitral process (e.g., preventing prejudicial interference by one party)
  • maintain or restore the status quo (e.g., staying parallel domestic or arbitral proceedings, or staying the execution of administrative decisions)
  • preserve evidence that is relevant to the resolution of the dispute.
Provisional measures may be sought at any time during the proceeding. The party requesting provisional measures must specify the rights to be preserved, the measures requested, and the circumstances that require such measures (Arbitration Rule 47(2)(a)). The Tribunal determines the briefing schedule in consultation with the parties, unless the request is made before the constitution of the Tribunal, in which case the Secretary-General of ICSID fixes the time limits for written submissions (Arbitration Rule 47(2)(c)).
The Tribunal may hold a hearing but is not required to, and it must issue its decision within 30 days after its constitution (if all submissions have been previously filed) or after the last submission on the request (if that submission is filed after Tribunal constitution).


The Tribunal must consider all relevant circumstances when deciding whether to recommend a provisional measures. In particular, the Tribunal must consider whether the measures are necessary and urgent, and the effect that they may have on each party (Arbitration Rule 47(3)).

Parties must disclose any material change in the circumstances upon which the provisional measures were recommended (Arbitration Rule 47(5)).

The Tribunal may recommend, modify or revoke provisional measures on its own initiative or at the request of a party after giving each party an opportunity to present its observations (Arbitration Rule 47(6)).

A party can request provisional measures from a judicial or other authority provided that it is authorized to do so under the instrument of consent.

Requests for Security for Costs are addressed pursuant to Arbitration Rule 53.
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(Double tap for english conversion)

No guarantee that FT will win the up coming election on December 20..........going by this aricle.

For all the reasons i have articulated in the past...;)

Will there actually be a election ?

Some commentary about lack of transparency, faulty electoral register, defective voter cards, untraceable mapping of polling stations, suggests..........maybe not. :unsure:

Why am i not surprised ?
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Constant shitfuckery

Totally over it

Partly I invested because Felix was in the picture

Now trying to dis-invest because Felix is in the picture

Has not done one thing I've seen supporting a mandate to deal with corruption

Total opposite

Weak as piss and is just about speaking Mandarin from my observation

I really feel for the people of the DRC

So let down by their leaders

Fuck me
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