95% certain it will stop this shit in its tracks.... but you know those cunts, only tim will tell, hoping it is very aoon though.Fantastic summary - do we think ICSID provisional measures (assume we're successful based on ICC winning) would be enough to stop Cominiere/Z drilling on our tenement?
IMO the North is long gone . My argument months ago(along with a few others ) was give them CDL if it means we can keep RD . Looks to me like that might now be the compromise we have to make . At this point I'd rather a decent offer $$$$ if it's an option ( above ATH ). No one is going to trust these c--ts even if we get a ML . DRC /China can drag this out for as long as they want . Nigel needs secure and guarantee every Share Holder's investment ASAP .
If you go into the negotiations from a position of weakness, i don't even think we will be able to retain 75% of RD.... I mentioned the other day Geca is renegotiating their deal with Glencore on copper... DRC upping to 28% stake just because.
We are gaining leverage every day, what we have going on is the best play in my view - its grater wank painful, but the truth.
Your assumption is that DRC, C and ZJ would even offer something resembling RD 75%, which has never even been tabled. Getting the cold shoulder pre-ICSID, and only getting negotiations after ramping up is the proof in the pudding.
Might aswell have voted MMGA in if we just wanted to keep RD, herp derp.
Strictly IMO, everyone has a right to their own opinion, but hindsight for alot of people isn't even 20/20 in this instance.