AVZ Discussion 2022


Biding my Time 1971
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Cumquat Cap

So Zijin are drilling the north, our Management seem to not be phased by this but it worries me greatly - they are purposely making themselves entrenched yet Nigel says no worries, assume that's just a front and do not trust his judgement given what he has said the last 2 years.

These guys care little for international laws its fkn mental
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Does anybody have the court cases timeline available, there was an amazing post but I didn't save it.


Claim: AVZ does not recognize Zijin as a shareholder in Dathcom (15% ROFR)

Sep 2023 - hearing on jurisdiction completed
Nov 2023 - submissions on jurisdiction
Feb 2024 - verdict on jurisdiction - likely to rule in our favour

Nov 2023 - emergency submission to throw the case out in light of 15775 and the return of shares in Dathcom.
Dec 2023 - ruling on emergency submission to throw the case out - pending, but unlikely

AVZ v Dathomir - ICC

Claim: 10% from Dathomir which has been illegally terminated

Oct 2023 - provisional measures requested by AVZ to remove Dathomir's request to dissolve DATHCOM JV (given it is no longer part of the JV)
Verdict pending, highly likely to rule in our favour, Jan 2024

AVZ v Dathomir - ICC

Claim: 5% from Dathomir which has been illegally terminated

DLA requested consolidation with the above case to address all 15% at once.
Verdict will likely come alongside the provisional measures, likely to consolidate.

AVZ v Cominiere - ICC

Claim: Cominiere illegally terminated JVA and breached contractual obligations (including ROFR)

May 2023 - Emergency injunction 1 granted, 50k euros daily penalty for any action cominiere takes with adverse effects to Dathcom
Nov 2023 - Emergency injunction 2 granted, additional 50K penalty which now includes 15775 and restricts cominiere from working on the tenement
Dec 2023 - Panel constituted and hearing on measures for enforcement.
Verdict likely to come mid Jan 2024 on the enforcement of Emergency Injunction, before going into other remedies and issues

Cominiere + ZJ v AVZ - ICC

Claim: AVZ triggered ministerial decree 00031, and detractors claiming damages of $1b

Sep 2023 - ICC refused ZJ's request to delay and consolidate case with ZJ v AVZ.
Dec 2023 - Tribunal to be constituted followed by submissions
Verdict won't come till late 2024 - pure fund drainer IMO


Claim: DRC breached mining code and unlawful termination of 13359

Oct 2023 - AVZ files emergency request to maintain status quo
Nov 2023 - ICSID takes note of ICC and issues provisional measures to be heard in Dec 2023
Dec 2023 - first virtual hearing 11th Dec
Verdict will come before Christmas to order complete stop of development at Manono by companies other than Dathcom.
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So Zijin are drilling the north, our Management seem to not be phased by this but it worries me greatly - they are purposely making themselves entrenched yet Nigel says no worries, assume that's just a front and do not trust his judgement given what he has said the last 2 years.

These guys care little for international laws its fkn mental
It's the way Fasken has been arguing the cases - ZJ is not part of the proceedings, so the Arbitrator does not have the authority to order their subsidiary to stop works. Cominiere sitting idle but ZJ continuing to drill is technically not in breach of the injunction etc.

But ZJ communicating with Cominiere and CKK the dumbfuck keeps posting 'their' magnificent work on X.... So let's get to enforcement of EA and then see who's laughing.

My comment on Fasken getting in on ICSID being not ideal for us still remains true, but i don't think ICSID will say it doesn't have jursidiction.... So bring on provisional measures from ICSID and then apply international legal pressure on ZJ not just Cominere.
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Cumquat Cap

Fantastic summary - do we think ICSID provisional measures (assume we're successful based on ICC winning) would be enough to stop Cominiere/Z drilling on our tenement?
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So Zijin are drilling the north, our Management seem to not be phased by this but it worries me greatly - they are purposely making themselves entrenched yet Nigel says no worries, assume that's just a front and do not trust his judgement given what he has said the last 2 years.

These guys care little for international laws its fkn mental
IMO the North is long gone . My argument months ago(along with a few others ) was give them CDL if it means we can keep RD . Looks to me like that might now be the compromise we have to make . At this point I'd rather a decent offer $$$$ if it's an option ( above ATH ). No one is going to trust these c--ts even if we get a ML . DRC /China can drag this out for as long as they want . Nigel needs to secure and guarantee every Share Holder's investment ASAP and get us the f--k out of this situation . I re- watched the interview with Cantor Fitzgerald last night . Nigel's glowing report of the DRC gov and our relationship with them almost made me throw up . IMO
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Fantastic summary - do we think ICSID provisional measures (assume we're successful based on ICC winning) would be enough to stop Cominiere/Z drilling on our tenement?
95% certain it will stop this shit in its tracks.... but you know those cunts, only tim will tell, hoping it is very aoon though.

IMO the North is long gone . My argument months ago(along with a few others ) was give them CDL if it means we can keep RD . Looks to me like that might now be the compromise we have to make . At this point I'd rather a decent offer $$$$ if it's an option ( above ATH ). No one is going to trust these c--ts even if we get a ML . DRC /China can drag this out for as long as they want . Nigel needs secure and guarantee every Share Holder's investment ASAP .

If you go into the negotiations from a position of weakness, i don't even think we will be able to retain 75% of RD.... I mentioned the other day Geca is renegotiating their deal with Glencore on copper... DRC upping to 28% stake just because.

We are gaining leverage every day, what we have going on is the best play in my view - its grater wank painful, but the truth.

Your assumption is that DRC, C and ZJ would even offer something resembling RD 75%, which has never even been tabled. Getting the cold shoulder pre-ICSID, and only getting negotiations after ramping up is the proof in the pudding.

Might aswell have voted MMGA in if we just wanted to keep RD, herp derp.

Strictly IMO, everyone has a right to their own opinion, but hindsight for alot of people isn't even 20/20 in this instance.
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Dave Evans

IMO the North is long gone . My argument months ago(along with a few others ) was give them CDL if it means we can keep RD . Looks to me like that might now be the compromise we have to make . At this point I'd rather a decent offer $$$$ if it's an option ( above ATH ). No one is going to trust these c--ts even if we get a ML . DRC /China can drag this out for as long as they want . Nigel needs to secure and guarantee every Share Holder's investment ASAP and get us the f--k out of this situation . IMO

Ahh Wombat, ever the optimist. I wish you had stopped after your joke about where to bury the cash. You’ve been wanting that takeover offer for as long as I can remember. Starting back at around $0.20 if I remember correctly.

No doubt you’ll be telling your grandkids there’s no such thing as Santaclause
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Ahh Wombat, ever the optimist. I wish you had stopped after your joke about where to bury the cash. You’ve been wanting that takeover offer for as long as I can remember. Starting back at around $0.20 if I remember correctly.

No doubt you’ll be telling your grandkids there’s no such thing as Santaclause
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Dave Evans

As you can see, the area my finger is pointing to is the South China Sea

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95% certain it will stop this shit in its tracks.... but you know those cunts, only tim will tell, hoping it is very aoon though.

If you go into the negotiations from a position of weakness, i don't even think we will be able to retain 75% of RD.... I mentioned the other day Geca is renegotiating their deal with Glencore on copper... DRC upping to 28% stake just because.

We are gaining leverage every day, what we have going on is the best play in my view - its grater wank painful, but the truth.

Your assumption is that DRC, C and ZJ would even offer something resembling RD 75%, which has never even been tabled. Getting the cold shoulder pre-ICSID, and only getting negotiations after ramping up is the proof in the pudding.

Might aswell have voted MMGA in if we just wanted to keep RD, herp derp.

Strictly IMO, everyone has a right to their own opinion, but hindsight for alot of people isn't even 20/20 in this instance.
"Might as well have voted MMGA in if we just wanted to keep RD, herp derp."

Mate if MMGA could have 100% guaranteed RD and the ML they might have stood a chance .
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Ahh Wombat, ever the optimist. I wish you had stopped after your joke about where to bury the cash. You’ve been wanting that takeover offer for as long as I can remember. Starting back at around $0.20 if I remember correctly.

No doubt you’ll be telling your grandkids there’s no such thing as Santaclause
Nothing wrong with a TO at the right price .

As for my grandkids . The $200k I have invested in AVZ is for them .
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Dave Evans

Not funny Dave .

Normally I try and post information and facts rather than opinions Wombat. But here’s a couple of my opinions

Cong and Jerkoff both sold out cheaply and have sellers remorse.

Der Geist (SE) also sold early and has sellers remorse. He was mates with Jerkoff, and I suspect through Jerkoff he found out about Cong’s and Cominiere’s corrupt plans, which is why he sold in the $0.60’s and was looking to buy back in cheaper. The price didn’t drop below that and if you put two and two together it won’t be hard to work out why he is dirty.

You on the other hand seem to be remorseful because you didn’t sell. I bet you if I go back a couple of years on the crapper you were wishing for a takeover offer at about $0.24. You had all the way from there up to over $1.20 to sell. Not only that, you have also said that you are well off and weren’t that bothered if you lost out on AVZ.

All the above are just my opinions but generally my opinions are based on facts and what I remember. If you spent more time researching the facts instead of always focusing on the negatives, not only might you feel better, you might also make someone else on here feel better

And now, as I suspect this post was probably a waste of time, you know why I mostly stick to facts and not opinions
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Normally I try and post information and facts rather than opinions Wombat. But here’s a couple of my opinions

Cong and Jerkoff both sold out cheaply and have sellers remorse.

Der Geist (SE) also sold early and has sellers remorse. He was mates with Jerkoff, and I suspect through Jerkoff he found out about Cong’s and Cominiere’s corrupt plans, which is why he sold in the $0.60’s and was looking to buy back in cheaper. The price never dropped below that and if you put two and two together it won’t be hard to work out why he is dirty.

You on the other hand seem to be remorseful because you didn’t sell. I bet you if I go back a couple of years on the crapper you were wishing for a takeover offer at about $0.24. You had all the way from there up to over $1.20 to sell. Not only that, you have also said that you are well off and weren’t that bothered if you lost out on AVZ.

All the above are just my opinions but generally my opinions are based on facts and what I remember. If you spent more time researching the facts instead of always focusing on the negatives, not only might you feel better, you might also make someone else on here feel better

And now, as I suspect this post was probably a waste of time, you know why I mostly stick to facts and not opinions
A TO at 24c ? I highly doubt that was me . I was still buying at 24 cents . I think my highest purchase was 26 cents .

Hey we all have sellers remorse . Everyone of us . It goes with the territory . From memory you have 3million shares at a very low average .

Not about being well off or not needing the cash . When someone f--ks you over it does get under your skin after a while . I want justice.

Opinions . I like to read fellow SH opinions . I like to know how they are feeling . How they are coping . What their expectations are as this sh1t fight evolves . I appreciate also the work you and others do . You put me on ignore . Did you miss me ?
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"Might as well have voted MMGA in if we just wanted to keep RD, herp derp."

Mate if MMGA could have 100% guaranteed RD and the ML they might have stood a chance .

Lets for arguments sake, say that BOD tabled an offer in March this year "We will give up the north, but you give us the south". At a time when we didn't have any traction or leverage from ICSID (other than a case being filed), and a bunch of ICC cases with no constituted tribunal or emergency rulings, what do you think the result would be? You think we'd be on our merry fucking way right now?

Could you imagine going in with nothing except the line "we are australian, we are law abiding and we developed the mine, you and the Chinese are all fucking us" and trying to negotiate this?

Even with our current legal leverage, we are in this position which is a grater wank at best. But we have a higher possibility to get what you want and even more in my view if we go through with the plan, because i'm not a pessimistic piece of shit.

No one can give you a guarantee when working in the DRC, MMGA would have implemented what you are suggesting, opening the BOD and the company to more legal issues (according to ann).

But yes, lets keep shitting on the current game plan and dream of getting 100% guarantees from the DRC to give us RD in its entirety and ceding the north to the Chinese without any leverage, that's fucking super helpful.

Do i like our current situation, fuck no. Do i want to give up the north because its high in mica, fuck no. I'm not a fan of the way it transpired, but to come out now and say, hey lets just fuck the north and settle for the south, like its been a glaring option all along is fucking delusion.

Strictly my own opinion.
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Normally I try and post information and facts rather than opinions Wombat. But here’s a couple of my opinions

Cong and Jerkoff both sold out cheaply and have sellers remorse.

Der Geist (SE) also sold early and has sellers remorse. He was mates with Jerkoff, and I suspect through Jerkoff he found out about Cong’s and Cominiere’s corrupt plans, which is why he sold in the $0.60’s and was looking to buy back in cheaper. The price didn’t drop below that and if you put two and two together it won’t be hard to work out why he is dirty.

You on the other hand seem to be remorseful because you didn’t sell. I bet you if I go back a couple of years on the crapper you were wishing for a takeover offer at about $0.24. You had all the way from there up to over $1.20 to sell. Not only that, you have also said that you are well off and weren’t that bothered if you lost out on AVZ.

All the above are just my opinions but generally my opinions are based on facts and what I remember. If you spent more time researching the facts instead of always focusing on the negatives, not only might you feel better, you might also make someone else on here feel better

And now, as I suspect this post was probably a waste of time, you know why I mostly stick to facts and not opinions
Ah, good old Der Geist (SE) Mr. dual identity

Tried to sue our company in December last year !

The little sooky bitch didn't sell and wasn't happy with the BNB deal.

Yes, your reading this aren't YOU! It must be burning the fuck out of you?

How's King and Collins? Are they still operating SE?

crazy nicolas cage GIF
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Lets for arguments sake, say that BOD tabled an offer in March this year "We will give up the north, but you give us the south". At a time when we didn't have any traction or leverage from ICSID (other than a case being filed), and a bunch of ICC cases with no constituted tribunal or emergency rulings, what do you think the result would be? You think we'd be on our merry fucking way right now?

Could you imagine going in with nothing except the line "we are australian, we are law abiding and we developed the mine, you and the Chinese are all fucking us" and trying to negotiate this?

Even with our current legal leverage, we are in this position which is a grater wank at best. But we have a higher possibility to get what you want and even more in my view if we go through with the plan, because i'm not a pessimistic piece of shit.

No one can give you a guarantee when working in the DRC, MMGA would have implemented what you are suggesting, opening the BOD and the company to more legal issues (according to ann).

But yes, lets keep shitting on the current game plan and dream of getting 100% guarantees from the DRC to give us RD in its entirety and ceding the north to the Chinese without any leverage, that's fucking super helpful.

Do i like our current situation, fuck no. Do i want to give up the north because its high in mica, fuck no. I'm not a fan of the way it transpired, but to come out now and say, hey lets just fuck the north and settle for the south, like its been a glaring option all along is fucking delusion.

Strictly my own opinion.
"But we have a higher possibility to get what you want and even more in my view if we go through with the plan, because i'm not a pessimistic piece of shit."

Take a chill pill 9cardomada .
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"But we have a higher possibility to get what you want and even more in my view if we go through with the plan, because i'm not a pessimistic piece of shit."

Take a chill pill 9cardomada .
David Rose Comedy GIF by Schitt's Creek
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