I reckon the dude didn't do a bad job of reading the room and reporting on the AGM
Pretty much aligns with what our good people here have said
Not sure how the dude got into a closed AGM without being a shareholder?
I thought at the end he was very guarded about saying anything more about what was at play and by whom and chose to discuss the AGM only
That to me shows the dude understands the litigious nature of the general environment and was very careful to divulge any thoughts or opinions beyond simply covering the general machinations of the AGM
The overall feeling though was he recognised just how galvanised genuine SH's are behind the board and how fiercely they will fight MMGA and others who they can see through and have ascertained do not have the best interests of SH's at heart
It's an okay 15 or so mins with a glass or two of red
Thanks for posting
I agree, it was bogan talk, but the description of events was mostly accurate, a couple of relevations for me out of that vid, Martin Bennett links with MMGA.......
, he is a big wig lawyer in WA, has a regular segment on 6PR radio about everything to do with law matters, I am a avid listner of 6PR, so regularly tuned in to what he had to say, i thought he was a decent bloke before........... now i think he is a rat fuck !!
The other key take away was, despite a slick, co ordinated expensive campaign by MMGA, it didnt resonate with the retail voter, hence the 69% voting participation , hence the "West Coast Eagle hate the enemy " vibe amongst the 200 strong attendance at this AGM against MMGA crew whenever the opened their mouth......pics of the MMGA crew having drinks at Congs hotel , revealed here on this forum , a dreadful optic, it was a big fuck up on their part, arrogance personified !!
That being said, the other takeaway was that their was a large percentage who voted against the REMUNERATION resolution of our current BOD.........which is a red flag directed towards them going forward......a reminder that they have to be prudent on their spend and must now expedite this MOU and convert it into a favourable result for LTSH whos patience is running thin...
Lastly, the party poppers..............DEBOSS organised that, got us to take a couple each and coordinate a mass POP once the resolutions were passed in the BODs favour.........no one enacted on it surprisingly, i had my hand on the cord of the pop ready to let it rip, but didnt want to be the sole goose, so i restrained myself........