Sorry I quoted you out of context...
"Now let's hop over to how AVZ do it, which is basically me copying and pasting from the above paragraph. Verbose, boring, mumbo jumbo. Basically a big TLDR every time. And yes, yes ,yes, I do get it. They need to do things this way as a requirement to shareholders but they could've also added to these releases and take a leaf out of the most basic advertising principles manual which is have a personality and keep it simple because most people don't have the bandwidth to do their own shit in the daily let alone digest reams of verbose, boring, mumbo jumbo. Especially when it looks like it has the personality of a dial tone.
I've offered to help Nigel before, via proxy and never heard a sniff back so I don't know how to solve it but what I do know is if I was an uninitiated Shareholder, who's not across the entire saga and I was trying to make sense of why I can't access my money and I get the choice of "apparently" clear, concise, visually appealing solution on a way forward > up against multi-paged A4 announcements which seems too much to understand, with no brand or personality and a bunch of potty mouthed, ALL CAPS twitter warriors seemingly aligning with them... I know which side I identify with."
Another point apart from the obvious - should Nigel be accepting advertising / marketing advice from a random person on Social Media? I sincerely hope not.
Do you think that a simple "advertising campaign" (visually appealing solution as you put it) could explain the complex matters that the BOD are dealing with? Sometimes simplicity isn't the answer.
"If you look at MMGA and how they have presented their argument they have done a very good at coming across as professional and well reasoned despite what we informed shareholders know about them. Their website is slick."
I've never thought that the MMGA website was at all slick. It looked like a cheaply put together off the shelf type setup. They even cloned Donald Trump's catchphrase. Not impressive at all.
Differences in opinion are what makes the world interesting.