David Krappenschitz
Agreed completely. Time for Aus authorities to step in and thwart this asap. We should not be having to vote on this MMGA shit.I don't think these fucktards ever had intent of showing up at the AGM, as they know they won't get voted in. The whole game plan is to undermine our current in country efforts and delay the finalization of the MoU and that sounds like exactly what they've done.
If there's ever a time for Australian law and order to do what it's designed for, it's now to hold these stooges accountable. Completely Unaustralian and you have to wonder what the board and shareholders of the other ASX companies they are all involved in think about their actions.
My final paragraph in email to FIRB:
This needs to be investigated and acted upon by FIRB, and possibly other Australian authorities. MMGA's representatives should be not be eligible for nomination to the AVZ board, and their actions could possibly constitute criminality.