AVZ Discussion 2022


This is a pretty good strategy, no issues from me.

But for those of you who still like to gobble up bullshit and disinformation, i'd rather you eat my shit because i eat healthy and poop healthy.

Until i decide to dirty bulk, then you'll just get digested maccas. People should just drink seasalt while gobbling shit (mine or others), that'll balance it all out.
aww man, I was eating.
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Any German around here, who managed to register for the AGM? I think some years ago I received a notification concerning AVZ's AGM in my bank inbox, but didn't bother about it. I didn't receive anything like that this year and I couldn't find anything in my records, though. So I might be mistaken. Anyhow, did someone contact their broker? I am Holding my shares at comdirect btw.
Hi Papst, I'm from Germany. At the moment I haven't received any message from my bank ( Volksbank ) regarding the AGM. I hope it will arrive soon and I get an instruction how I can vote at the AGM.
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Yeah no wurries Ulli, how is Germany?

A bit surprised you suddenly pop up at this late hour, I wont hold that against you.

It must have been difficult to find the TSE forum, I wonder who helped you.

Just googling frantically, or did you get some help from the three musketeers?

It is amazing all the new faces we see pop here and all with the best intentions, I feel so fucking lucky that you want to give us some mental support.

As you have 2.3 million shares, how about voting against these amazing 3 lying criminals, who are trying to get a seat on the board to make sure the value of your 2.3 million shares will be reduce to $2.30, that is not per share, but for the lot.
In other words, about the same as the cost of a post stamp, to send a complaint letter to the Australian authorities about their criminal behaviour.
Hi Cruiser, at the moment the times in Germany become very difficult. The economy is going down and the government isn't able to solve the problems. The economy, the immigration, the uncertain future, all these things make the people in Germany makes the people insecure.

I found TSE a few month ago. I have heard about in a German forum and googled about News about AVZ. So I have found it and take part as a reader. But now is for me the time to take part to the discussion and I hope to get some informations about the situation and I can share my information wich I receive here in Germany. I hope most of you will trust me. I'm in no connection with the three fuckers from MMGA or anyone else who work against AVZ. I trust Nigel and the rest of the board, Even if I'm not always happy with their work. But I believe that they will have good results for us. That will not be the results wich we dreamed a few years ago, but enough for all of us to earn money.
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Hi Ulli, How come, you as a true blue German advertise Dutch beer?
When did you guys stopped brewing your own beer?

Grüss God.
Grüss God 😂
I live in Hamburg now, but my hometown is near the border to the Netherlands and there we drink Heineken. Be not afraid, we didn't stop brewing our own beer. Here are many many very good breweries. Best of them are Veltins, Paulaner and Maissels Weisse. If you want to import a "lecker" beer from Germany oder "Püllecken" from Veltins and enjoy it cold...delicious
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I mailed avz yesterday (Germany) . Got the following answer:

"Dear XXX,

Please note for OTC shareholders we’ve been advised you should contact the intermediary party holding your shares on trust to facilitate with your proxy voting.

Thank you for your ongoing support of AVZ"

I realy don't know who is holding my shares. I think it could be clearstream. A lot of foreign stocks are held by them if you bought them from inside germany. I try to get in contact. Will report further.

Fellow German Shareholders,

I got the following responses from my Broker:

"Sehr geehrter XXX,

vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht.

Die onvista bank bietet für ausländische Aktien keinen Service rund um das Thema Hauptversammlungen (Eintragung von Namensaktien, Mitteilung über Hauptversammlungen, Stimmrechtsausübung etc.) an.

Ihre Nachricht bzgl. Lagerstelle ist für die Fachabteilung bestimmt. Wir haben diese an die Fachabteilung weitergeleitet."

Next one:

"Sehr geehrter Herr XXX,

vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht.

Nach Rücksprache mit der zuständigen Fachabteilung geben wir Ihnen gerne Auskunft.

Die Fachabteilung teilt uns mit, dass die Gattung AU000000AVZ6 bei der Lagerstelle Clearstream Banking Luxemburg mit Lagerort Australien verwahrt wird."

So the last chance is to get in contact with Clearstream Luxembourg... I will report what they say.

It would be fucking ridicolous not to be able to vote although you are a legitimate SHAREholder...

greetings from Frankfurt
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Fellow German Shareholders,

I got the following responses from my Broker:

"Sehr geehrter XXX,

vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht.

Die onvista bank bietet für ausländische Aktien keinen Service rund um das Thema Hauptversammlungen (Eintragung von Namensaktien, Mitteilung über Hauptversammlungen, Stimmrechtsausübung etc.) an.

Ihre Nachricht bzgl. Lagerstelle ist für die Fachabteilung bestimmt. Wir haben diese an die Fachabteilung weitergeleitet."

Next one:

"Sehr geehrter Herr XXX,

vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht.

Nach Rücksprache mit der zuständigen Fachabteilung geben wir Ihnen gerne Auskunft.

Die Fachabteilung teilt uns mit, dass die Gattung AU000000AVZ6 bei der Lagerstelle Clearstream Banking Luxemburg mit Lagerort Australien verwahrt wird."

So the last chance is to get in contact with Clearstream Luxembourg... I will report what they say.

It would be fucking ridicolous not to be able to vote although you are a legitimate SHAREholder...

greetings from Frankfurt
Thank you for that Information about Clearstream Luxembourg. I asked my broker (Flatex) and i do no receive any answer at all...horrible. I guess we wont have an option to vote at the AGM. I have some more Australian stocks in my account and I do not always get a message about CRs...horrible, but...yes, I dont have to invest in Australian stocks :D

Hopefully the Australians get enough votes to vote against these three crooks. Currently I am not sure if this is a safe bank. SO much dirt coming out of the DRC. I have never thought that this is possible and I am in the middle as a shareholder. Like I am finding complicated stocks. One of my last stocks was "Wirecard AG"...gladly lost only a small amount.

Trying my best on Twitter.
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Take a look on the Facebook Group "AVZ minerals Investors"
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Master of Quan
There is a clear distinction between AVZ and Dathcom's good legal titles and the legal situation within the DRC

A good example is the Dathomir 15% which we have good legal title to but don't currently own on the RCCM within the DRC due to multiple court cases that Cong won. I did read through the decisions and the tldr is they were criminal cases dealing with the validity of the creation of the share certificates not a decision on the merits of Cong's claims to the termination per se. The judge repeatedly recognises the need for this matter to be heard by an 'arbitral judge'.

For the PR renewal in Cominiere's name CAMI are following the MoM's decree. And I suspect we are about to see another one for the partition of the north. She has repeatedly backed Cominiere's claims since the beginning of this year and I see no indication that has changed. If she wanted to give us back the tenement she could have. She is the one with authority not Cominiere.

Or do you have a reason to think the PR renewal decree is also not to be taken seriously?

View attachment 47760
View attachment 47761
Seriously mate, if you’re one of the TSE crowd that are on that list for BoD position DM me and let me know. You have my votes.
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Top 20
Ahem!!!...........it's ......"The tale of AVZ"

Already in production

Just sayin' ;)
Need investors???

(Just got a little capital tied up right now though)
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So what will the new week bring fellow AVZers?

  1. Offical company announcement?
  2. Guidance on voting at the AGM?
  3. More shitfuckery from Cominiere?
  4. More fun updates on the Mining Cadastre portal?
  5. Additional travel snaps from the MMGA stooges?
  6. Jabba the Hutt re-appearing on the forum?
  7. The mysterious MOU continuing to be hidden away in a secret vault?
  8. All of the above
  9. At least numbers 3-7 being achieved :rolleyes:

Take care all......never a dull moment! ;)
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Top 20

The producer tax offset​

The producer tax offset is a refundable tax offset for Australian expenditure in making Australian films. The amount of the producer tax offset is:

  • 40% of the company’s total QAPE on a feature film from 1 July 2007
  • 20% of the company’s total QAPE on a film that is not a feature film from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2021
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So what will the new week bring fellow AVZers?

  1. Offical company announcement?
  2. Guidance on voting at the AGM?
  3. More shitfuckery from Cominiere?
  4. More fun updates on the Mining Cadastre portal?
  5. Additional travel snaps from the MMGA stooges?
  6. Jabba the Hutt re-appearing on the forum?
  7. The mysterious MOU continuing to be hidden away in a secret vault?
  8. All of the above
  9. At least numbers 3-7 being achieved :rolleyes:

Take care all......never a dull moment! ;)
I would not be surprised if we get #1 this morning regarding the MoM decree to extend the PR for 13359 to Comineire & then the subsequent split into a JV between comineire & Zijin.

Also looks like the BoD are still playing the "keep cards close to our chest" even after the recent response to Fat tail announcement. Crux investor confirmed that they reached out to the company for an interview after the Carrotdick one.
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I would not be surprised if we get #1 this morning regarding the MoM decree to extend the PR for 13359 to Comineire & then the subsequent split into a JV between comineire & Zijin.

Also looks like the BoD are still playing the "keep cards close to our chest" even after the recent response to Fat tail announcement. Crux investor confirmed that they reached out to the company for an interview after the Carrotdick one.
Yes I'm hoping for some clarity from the company this morning.....

"Hoping" is the operative word
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View attachment 47753

Some people make informed comments and some people just give their opinions based on what they ‘think’

And then some people give the trolls air and welcome them in as though they are long lost relatives who have turned up to help

That’s enough to make me think I’ve personally had enough, you can only give so many clues…. sick of trying to help some people here
Well at least we know from these pictures that there really is a party in the DRC conducting “Due Diligence”. I just don”t think it’s those guys in a suit.
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The producer tax offset​

The producer tax offset is a refundable tax offset for Australian expenditure in making Australian films. The amount of the producer tax offset is:

  • 40% of the company’s total QAPE on a feature film from 1 July 2007
  • 20% of the company’s total QAPE on a film that is not a feature film from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2021

I knew about the scheme because I actually utilised it through a company I worked for in a previous life

Complete fucking tax dodge for the company...... absolutely nothing else
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I haven't chimed in for a few weeks, but I can confirm the following:

1. The various social media accounts on X/Twitter are doing a great job spreading propaganda so convincing that some of you loyal positive posters are now doubting yourselves.
2. The CAMI portal cadastre site is not to be taken seriously, the idiot doing changes in backend of the database is a bribed puppet who has been told to make it appear that AVZ has lost its rights to 13359 and it's separated. This is NOT OFFICIAL nor a trusted source.
3. AVZ only very recently had discussions with THE PRESIDENT OF THE DRC and are making headway regarding a MoU to move forward to issue the ML.
4. Cominere posting videos of work being done at Mpiana is not Cominere! It can't be confirmed if it's AVZ power old footage or another 3rd party.
5. MMGA are having meetings with their cronies, they are not meeting AVZ BOD staff, the president, the MOM or anyone in a decision making position regarding the future of AVZ. They are just the equivalent of your belly button fluff.

Do any of you think that AVZ will simply be stripped of their resource this late in the game with pending and active ICC and ICSID cases ?
You really think Zijin and Cominere can just drive their tractors in to the Northern tenement and start cutting holes and scooping spod out the ground?

People need to trust the legal process and wait for AVZ to push out an announcement.

Great post Goat!

If only we could make this a pop-up when someone opens up TSE :)
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Yes I'm hoping for some clarity from the company this morning.....

"Hoping" is the operative word
Well ive got a sneak peak at the MMGA announcement:

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Cumquat Cap

Has anyone submitted all this info to FIRB and asx? I'm happy to if someone else hasn't or maybe worth all submitting it to ensure maximum attention
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Seriously mate, if you’re one of the TSE crowd that are on that list for BoD position DM me and let me know. You have my votes.
Haha no I'm not one of the nominees for the board. I will be following the current BoD's voting instructions. Nigel and co are the best chance we have of not getting completely rat fucked imo
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