AVZ Discussion 2022


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Apparently ol' Clive is going to have another go installing the "wonders of the world" like miniature Eiffel towers and shit like that

Sounds like a fifth rate version of a pissweak crass attraction in a Las Vegas Hotel 🤮
Hey and dont forget he is building Titanic 2 in china
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Let’s hope they are able to respect and uphold their own laws as well. Good to see more countries showing support and interest in Africa. Hopefully China will realize that Africa is not just there personal playground at the expense of the African people.

Maybe they are listening to you ..............do you believe it ?

In China we trust.....................lol,lol,lol

Is this how China really feels regards to Africa ?

I could go on and on and on...............THE WORLD NEEDS TO WISE UP!!

On a more positive note, all lithium players on my portfolio are green today, is the sector gearing up for the next leg up ?

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Need more of this and have to be firm on this
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Is that your daughter ?
No thankfully:LOL:......mine is 26, married with a daughter 10 months.....but I can see glimpses already that the grandy will be just like that gif :eek:
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Is it Friday yet?
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Have a Cigar 1975
Is it Friday yet?
Lol, and is this the AVZ thread or am I down at the pub, having taken too much acid todayo_Oo_O

on that note I have nothing to say about AVZ for now

No, I do have something to say - we'll get an extension of Friday is my pick
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I think everyone knows by now that i call a spade, (probably the reason why i had 371 moderations and got suspended by HC but hey ), i have been a liberal supporter my entire life, but this election IMO is a pivotal election for AUSTRALIAS future, we need to seriously address the infrastructure for the EV revolution going forward and ENCOURAGE, not DISCOURAGE the poulation to purchase EV vehicles, there should be a heavy tax on the purchase of NEW fossil fuel vehicles, not the other way around, we need to address the sensible eradication of coal and other practices as a major driver for our energy supplies and replace that with greener innovations like solar, green hydrogen , Lithium home battery packs etc.

We need to set up a BATTERY HUB in Australia, just like the DRC , US, Europe, Asia are doing, we have all the minerals and expertise to do so, creating thousands of jobs.

We need to step up our manufacturing in general to stop the self reliance on China and other countries for our needs and wants.

We need to set up a FOOD BOWL in Australia, with water canals coming from the NT and spread to every part of australia, so agriculture doesnt have to rely on the whim of global warming.....we have a shit load of water wasted every year, but yet no Govt prepared to have a vision longer than their nose.

We need to address our AGED CARE system , to give all of our ELDERLY the type of care they deserve.

We need to CONTINUE to be strong on China, our SECURITY is paramount.

We need to address the DOMESTIC VIOLANCE that is a scourge on our society !!

Wages need to keep up with inflation for ALL !!

Which party LABOUR / LIBERAL is going to cover most of those bases??

I know and it AINT LIBERAL !!

Agree 100%
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pub talk is open unless anyone has anything of interest to add ...who's shout is it anyway, pretty sure I got the last round

Ah yes it's Zijin's shout.....Zijin you leeching tight arse get to the bar
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The Gov has intervened in this matter by commissioning the Inspector General Report. If a fraud has taken place (a fraud against AVZ and the DRC by the looks of things), you would think it is the DRC Governments responsibility to then appoint a prosecutor that leads this matter through the courts to seek a finding of guilt, at the very least.

Can the Z transaction only be wound back via the courts, is this the only way? I'd love to see Felix pass a presidential decree or standing order that nullifies the Z transaction, however to your point it may have to run through the courts to avoid one person appearing to have so much power, best guess but hope I'm wrong.

If you fruadulently steel or acquire something in the DRC, is that property returned back to the rightful owner prior to a conviction / judgment? What if the owner says the property was not stolen, but sold, which is likely the case here. Does the DRC then also have to take to court its state owned entity that sold the shares to Z? or just the Directors / Ministers in charge of Cominiere and all others that have personally benefitted from the transaction with Z?

If anyone here has a clear understanding of the likely legal process in the DRC please weigh in on this. Not that I hope it goes that way, much prefer a more timely resolution and protection of AVZ's pre-emptive rights.

What does everyone think the likely next steps will be by the DRC Government and AVZ?

Does AVZ go to Paris, if so is that the end of it assuming a favourable outcome? or does Z have other legal options to deploy?

Has anyone seen a precedent in the DRC where a transaction like this has been overturned by the tabling of a report by the Inspector General? or do matters like this need to go to court or worse, grind on forever without the Government assisting in a restoration of AVZ's agreed pre-emptive rights?

Is it an advantage for AVZ that this transaction and claim by Z involves Cominiere, being the Governments representative entity, does this give the Inspector General, Felix or the Minister of Mines or the courts the immediate power or ability to turn over the transaction compared to a dispute between non-Government entities? That would be nice to know also.

I take on face value AVZ announcements and have no reason to doubt them unless AVZ lawyers have really stuffed up on their advice.

I guess like everyone we wait with bated breath to see what if anything Felix and friends will do, and of course what AVZ intends to do going forward. I'd be surprised if this mess is all left to AVZ to sort out, not to mention extremely unfair considering how damming the Inspector General's report appears to be.

You would think the claims by Dathomir are without credit and their actions will be addressed as well, let's hope Felix and friends step up in a manner that does not appear like they are acting like Dictators but acting as quickly and forcefully as possible in accordance with DRC law and in turn supporting AVZ at this time.

Anyway, excuse my ramblings, its hard to see the full picture going forward for AVZ without all the information, so we wait for Friday (unless announced earlier) a likely extension of suspension but with something positive included to put some minds (me included) at ease until everything is resolved.

Cheers The Fox
In my opinion and as exampled around the world, it doesn't matter if a sale happened in a legal manner between two parties if the asset was illegally acquired in the first place. The illegally acquired owner can still repossess the stolen asset. Example, Malaysia 1MDB scandal. You can say that the ex-PM and his lackey Jho Low legally bought (i.e. paid a bill/invoice with cash/card) diamonds, luxury goods, properties and artwork, etc. But as the money they used was illegally obtained, all transactions that happened beyond that point with the illegal money involved becomes illegal. Hence why the US Dept of Justice seized all the US assets and returned it to Malaysia. Same thing here. DRC should follow suit to firstly deduce that the Zijin-Cominiere transaction was illegal, then seize the asset back from Zijin.

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At the pub huh, well I guess it’s ok for some pub style humour…

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At the pub huh, well I guess it’s ok for some pub style humour…

Season 3 Lol GIF by The Office

Sounds very familiar.......for those who met up at the Breakwater that is :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
Not naming names or pointing fingers here to anyone in particular :censored:
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exactly and theres so many contradicting reports, now with ACAJ saying Cominiere is only left with 5% being the last. The shits surely gotta hit the fan in Felix's office. Between, Zijin, Dathomir, ACAJ, IGF and the government all of them have a different story.....Just glad AVZ and CATH are the only ones that are in talks with the government and being endorsed with pledges, working sessions etc....but wow does it make the DRC look like a total shitshow, Time for Felix to grind his axe me thinks, it's gotta come from the top, sackings and instruction on prosecutions, Felix simply cannot rely on any branch except the IGF not taking a bribe, direction needs to come from him
Wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of Jules I don't reckon.

The hunt for financial predators continues normally and will intensify according to the vision of the HIERARCHY.


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This is old news, well not old but yeah one of the articles backing us up based on the IGF report
Yea hadn’t seen it b4, posted 1st then read it an saw the date. Another cut’n’paste. That’s what I get for doing several things at once and being male.
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NOt AVZ related but damn it i missed my buy in for CRR!
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NOt AVZ related but damn it i missed my buy in for CRR!
Tell me about it. In the middle of refinancing and not enough cash! Bugger!
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Respect for public funds is a discipline that we must impose on all public managers for the gradual recovery of our country.

Felix T

Hi Zijin, do you know how that works??
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