I have been saying this all along................." needs some other ehnical countries to take more control "
Aint that the truth.
Well throwing it out there and tagging them all as well as the Franck, Joe and The General Inspectorate of Finance....see if I get any bites...total shitshow really lol...hard to believe there is so many with agendas in this
cant even see the screen properly to know what's happening either..anyone speak french? terrible broadcast typical of Africa
"Press conference on "the selling off of the mining assets of the public company COMINIERE SA"
See Solo's post where he screenshots the official website that has tweets on it.Yeah that account was created in Sept 21 as well, but I've sent a direct message to that account asking which of those 5 accounts is not fake, not sure I'll get a reply but at least I know they are now aware of them all existing from this point on.
I want to not engage in any of this crap, but I also feel obliged to do so due to the total lack of organisation and corruption coming from the DRC government and Cominiere
Hence my comment. That's the legit accountSee Solo's post where he screenshots the official website that has tweets on it.
Fake accounts or not it all means shit really because we are in suspension . Cant influence the share price if we are not trading.
So we may just have some sadistic bastards getting their jollies . Personally I buy into none of it until we hear it from AVZ
itself . Leaked info into the Twitter World is Laughable . Seems like a few have fallen for it hook line and sinker . IMO
Cant see who's Tweet account that is . Can you please give the details . CheersHi All
View attachment 6610
" Comminiere acting CEO sold 15% shares in Dathcom to Zijin for peanuts, violated law selling its 5% in Dathcom shares to Dathomire "
So who is at fault here, Commimiere CEO , Zijin or both ?
From what i believe, no transfers of shares of Commimiere should of taken place before financing was finalised.......period
How did Zijin get to know about the ins and outs of AVZ contract in the first place ? CEO ?
To me, thats an offence in itself, contracts betwen AVZ / Commimiere / DRC govt are meant to be confidential.......no ?
If you look at point 5 up the top , you will clearly read $5,438,198.00 was spent on commissions, snacks, fees, exceptional remunerations .
How is that going to be paid back ?
The mind absolutely boggles.
View attachment 6619
What’s it say?Just posted this in the live feed at the conference de presse ACAJ
To be fair, He does say, and later #EVs.
I believe anything is possible as the EV Revolution accelerates this decade tbo
Who knows what might happen in the scramble for Critical Minerals down the Track
Will we see a Tesla / EV's being built somewhere in Africa at some point, most likely imo
Food for thought
What’s it say?