AVZ Discussion 2022


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DR Congo: a century after tin, lithium makes Manono dream

Near the rusting carcass of the old tin smelter, men and women, barefoot, search the ground for cassiterite, while hoping for the rebirth of their town of Manono, in DR Congo, thanks to the large deposit of lithium discovered at the gates of the old mining town.

A little further on, the "diggers" bring their harvest to the Lukushi river where women, in the water from morning to evening, wash in zinc basins the gravel from which will emerge the small black pebbles of tin ore, whose they hope to make enough money to live on.

"There is nothing else in Manono, life is very difficult," says simply Marcelline Banza, 28, mother of three, who says she can earn between 15,000 and 18,000 Congolese francs ($7.5 to $9 ) per day by washing the sandy soil.

The area is dotted with bumpy, gullied terrain excavated by hundreds of these artisanal miners armed with shovels and crowbars.

"The majority of the population lives below the poverty line and, rather than cultivating the fields, people prefer to dig, for a faster gain", regrets Patrice Sangwa, chief doctor of the Manono health zone, an isolated territory which faces malnutrition, cholera or even an epidemic of measles which has killed dozens of children since December.

The city is located in the province of Tanganyika, born in 2015 from the division into four of Katanga, a region in the south-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo full of minerals, copper and cobalt in particular.

It was created at the beginning of the 20th century, with the exploitation by Belgian settlers of a deposit of cassiterite, the ore of tin.

Quarries, dams, foundries, railways, housing, mines brought prosperity.

- Ruins -

But little by little, with the fall in prices, the turbulent years after independence in 1960 and poor management, the equipment grew old, the city fell asleep and the coup de grace came from the war which accompanied the capture of the country in 1997 by Laurent-Désiré Kabila.

"The war of aggression", as the people of Manono call it, where the Rwandan soldiers left a very bad memory.

"We all fled. The foundry was destroyed, the houses looted, the European district devastated, that of the African executives too", says Paul Kissoula, known as "papa Paul", 70 years old.

A quarter of a century later, vegetation has invaded the ruins, two steam locomotives, a crane, wagons are rusting by the side of the road, the slag heaps are covered with trees.

"There has been nothing for years", sadly regrets "papa Paul".

Driver, he has known everything. He was hired in 1974 by "Congo Etain", a public company that became "Zairetain" when the country changed its name under the presidency of Mobutu, then "Cominière" (Congolese mining company).

Today, Paul Kissoula is a driver for the Australian company AVZ Minerals which, in search of lithium, a metal that has become a star in electric car batteries, was the first to obtain a research permit in Manono in 2016, where it set up a joint venture with La Cominière.

- "We are waiting for the permit" -

After several years of drilling, carried out in particular in an old and vast cassiterite quarry called "Roche Dure", the company discovered a deposit of "400 million tonnes of ore at 1.6%, probably the largest untapped resource in the world," said Nigel Ferguson, CEO of AVZ Minerals.

This represents lithium reserves of some 6 million tonnes, more than enough to measure up to the usual producers such as Australia, Chile, Argentina and China.

"The quality of the rock deposit is very good", assures Nigel Ferguson, better according to him than the lithium extracted from brines, as in South America.

In large hangars, the company stores the "carrots" drilled in the rock, up to nearly 400 meters deep. In the first meters, there is the ground, then come the laterite, the shale...

Erick Nkulu wa Kabamba, geologist, then shows the "pegmatite" (magmatic rock) containing "spodumenes", the lithium mineral. Samples are collected and sent for analysis to Perth, Australia.

The "definitive feasibility study" has been completed and was sent several months ago to the government, which the company is now waiting for it to issue an operating permit.

When it has obtained it, AVZ "plans to devote 600 million dollars to the construction of a factory", which should produce around 700,000 tonnes of finished product per year, which can be used mainly in batteries, specifies its boss.

It will also rehabilitate the old hydroelectric plant, increase its capacity, and employ hundreds of local workers.

If the permit arrives quickly, production could start in 2023.

"People are suffering... AVZ will help us", hopes the territory administrator, Pierre Mukamba Kaseya who, like everyone else, is "waiting for the permit".

"The specifications also provide for actions on roads, schools, hospitals...", also anticipates Baccam Banza Cazadi, secondary school principal.

"We want them to be able to succeed, for the province and for the country.

There is hope," he said.

Feb 25, 2022

By Annie THOMAS with Lucien KAHOZI

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100% on that

Absolutely 100%

That is one of the additional personal factors that has encouraged my investment
Me too, not initially if I'm honest as I was quite ignorant of their plight and only saw the opportunity. But the more I researched the DRC and their history as well as the current state of the country and population, well it's become more of a key factor.
I think they need strong investment from dependable sources to aid in bringing them into a new era of prosperity, it's a win win. Happy to keep my money there given the situation across the board seems to be evolving positively, let's hope the president can continue on a positive path and further curtail inherent corruption.
As well as hurry up and provide us with the goddamned mining licence tbh :LOL:
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Ok, so looks like Nigel in the DRC. Can someone tell me why the company can’t just say he in the DRC? We know he not holidaying there. Many other directors ( like IXR) are happy to tweet where they are and engage with share holders, I just wonder what’s up with Nigel, he an introvert?

Ok, so looks like Nigel in the DRC.
Can someone tell me why the company can’t just say he in the DRC?
We know he not holidaying there. Many other directors ( like IXR) are happy to tweet where they are and engage with share holders, I just wonder what’s up with Nigel, he an introvert?

*Ditto Doc, I agree, Especially when it comes to "Where's our Wally" when he was there last week for all to see all the time ffs :rolleyes:

I remember giving him a spray on "The Crapper" to get his fat arse off the Couch and on a Plane not that long ago tbo

To sort this ML BS out that's been dragging on for what seems like EV-er !!!

He obviously read it and took my advice i'm guessing ;)

Is Nigel an Introvert :unsure:

Who knows, He's No Chameleon that's for sure :oops:

He sure stands out like a Sore Thumb over there imo

Like a White Rhino or one of those Big old waste dumps :LOL:


Food for thought on the Road to Mining Manono :)

One Day, Fingers Crossed 🤞

Champagne back on Ice 😉



Frank :cool:
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Ok, so looks like Nigel in the DRC.
Can someone tell me why the company can’t just say he in the DRC?
We know he not holidaying there. Many other directors ( like IXR) are happy to tweet where they are and engage with share holders, I just wonder what’s up with Nigel, he an introvert?

*Ditto Doc, I agree, Especially when it comes to "Where's our Wally" when he was there last week for all to see all the time ffs :rolleyes:

I remember giving him a spray on "The Crapper" to get his fat arse off the Couch and on a Plane not that long ago tbo

To sort this ML BS out that's been dragging on for what seems like EV-er !!!

He obviously read it and took my advice i'm guessing ;)

Is Nigel an Introvert :unsure:

Who knows, He's No Chameleon that's for sure :oops:

He sure stands out like a Sore Thumb over there imo

Like a White Rhino or one of those Big old waste dumps :LOL:

View attachment 1824

Food for thought on the Road to Mining Manono :)

One Day, Fingers Crossed 🤞

Champagne back on Ice 😉



Frank :cool:

:ROFLMAO: There is some evidence of a lockdown belly.
Good for the health roaming around manono.

Is odd though, security? Hoping to suprise the market? I wonder how long he's there for.
Don't come back without our licence Nigel! 😑
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:ROFLMAO: There is some evidence of a lockdown belly.
Good for the health roaming around manono.

Is odd though, security? Hoping to suprise the market? I wonder how long he's there for.
Don't come back without our licence Nigel! 😑
From Coming Thursday the re-entry in WA changes, Hopefully Nigel comes back with a ML in his suitcase. ;)

Following a review of WA’s border controls based on the latest health advice, the updated Safe Transition Plan will take effect from 12.01am Thursday, 3 March 2022.

The border opening will allow for safe travel into WA from interstate and overseas with vaccination and testing requirements on arrival, pending the latest health advice.
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:ROFLMAO: There is some evidence of a lockdown belly.
Good for the health roaming around manono.

Is odd though, security? Hoping to suprise the market? I wonder how long he's there for.
Don't come back without our licence Nigel! 😑

*Speaking of "Manono" my friend, I see where it was reported in the Congo Media, that,

Manono: a century after tin, lithium makes the province dream

Near the rusting carcass of the old tin smelter, men and women, barefoot, search the ground for cassiterite, while hoping for the rebirth of their town of Manono, in DR Congo, thanks to the large deposit of lithium discovered at the gates of the old mining town.

A little further on, the "diggers" bring their harvest to the Lukushi River where women, in the water from morning to evening, wash in zinc basins the gravel from which will emerge the small black pebbles of tin ore, whose they hope to make enough money to live on.

"There is nothing else in Manono, life is very difficult," says simply Marcelline Banza, 28, mother of three, who says she can earn between 15,000 and 18,000 Congolese francs ($7.5 to $9 ) per day by washing the sandy soil.

The area is dotted with bumpy, gullied terrain excavated by hundreds of these artisanal miners armed with shovels and crowbars.

"The majority of the population lives below the poverty line and, rather than cultivating the fields, people prefer to dig, for a faster gain", regrets Patrice Sangwa, chief doctor of the Manono health zone, an isolated territory which faces malnutrition, cholera or even an epidemic of measles which has killed dozens of children since December.

The city is located in the province of Tanganyika, born in 2015 from the division into four of Katanga, a region in the south-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo full of minerals, copper and cobalt in particular. It was created at the beginning of the 20th century, with the exploitation by Belgian settlers of a deposit of cassiterite, the ore of tin.

Quarries, dams, foundries, railways, housing, mines brought prosperity.

– Ruins –

But little by little, with the fall in prices, the turbulent years after independence in 1960 and poor management, the equipment grew old, the city fell asleep and the coup de grace came from the war which accompanied the capture of the country in 1997 by Laurent-Désiré Kabila.

"The war of aggression", as the people of Manono call it, where the Rwandan soldiers left a very bad memory.

“We all fled. The foundry was destroyed, the houses looted, the European district devastated, that of the African executives too, ”says Paul Kissoula, known as “papa Paul”, 70 years old.

A quarter of a century later, vegetation invades the ruins, two steam locomotives, a crane, wagons, rust by the side of the road, the slag heaps are covered with trees.

"There has been nothing for years", sadly regrets "dad Paul".

Driver, he has known everything.

He was hired in 1974 by "Congo Etain", a public company that became "Zairetain" when the country changed its name under the presidency of Mobutu, then "Cominière" (Congolese mining company).

Today, Paul Kissoula is a driver for the Australian company AVZ Minerals which, in search of lithium, a metal that has become a star in electric car batteries, was the first to obtain a research permit in Manono in 2016, where it set up a joint venture with La Cominière.

“We are waiting for the permit” –

After several years of drilling, carried out in particular in an old and vast cassiterite quarry called "Roche Dure", the company discovered a deposit of "400 million tonnes of ore at 1.6%, probably the largest untapped resource in the world," said Nigel Ferguson, Managing Director of AVZ Minerals.

This represents lithium reserves of some 6 million tonnes, more than enough to measure up to the usual producers such as Australia, Chile, Argentina and China.

“The quality of the rock deposit is very good”, assures Nigel Ferguson, better according to him than the lithium extracted from brines, as in South America.

In large hangars, the company stores the "cores" drilled in the rock, up to nearly 400 meters deep. In the first meters, there is the ground, then come the laterite, the schists...

Erick Nkulu wa Kabamba, geologist, then shows the "pegmatite" (magmatic rock) containing "spodumenes", the lithium mineral. Samples are collected and sent for analysis to Perth, Australia.

The "definitive feasibility study" has been completed and was sent several months ago to the government, which the company is now waiting for to issue an exploitation permit.

When it has obtained it, AVZ “plans to devote 600 million dollars to the construction of a factory”, which should produce around 700,000 tonnes of finished product per year, which can be used mainly in batteries, specifies its boss.

It will also rehabilitate the old hydroelectric plant, increase its capacity, and employ hundreds of local workers.

If the permit arrives quickly, production could start in 2023.

“People are suffering… AVZ will help us”, hopes the administrator of the territory, Pierre Mukamba Kaseya who, like everyone else “is waiting for the permit”.

"The specifications also provide for actions on roads, schools, hospitals...", also anticipates Baccam Banza Cazadi, secondary school principal.

“We want them to be able to succeed, for the province and for the country. There is hope,” he said.


Congomedia !!!.png

You would assume that the ML is Close, dare i say "Imminent" ;)

Fingers crossed for it to Drop tomorrow after

Dow logs best day in over a year to end volatile week as angst over Russia’s Ukraine invasion gives way to buying​

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*Speaking of "Manono" my friend, I see where it was reported in the Congo Media, that,

Manono: a century after tin, lithium makes the province dream

Near the rusting carcass of the old tin smelter, men and women, barefoot, search the ground for cassiterite, while hoping for the rebirth of their town of Manono, in DR Congo, thanks to the large deposit of lithium discovered at the gates of the old mining town.

A little further on, the "diggers" bring their harvest to the Lukushi River where women, in the water from morning to evening, wash in zinc basins the gravel from which will emerge the small black pebbles of tin ore, whose they hope to make enough money to live on.

"There is nothing else in Manono, life is very difficult," says simply Marcelline Banza, 28, mother of three, who says she can earn between 15,000 and 18,000 Congolese francs ($7.5 to $9 ) per day by washing the sandy soil.

The area is dotted with bumpy, gullied terrain excavated by hundreds of these artisanal miners armed with shovels and crowbars.

"The majority of the population lives below the poverty line and, rather than cultivating the fields, people prefer to dig, for a faster gain", regrets Patrice Sangwa, chief doctor of the Manono health zone, an isolated territory which faces malnutrition, cholera or even an epidemic of measles which has killed dozens of children since December.

The city is located in the province of Tanganyika, born in 2015 from the division into four of Katanga, a region in the south-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo full of minerals, copper and cobalt in particular. It was created at the beginning of the 20th century, with the exploitation by Belgian settlers of a deposit of cassiterite, the ore of tin.

Quarries, dams, foundries, railways, housing, mines brought prosperity.

– Ruins –

But little by little, with the fall in prices, the turbulent years after independence in 1960 and poor management, the equipment grew old, the city fell asleep and the coup de grace came from the war which accompanied the capture of the country in 1997 by Laurent-Désiré Kabila.

"The war of aggression", as the people of Manono call it, where the Rwandan soldiers left a very bad memory.

“We all fled. The foundry was destroyed, the houses looted, the European district devastated, that of the African executives too, ”says Paul Kissoula, known as “papa Paul”, 70 years old.

A quarter of a century later, vegetation invades the ruins, two steam locomotives, a crane, wagons, rust by the side of the road, the slag heaps are covered with trees.

"There has been nothing for years", sadly regrets "dad Paul".

Driver, he has known everything.

He was hired in 1974 by "Congo Etain", a public company that became "Zairetain" when the country changed its name under the presidency of Mobutu, then "Cominière" (Congolese mining company).

Today, Paul Kissoula is a driver for the Australian company AVZ Minerals which, in search of lithium, a metal that has become a star in electric car batteries, was the first to obtain a research permit in Manono in 2016, where it set up a joint venture with La Cominière.

“We are waiting for the permit” –

After several years of drilling, carried out in particular in an old and vast cassiterite quarry called "Roche Dure", the company discovered a deposit of "400 million tonnes of ore at 1.6%, probably the largest untapped resource in the world," said Nigel Ferguson, Managing Director of AVZ Minerals.

This represents lithium reserves of some 6 million tonnes, more than enough to measure up to the usual producers such as Australia, Chile, Argentina and China.

“The quality of the rock deposit is very good”, assures Nigel Ferguson, better according to him than the lithium extracted from brines, as in South America.

In large hangars, the company stores the "cores" drilled in the rock, up to nearly 400 meters deep. In the first meters, there is the ground, then come the laterite, the schists...

Erick Nkulu wa Kabamba, geologist, then shows the "pegmatite" (magmatic rock) containing "spodumenes", the lithium mineral. Samples are collected and sent for analysis to Perth, Australia.

The "definitive feasibility study" has been completed and was sent several months ago to the government, which the company is now waiting for to issue an exploitation permit.

When it has obtained it, AVZ “plans to devote 600 million dollars to the construction of a factory”, which should produce around 700,000 tonnes of finished product per year, which can be used mainly in batteries, specifies its boss.

It will also rehabilitate the old hydroelectric plant, increase its capacity, and employ hundreds of local workers.

If the permit arrives quickly, production could start in 2023.

“People are suffering… AVZ will help us”, hopes the administrator of the territory, Pierre Mukamba Kaseya who, like everyone else “is waiting for the permit”.

"The specifications also provide for actions on roads, schools, hospitals...", also anticipates Baccam Banza Cazadi, secondary school principal.

“We want them to be able to succeed, for the province and for the country. There is hope,” he said.

View attachment 1834

View attachment 1835

You would assume that the ML is Close, dare i say "Imminent" ;)

Fingers crossed for it to Drop tomorrow after

Dow logs best day in over a year to end volatile week as angst over Russia’s Ukraine invasion gives way to buying​

“People are suffering… AVZ will help us”, hopes the administrator of the territory, Pierre Mukamba Kaseya who, like everyone else “is waiting for the permit”.

Pretty heavy words here...... one day I look forward to hearing " the people and the economy of Manono are booming with new infrastructure projects coming online, household incomes are improving, jobs are being created and stability to a once poor economy is now on the up"

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I am getting a gut feel and a tingle in my knee caps that a trading halt will occur this week.
Or is the tingle caused by the great AVZ photos Jag is posing......... hmmmm .....tim will tell 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
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Maybe Putin should consider handing St Petersburg, alias Petrograd and later Leningrad, back to Sweden as it is built on the site of a captured Swedish fortress... and as such doesn't really belong to Russia.🤪

*Ditto Simon, Ditto indeed as Simon says,

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So this is where everyone is hiding ?
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*Ditto Simon, Ditto indeed as Simon says,

Gidday my man..........missed you brother.

Where is my man JAG ?

Missed the girlies.........😂
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Gidday my man..........missed you brother.

Where is my man JAG ?

Missed the girlies.........😂
Welcome to peace and tranquility BEISHA :D

To answer your question........Its not your imagination....:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

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“People are suffering… AVZ will help us”, hopes the administrator of the territory, Pierre Mukamba Kaseya who, like everyone else “is waiting for the permit”.

Pretty heavy words here...... one day I look forward to hearing " the people and the economy of Manono are booming with new infrastructure projects coming online, household incomes are improving, jobs are being created and stability to a once poor economy is now on the up"

View attachment 1840
wolf whistle.gif

Thanks man..now tell me how you got permanently banned on HC ?

How does that happen ?
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Gidday my man..........missed you brother.

Where is my man JAG ?

Missed the girlies.........😂
He's here Beish don't you worry! :D
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View attachment 1842

Thanks man..now tell me how you got permanently banned on HC ?

How does that happen ?
Ask the turncoat Lbruce/tradergirl or whatever her name is.....:ROFLMAO:
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Um.....missed the timing of my response by that much....:ROFLMAO:
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Ask the turncoat Lbruce/tradergirl or whatever her name is.....:ROFLMAO:
Yep, piece of work is ole brucey, much like flash point, what am i allowed to say on this forum?, cause i could dish a whole heap of dirt on that poster........;)
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Yep, piece of work is ole brucey, much like flash point, what am i allowed to say on this forum?, cause i could dish a whole heap of dirt on that poster........;)
You can say anything.......its moderated by us and not others:sneaky:
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Yep, piece of work is ole brucey, much like flash point, what am i allowed to say on this forum?, cause i could dish a whole heap of dirt on that poster........;)
It's pretty open but we've tried to start nicely

Too much vitriol over on that othe site
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You can say anything.......its moderated by us and not others:sneaky:
This is pure gold, so let me get you straight here brother, if flash point wants to join up, you or who ever gets to say yah or nah
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