Carlos Danger
Top 20
Anyone seen any updates on JFM? This is the 2nd presidential order for his removal. Would love for him to fuck off this time.
I can't find anything that 100% confirms Mupande is gone but considering the presidential order was published on national television, the fact that the new CAMI leadership have been meeting government ministers and how confident Franck Fwamba is I'd say he is toast. I also can't find a copy of the presidential order itself. Does anyone know if these are available to the public?There was this, not directly on JFM but new management ; View attachment 41683

Paul Mabolia, coordonnateur de la Cellule Technique de Coordination et Planification Minière et ancien de la Banque Mondiale prend la direction du Cadastre minier (CAMI)
Echos d’économie du 28 juillet 2023 Le Président de la République Félix Antoine Tshisekedi a nommé des nouveaux mandataires dans les établissements et entreprises publics. Les ordonnances présidentielles étaient publiées mardi 01 août à la télévision nationale. Ainsi, Paul Mabolia Yenga a été...

Paul Mabolia, Coordination and Mining Coordination and Planning Technical Cell and former World Bank, takes over the Mining Cadaster (CAMI)
President of the Republic of the Felix Antoine Tshisekedi has appointed new officials in public institutions and businesses. The presidential orders were published on Tuesday, August 1, on national television. For example, Paul Mabolia Yenga was appointed new CEO of the Mining Cadastre and replaces Jean-Felix Mupande. Prior to this appointment, Paul Mabolia was coordinator of CTCPM, the technical technical cell of coordination and mining planning, a service within the Ministry of Mines.