AVZ Discussion 2022

The Fox

This part all sounds a bit serious even after most of a bottle of red...

There is a problem of lack of communication and sincere collaboration on the part of Cominière with the government and the lawyers in charge of the case for some time for reasons to be discovered by the government of the Republic.
Our organizations remind all Congolese stakeholders, especially at Cominière and the supervisory Ministry, to settle this important dispute that: - International arbitrations, such as that on our lithium today sought by everyone, relate to billions of dollars and the fees for first-class firms that master the filesa re set in several millions of dollars.
The procedures often last several years with cross exchanges of two parties with 90 days interval. The public hearing is held when the parties are finally satisfied with the clarification provided to the 3 judges, therefore the hearing for Monday, January
16, 2023 has been fixed after consultation with the lawyers of two parties of and cannot be easily postponed at the request of a (Congolese) party if not in the event of force majeure as was the case for this case in 2020 with Covid-19 causing the two-year postponement.
In case of absence in Paris in 3 days, which is the worst case as in the DIG-OIL file of sad memory, the Cominière and the Democratic Republic of Congo risk being inflicted damages of several hundred millions of US dollars during an election year with all the risks of putting into turmoil the development of a major mining project awaited by the whole world.
Considering the major stakes for the country during the public hearing of January 16, 2023 at the international Court of Ar bitration in Paris, it is more than ar national obligation that the Congolese party go there this weekend well equipped to defend the interests of the Republic and its population.
Just one bottle ? 😂 That's just a warm up to the main event on a Sat night 👍😂
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Just one bottle ? 😂 That's just a warm up to the main event on a Sat night 👍😂
It's enough to give me a thumping headache and my eyes to go blurry these days. o_O
Forcing down the last few sips before I pass out! I can read whatever has just happened in the morning.
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Jens is so full of shit I bet his eyes are brown. He's never been right. Heard it all before publicly and privately. It's just noise and strange how all the happy clappers are coming out of the woodwork now. Why? Because the company needs to hold an AGM. Feely good machine going into overdrive just like it did before and immediately after the Shitshow. Yeah... that long ago. I don't think we have that short a memories do we?

The only thing that counts in this entire equation is an official ASX announcement. Not what any of us speculate or read or say on social media. End of story.

And by the way @Point Piper Dealer are you a registered financial advisor? I can't be sure but at any rate you probably shouldn't be telling shareholders what to do should they be presented with an exit strategy. We are grown ups after all will make our own decisions. So pretty please, with sugar on top, don't fucking tell us what to do with our shares.
Ummm you can’t exactly sell them any day of the week spike !!!

There’s pretty much 1 option ATM … And it’s hold if you haven’t noticed…

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It's enough to give me a thumping headache and my eyes to go blurry these days. o_O
Forcing down the last few sips before I pass out! I can read whatever has just happened in the morning.

You were found naked with a bottle of tequila, some salt, nice lemon wedges, 5 dwarves, a goat, 2 chickens, a cabbage???, an irregular butternut pumpkin, two hookers and an unusual mound of white powder with a biodegradable straw from Maccas

No need to ask me how I know....:rolleyes::p
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Haha, of course you too Jag. Did not forget the Caps you organised
Ha you must have been on the first order, now you've got a limited edition collector's item. Sweet. My double order was cancelled after the co stepped in so I elected to forfeit the $ to a DRC charity. So long ago, can't remember which one it was... @JAG?


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You were found naked with a bottle of tequila, some salt, nice lemon wedges, 5 dwarves, a goat, 2 chickens, a cabbage???, an irregular butternut pumpkin, two hookers and an unusual mound of white powder with a biodegradable straw from Maccas

No need to ask me how I know....:rolleyes::p
That's horribly close to the truth....
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Ha you must have been on the first order, now you've got a limited edition collector's item. Sweet. My double order was cancelled after the co stepped in so I elected to forfeit the $ to a DRC charity. So long ago, can't remember which one it was... @JAG?

Sux to be you huh..

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Ha you must have been on the first order, now you've got a limited edition collector's item. Sweet. My double order was cancelled after the co stepped in so I elected to forfeit the $ to a DRC charity. So long ago, can't remember which one it was... @JAG?
Fred hollows foundation if I recall correctly. My cap is still sitting in pride of place, but in the shadows, waiting to be brought into the light should we ever pass through the royal shit fuckery of the past 2 years
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For the love of God can you guys stop talking about caps until we have a ML and access to our cash 😂😂💰💰💰💰💰💰
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Just remember: false news or premature celebration will see @MoneyBags1348 administer one of these to the offender.
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Biding my Time 1971
Well, for me the only news over the weekend of any significance and credibility is that MMCS1 have failed to retain 5%. thanks Franck.

Whilst I would like to believe all the news outlined in someones 'further review', I'll believe it when AVZ announce. Too many crying wolves for my liking, and after all, it is the weekend......
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The new management team of the Mining Cadastre (CAMI) came to present courtesies to the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the National Economy
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Les can't make up his mind how he feels about AVZ .

Sir Les
I’m hearing $AVZ has changed it’s strategy, to positive effect. If so I’m sure we’ll see positive results.
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Well, for me the only news over the weekend of any significance and credibility is that MMCS1 have failed to retain 5%. thanks Franck.

Whilst I would like to believe all the news outlined in someones 'further review', I'll believe it when AVZ announce. Too many crying wolves for my liking, and after all, it is the weekend......
Franck references this old article at one point.
The key takeaway:
"A verdict in favor of COMINIERE will make the exploitation of Manono lithium by AVZ a reality." 🤞
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Tired Jim Carrey GIF by Ace Ventura
What I miss ……..
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Available with translation
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Biding my Time 1971
Franck references this old article at one point.
The key takeaway:
"A verdict in favor of COMINIERE will make the exploitation of Manono lithium by AVZ a reality." 🤞
Yep, gives COMINIERE their 10% to cede to the state, and also lets the green mamba off one hook - that of corruptly handing 5% to MMCS1 to 'settle their differences' I still believe one or more of the elite hold interests in MMCS1, and deliberately tried to stall COMINIERE representation at the ICC hearing so that the case fell over in MMCS favour

So now they can fuck off too
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