AVZ Discussion 2022

Cominiere's balance sheet is becoming more clear with the efforts of Kiki... An itemised account of 'snacks' should reveal Focus Pleading and collusion...
Add extortion to Zijin's resume...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="fr" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Lithium?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#Lithium</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Manono?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#Manono</a>🇨🇩<br>Le groupe Chinois🇨🇳 <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ZIJIN?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#ZIJIN</a> avait IMPOSÉ dans une lettre à la <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/COMINIERE?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#COMINIERE</a> une coentreprise où elle aurait 71% et l&#39;État Congolais🇨🇩 29%.<a href="https://t.co/Mvar5ZEkdq">https://t.co/Mvar5ZEkdq</a></p>&mdash; Kiki Kienge (@KiengeKki) <a href="">August 1, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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Fair enough in terms on unnecessary execs. But i don't think its fair to categorise the team as doing nothing.
The thing is what on earth could they be doing? What tasks are there for the mining experts when there is no mine? Not to diminish the BOD. But they are an expensive asset without any legal skills.
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The thing is what on earth could they be doing? What tasks are there for the mining experts when there is no mine? Not to diminish the BOD. But they are an expensive asset without any legal skills.
Surely you are just taking the piss now....right?????
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Surely you are just taking the piss now....right?????
It's pretty obvious he has been consuming copious amounts of psilocybin over the weekend, lots of it.
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The thing is what on earth could they be doing? What tasks are there for the mining experts when there is no mine? Not to diminish the BOD. But they are an expensive asset without any legal skills.

You make a good point, at this stage of mine development we should temporarily sack the board and replace them with a crack team of lawyers
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You make a good point, at this stage of mine development we should temporarily sack the board and replace them with a crack team of lawyers
I know just the team

harvey specter GIF by Suits
usa network GIF by Suits
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You make a good point, at this stage of mine development we should temporarily sack the board and replace them with a crack team of lawyers

I've dealt with corporate lawyers a bit. Best way to waste $10M's and years, esp. in AVZ's situation with DRC. Best experts for resolving in our favour are expert company managers, dealmakers. You can argue AVZ Execs' qualifications there, but don't even think of putting lawyers in charge of this. IMO & no offence to lawyers, everyone has their place, value to add. Br Sparrowhawk12
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The Fox

More chance the West will fail economically than China
Really? That's interesting. What do you base that view of the world or comment on?

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Really? That's interesting. What do you base that view of the world or comment on?


Year's of CCP education and indoctrination is my best guess
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I'd be thinking the USofA before thinking Saudi .
I feel it's too big a step for USA at this point, and their still focused on domestic or nearby sources. For USA, Saudi involvement might also be a more palatable prospect than China
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Really? That's interesting. What do you base that view of the world or comment on?

Just my opinion on the changing political climate including:
- China haven’t printed their economy to oblivion yet like the US. They have a large capacity to do so still.
- The push for BRICS and dedollarisation benefiting those countries.
- China will essentially be building most of the ‘green’ agenda infrastructure for the West.
- The weak, corrupt and senile leader of the US.
- Questionable leadership in the EU.
- Current changes and increase in anti west sentiment in Africa. Russia looking to fill the void.
- Most likely another NATO proxy war with Russia will happen in Africa.
- Russia will continue to deplete NATO/US weaponary and stock in Ukraine and potentially now Africa (how many billions worth have already been destroyed/depleted?)
- the massive China/Russia military budgets and war games that are currently taking place.

I could go on and on. These are just my pessimistic views of the current trajectory of the world and probably not the place for this forum.
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Hi all,
While avz is my main play, I do follow a few other lithium companies too, with a small parcel in some (carn EMH!). Lately I've been thinking about European Lithium, who have signed a deal with a Saudi company for a 50/50 joint venture on a processing plant.

This post isn't meant to be a comparative analysis or anything, more just musing and speculation on how this as a reference point could hint at future possibilities for AVZ. EUR's contribution to the JV is basically feedstock, with he Saudis paying for the plant. The mine is in Austria, and like most others it's a teacup pig compared to Manono. Not exactly close to Saudi Arabia, and not exactly a world-class deposit. IMO the Saudi's aren't getting into this to support their car industry, they want to keep owning the energy industry. And I mean OWN it. So arrangements like the one they have with EMH is going to be how they go about it, I expect EUR is just the first of many deals to be done.

So my musings are twofold.
1 - What does this tell us about the sort of arrangement that AVZ might end up with, be it with China or someone else
2 - Is Saudi Arabia going to to get involved with Manono? I know it's been speculated about on here before, and they have had trade discussions with DRC. They got money like the Chinese, more 'flexible' on certain host country attributes than the USA, and need to build themselves new industries. Even if DRC still insisted on processing happening locally, if SA wants to control a lithium OPEC then they need control of manono, regardless of where the product gets processed.
IMO they could make a good 3rd party to balance out the Chinese.

I'm not in the weChat group, so don't know if anything related to SA is in the rumors circulating around there, this is just my own speculation.
(Also - don't begrudge them having a private chat alongside an anonymous public message board. People have varying degrees of both effort, involvement and exposure/risk here. And if someone accidentally says 'thank-you' on here instead, toughen the fuk up and ignore it. You are no worse off that someone else knows something that you don't)

While I think probably China has their teeth sunk deep enough into manono/DRC that they will also eventually end up stumping up the cash to move it forwards, now that SA has started making moves I would not be surprised if they came out with an even bigger dump of cash to push China aside and get into the project. AVZ mines SA pays for the processing plant and China buys all the output? We'll see.

GIF by Snowpiercer on TNT
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Just my opinion on the changing political climate including:
- China haven’t printed their economy to oblivion yet like the US. They have a large capacity to do so still.
- The push for BRICS and dedollarisation benefiting those countries.
- China will essentially be building most of the ‘green’ agenda infrastructure for the West.
- The weak, corrupt and senile leader of the US.
- Questionable leadership in the EU.
- Current changes and increase in anti west sentiment in Africa. Russia looking to fill the void.
- Most likely another NATO proxy war with Russia will happen in Africa.
- Russia will continue to deplete NATO/US weaponary and stock in Ukraine and potentially now Africa (how many billions worth have already been destroyed/depleted?)
- the massive China/Russia military budgets and war games that are currently taking place.

I could go on and on. These are just my pessimistic views of the current trajectory of the world and probably not the place for this forum.

You started putting your political agenda and sewing the seeds of doubt here right from your second post and you finish this one with “probably not the place for this forum”

Are you sure you don’t want to add that poor rich boy Donald who got out of being conscripted into the military because he had a sore foot and his self made real estate mogul status had nothing to do with his daddy’s real estate mogul status and how the poor fellow had nothing to do with the attack on the White House and how he is the victim of another unfair witch hunt and….

Oh sorry, “probably not the place for this forum”…. Yeah right 😉😉
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The Fox

Just my opinion on the changing political climate including:
- China haven’t printed their economy to oblivion yet like the US. They have a large capacity to do so still.
- The push for BRICS and dedollarisation benefiting those countries.
- China will essentially be building most of the ‘green’ agenda infrastructure for the West.
- The weak, corrupt and senile leader of the US.
- Questionable leadership in the EU.
- Current changes and increase in anti west sentiment in Africa. Russia looking to fill the void.
- Most likely another NATO proxy war with Russia will happen in Africa.
- Russia will continue to deplete NATO/US weaponary and stock in Ukraine and potentially now Africa (how many billions worth have already been destroyed/depleted?)
- the massive China/Russia military budgets and war games that are currently taking place.

I could go on and on. These are just my pessimistic views of the current trajectory of the world and probably not the place for this forum.
Thanks for all that, your view on things is worth considering. I take note of your anti US / EU sentiment and pro Russian view on things. Very telling, thanks for sharing. 🦊
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Dolla come across very much like a typical inhabitant of west Taiwan...

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Mr Clean


Not specifically related to Lithium in the DRC - but since we're the Cobalt sponsor at the up and coming conference it makes sense to share it too. Eeirly similarities in many instances at the exploitation of the Congolese people for minimal financial gain for the local elites. Multiple examples of companies being stripped of mining licenses in favour of Dan Gertler and Chinese corrupt individuals. Sound familiar?
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Lol I assumed I would be painted as CCP/pro Russian however quite the contrary. My motherland is very much not aligned with either of those two however I also have my eyes and ears open to what’s happening in the world and the many recent signs that point to a deterioration of western influence and weakening of economic power.

As I have said in previous posts my concern is that the African nations we have invested in. (I’m sure some have invested in plural whether it’s for gold or lithium..) may see this change in political climate and adjust who they do business with in the long term.
Will the DRC be afraid of their corrupt image in the eyes of the US/EU or will they not really give two shits because they know funding and business will come from elsewhere..

Happy for someone to give an alternative view and put my concerns at ease.
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Lol I assumed I would be painted as CCP/pro Russian however quite the contrary. My motherland is very much not aligned with either of those two however I also have my eyes and ears open to what’s happening in the world and the many recent signs that point to a deterioration of western influence and weakening of economic power.

As I have said in previous posts my concern is that the African nations we have invested in. (I’m sure some have invested in plural whether it’s for gold or lithium..) may see this change in political climate and adjust who they do business with in the long term.
Will the DRC be afraid of their corrupt image in the eyes of the US/EU or will they not really give two shits because they know funding and business will come from elsewhere..

Happy for someone to give an alternative view and put my concerns at ease.
Get on a politial forum chief....seems more up your pineapple alley
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