AVZ Discussion 2022


It's a pretty reasonable concern I think

We all know that EV's are so much better for the environment than burning fossil fuels but there is a question around fires with the batteries that cannot be ignored and needs to be addressed as development continues
Yes mate that's quite right but christ god help us if they start reporting evey oil rig, fpso, gas/oil refinery fire not to mention gas car fires. There wouldn't be any room for real news. Cheers.
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Here is another electric vehicle talkfest that may never eventuate without a Manono mining Licence


A new vision of producing new vehicles to renew motor carts in all transport sectors in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been adopted by the government, the transport minister said during his visit to Kin Motors on Thursday.

"We are part of a vision to renew all the car carts in the city of Kinshasa because it is time that we can have dapper new vehicles circulating in the city, in all sectors of transport, including public transit, and private," said the Minister of Transport, Communication and Opening Up, Marc Ekila Likombo, in the presence of his colleague from Industry, Julien Paluku Kahongya.

The two government personalities made this visit to the facilities of the company Kin Motors to accommodate the assembly plants of vehicles of the brand "Kin" made in Congo, as well as electric vehicles with several ranges that will be assembled in Kinshasa.

"We are particularly interested in this project because as part of the equipment of the companies Transco, Trans-Academia and Spirit of Life, it is time for all the currencies of the country to remain on site. We can also assign them to other emergencies of the Republic, "added Marc Ekila, before noting that this project is part of the vision of the Head of State Felix Tshisekedi, that of reviving the DRC in the concert of Nations.

Vehicles made in Congo must cost less than 10,000 USD

The price of these vehicles made in Congo, zero kilometers must cost less than 10,000 US dollars, revealed Julien Paluku Kahongya who argued that the arrival of Kin Motors, after Supreme Automobile / Mercedes-Benz, is in order to materialize the vision of the President of the Republic, Felix Tshisekedi.

This vision consists in resurrecting "Industrial Limete", by limiting the bill for importing vehicles.

The 2nd Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company "Kin Motors", De Oliviera, for his part, requested the installation of other vehicle assembly plants in the Maluku Pilot Special Economic Zone.

He said that this company will develop the automotive industry in the DRC and intends to create wealth and jobs in the country.
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Master of Quan
Should we interpret the appointment of an arbitrator 3 days ago as negotiations gone sour ?
Naa id say its just the process. Not like AVZ can say, lets put a hold on progressing it for a week or two. Until an agreement is signed sealed and delivered and its withdrawn completely its all ahead full for the courts
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Naa id say its just the process. Not like AVZ can say, lets put a hold on progressing it for a week or two. Until an agreement is signed sealed and delivered and its withdrawn completely its all ahead full for the courts
They'd be mad to drop the case, imagine how fast DRC would backflip!
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It's a pretty reasonable concern I think

We all know that EV's are so much better for the environment than burning fossil fuels but there is a question around fires with the batteries that cannot be ignored and needs to be addressed as development continues
What I am trying to say is that in future to be able to ship EV's the battery design has to be safer, ie progressing to solid state batteries is a natural progression.
Not only from the point of performance, but also from the point of safety.

I haven't bought an EV as yet, simply in my eyes the performance for me doesn't meet what I want from a car.
But that is not the issue here.
The issue here is safety and people will be forced to do things safer.

Yes solid state batteries are more expensive, still in early stage.
However Insurance companies are in future not going to cover car carriers full with cars with lithium ion batteries, the way it is done at this very moment. It is obvious that this will happen.

Same thing happened in 70's after a couple of tanker explosions and investigations, made people realise what was going on.
The result was that Inert Gas Systems became a standard piece of kit on tankers, to be used to maintain a positive inert atmosphere in the cargo tanks. Being it a lean or rich atmosphere, but outside of the explosive range, especially during certain operations.

Insurance companies simply will not cover ships, if the risk is too high.
Government regulations go hand in hand with Insurance Companies' rules.
ABS, Lloyds and DNV insurance companies' rules are in general stricter than Government rules.

Something similar will happen with Car Carriers and Car Ferries.
Cars on trains being transported through tunnels, like the Chunnel will be looked at in the same light.

Incidents/accidents do happen.
People learn to walk by falling and discovering that that hurts, at the end of the day it is better not to fall.
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Hi Guys,

Just a quick message to make sure you all take care of yourselves.

Whichever way it plays out, the most important thing is that you and your families are healthy. I might be oversharing here (and using this as a bit of a vent), but my best friend's 2 wk old has a condition that has a 100% mortality rate (they're taking him off ECMO today).

Money is great, but it comes and goes. This, has just reminded us all that life really is too short to stress over the littler things in life.

Take care all.
Give my best to your mate will pray tonight for his child ,, you are correct money never made my life any better
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Guaranteed the guys in the video now run a multi-billion dollar digital streaming corporation somewhere near Silicon Valley......
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Yes mate that's quite right but christ god help us if they start reporting evey oil rig, fpso, gas/oil refinery fire not to mention gas car fires. There wouldn't be any room for real news. Cheers.
Sure I get that

I just think going forward it will be something they look into from a safety perspective as part of the ongoing development of EV tech (y)
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Should we interpret the appointment of an arbitrator 3 days ago as negotiations gone sour ?

Processes in motion and still have to be played out in the normal fashion

Until the case is heard ...or....pulled
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Processes in motion and still have to be played out in the normal fashion

Until the case is heard ...or....pulled
Apologies ....I realise earlier posters had pretty much said the same thing😬
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Sure I get that

I just think going forward it will be something they look into from a safety perspective as part of the ongoing development of EV tech (y)
Definitely cheers
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I believe in the first few months the BOD had talked about being in discussions with the "highest level of government". Then it was with "competent DRC authorities".

All the while turns out nothing was going on.

If we had went straight to ICSID sooner we may have cut out 6 months of waiting we didn't need.

So it turns out there are two types of negotiation. The first is where the parties interests are largely aligned and people come together in good faith in search of a mutually-beneficial outcome. The second is where one or more parties present a veneer of seeking a good faith outcome, when in fact their real intent is self interest and delay. i.e. bad faith.

I’m fairly confident that history will show AVZ entered negotiations thinking it was founded in good faith, only to discover the reverse was true.

And besides, why were/are we negotiating anything when AVZ has met all the conditions for the issuance of the ML?

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So it turns out there are two types of negotiation. The first is where the parties interests are largely aligned and people come together in good faith in search of a mutually-beneficial outcome. The second is where one or more parties present a veneer of seeking a good faith outcome, when in fact their real intent is self interest and delay. i.e. bad faith.

I’m fairly confident that history will show AVZ entered negotiations thinking it was founded in good faith, only to discover the reverse was true.

And besides, why were/are we negotiating anything when AVZ has met all the condition for the issuance of the ML?

Reading between the lines AVZ management have been bullshitted to high heaven for years.

Now finally with a bullshit backstop in ICSID let's see what happens.

I feel like most holders and I daresay management will be eager to start putting the DRC government through the wringer and make them pay for their greed, incompetence and stupidity if something doesn't eventuate soon. And we'll be doing the people of the DRC a favour in the long run imo. 80% of them live in poverty regardless while the elites milk the country for their own personal gains. Any compensation will only be coming out of their pockets.

Enough is enough. Forgo some snacks now or cough up the billions... :unsure:

Decisions decisions.
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So it turns out there are two types of negotiation. The first is where the parties interests are largely aligned and people come together in good faith in search of a mutually-beneficial outcome. The second is where one or more parties present a veneer of seeking a good faith outcome, when in fact their real intent is self interest and delay. i.e. bad faith.

I’m fairly confident that history will show AVZ entered negotiations thinking it was founded in good faith, only to discover the reverse was true.

And besides, why were/are we negotiating anything when AVZ has met all the conditions for the issuance of the ML?


Agreed, let this be a lesson and case study for others. Start the court cases asap.
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Ofcause the pussy runs the show always has, he will be getting a % of every single deal done its how it works. The problem is our so called 20 years experienced management STILL didn't get it.and in a nutshell that's why we are hear today. Jesus cong wanted 50 but he doesn't end up with 50 it's dispersed to the elites and he'll get a cut but our clowns being in country for 20 years didn't get that. Gobsmacking ignorance or just plain arrogance. Anyhow now we are in a crap shoot. imo through shit management.
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Ofcause the pussy runs the show always has, he will be getting a % of every single deal done its how it works. The problem is our so called 20 years experienced management STILL didn't get it.and in a nutshell that's why we are hear today. Jesus cong wanted 50 but he doesn't end up with 50 it's dispersed to the elites and he'll get a cut but our clowns being in country for 20 years didn't get that. Gobsmacking ignorance or just plain arrogance. Anyhow now we are in a crap shoot. imo through shit management.
BoD playing a straight bat

No shortcuts

No bribes

No backhands

Full transparency

Not playing into the hands of the corrupt and morally bereft

Respecting and observing the laws and the applicable codes....always

Yeah it's a tough road to do the right thing in the face of incessant and ingrained graft and corruption but hey .....that's what they've done

And it will absolutely fucking hold up in court to anyone's scrutiny while the bad actors will be shrinking from the light and praying for a merciful death

Bring on the announcements

I'll cut you some slack on all the spelling and grammar...it's Friday night after all isn't it..;):ROFLMAO:
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BoD playing a straight bat

No shortcuts

No bribes

No backhands

Full transparency

Not playing into the hands of the corrupt and morally bereft

Respecting and observing the laws and the applicable codes....always

Yeah it's a tough road to do the right thing in the face of incessant and ingrained graft and corruption but hey .....that's what they've done

And it will absolutely fucking hold up in court to anyone's scrutiny while the bad actors will be shrinking from the light and praying for a merciful death

Bring on the announcements

I'll cut you some slack on all the spelling and grammar...it's Friday night after all isn't it..;):ROFLMAO:
Yep it's friday spelling and grammar won't improve on any given day as that's not the point. Let's just see what happens in the next. How long did the secret squirrels give it ? By the end of next month wasn't it? Hopefully we will have some communication from the best bod on the asx before then. Otherwise what I'm responding to is a load of shit which I suspect it is. But we'll know in about a month by the sound of it.
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