By Kiki Kienge
Will we now have to talk about a strategy in the Congolese gold war, to block CGR likely competitor of the United Arab Emirates with PRIMAVERA GOLD, as in the case of the Congolese lithium war between the Australians of AVZ MINERALS and the Chinese of ZIJIN?
From lithium to gold, from Manono in Tanganyika to Bukavu in South Kivu, from AVZ MINERALS to Congo Gold Refinery (CGR), it now seems a registered trademark of Kinshasa to manage the mining sector and dismiss non grata investors for their point of view.
Permissions are granted, investors are allowed to invest their money in feasibility and other studies, initiate the construction work of factories, for after those declared unable to respect the agreements signed with the Congolese State, the example of Manono lithium with the Australians of AVZ MINERALS which has caused a lot of ink to flow, whose situation is still at a standstill to the detriment of the population of
The history of Congo Gold Refinery (CGR) begins behind the scenes in 2017, because the address (Avenue Patrice Emery Lumumba 79 Bukavu, Ibanda, South Kivu DRC) of the gold company is at the same residence of a company called the FSG, a security company created by American billionaire Erik Prince, a former partner of former Congolese President Joseph Kabila
Congo Gold Refinery is a custom refinery located in the city of Bukavu (South Kivu Province in the DRC). The entity meets the standards of the international market to bring the highest quality in its products. This refinery combines the melting process, the refining process and the design of pure gold, with the use of the latest technology machines.
CGR has the desire to work with all approved cooperatives, traders, craftsmen and other various entities working in the field. An effort must be continued with our work alongside local artisans and traders, in order to have a better centralization and traceability of minerals. Let's find written as a presentation of the CGR on its site.
CGR is a company owned by two partners;
First is Global Investment Congo (GIC), which has as shareholders Alain Wan and Liu Zhigang of the FSG.
Second is the company Marathon SARL, owned by Belgo-Burundais Karim Somji, Robert Mutesa, including Otshimo Ekanga (Moïse Ekanga), a businessman who holds shares in two mining companies in the DRC and is head of a Sino-Congolese chamber of commerce.
"The CGR is partly owned or managed by different characters with backgrounds that raise questions. This ranges from people accused of Congolese gold smuggling to a close associate of the former president, to a senior executive of a company created by one of the most notorious mercenaries in the world. The trade alliance between these characters should be closely examined by anyone interested in transparency and the equitable distribution of the wealth that the DRC derives from its natural resources," said Jean-Luc Blakey, Senior Campaign Manager at Global Witness.
Global Witness in its time had raised doubts about the authenticity and legality of the documents accrediting the CGR refined Congolese gold:
"There is a risk that CGR will have a 'refinery' only the name, exploiting its title to legitimize untraceable exports of semi-refined gold while benefiting from tax exemptions. For the population of the DRC to benefit from its country's gold reserves, transparent investments and state supervision are required, not a company owned by opaque offshore entities operating under a license of questionable validity. ”
This did not prevent the new power from collaborating and supporting the CGR in its desire to work in DR Congo.
In 2021 on Thursday, October 28, 202, the Minister of Mines, Antoinette N'Samba Kalambayi received in a cabinet hearing the Director General of the mining company, Congo Gold Raffinerie, CGR, Karim SOMJI and his representative his Deputy Director General in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Yasin Karim SOMJI.
The two representatives of the CGR, presented to the Minister of Mines, the progress of the work and the progress of the construction of the Bukavu Gold Refinery, in order to refine on site pure gold with a content of 99.99% before any possible export, the refinery will have a capacity of 100 kilograms of gold per day.
On Tuesday, June 21, 2022, the governor of South Kivu province, Théo Ngwabidje, even visited the CGR factory:
"There is no reason to bring gold abroad since at home, we can refine it. We will accompany economic operators and mining operators to come and support this initiative. Arrangements will be made by my government to discourage fraud in all its forms," said the governor of the province.
In June 2023, a meeting was held between the Minister of Mines, Antoinette N'Samba Kalambayi and Miriam Amena Agito, Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister in charge of Business Climate, Sama Lukonde Kyenge.
The two personalities spoke of the date chosen for the opening of the Bukavu gold refinery, the authorization to start refining, in particular the Green Light that the Minister of Mines should grant to CGR, so the gold company was able to have a legal authorization to solemnly open the gold refinery in DR Congo.
The beginning of the refining of Congolese gold should already begin at the beginning of July 2023, according to the agreement between the Congolese authorities and representatives of the CGR, no longer with a processing capacity of 100 kilograms, but 200 kg of gold per day and 2 tons per month.
But here it is, a dramatic blow a few days before the inauguration of the gold refining plant, which should take place today Wednesday, July 26, 2023, the Minister of Mines is blocking everything in a ministerial order n0.002 67 of July 24, 2023 DECOMPENANCE OF THE SOCIETE CONGO GOLD RAFFINERIE "CGR" OF ITS APPROVAL FOR THE TITLE OF TREATMENT CATEGORY B.
Order of the Minister of Mines
Revised Ministerial Decree No. 00 10/CAB.MIN/MINES/01/2022 of 15 February 2022 renewing approval as a category B processing entity in the Province of South Kivu for the benefit of the Company CONGO GOLD RAIFINERIE SARL.
Whereas the CONGO GOLD REFINERIE "CGR" Company has not respected its social obligations, in particular those relating to the development of the specifications of social responsibilities;
Considering the letter of formal notice No. Ré£: CAB.MIN/MINES/ANSK/01512/01/2022 of 06 May 2022, relating to the execution of the Specifications of Societal Responsibilities;
Considering the expiry of the period of 6 months following the formal notice sent in particular to the Company CONGO GOLD RAFFINERIE "CGR";
Article 1:
Without prejudice to other sanctions provided for by the provisions of the Mining Code and Regulations as well as Ministerial Order No. 00131/CAB.MIN/MD 3 of 19 April 2023 regulating the Activities of the Processing Entity, the Company CONGO GOLD RAFFINERIE "CGR" is depleted from its approval as a Category B Processing Entity.
Article 2:
The company CONGO GOLD RAFFINERIE "CGR" has a period of 30 (thirty) from the notification of the present:Arrested by the Secretary General of Mines to exercise his right of recourse.
Article 3:
The Secretary General of Mines is responsible for the implementation of this Order, which enters into force on the date of its signature.
Done in Kinshasa, the Z in JUIL 2023, Antoinette N'SAMBA KALAMBAYI.
On July 25, 2023, the province of South Kivu, through its provincial division of mines and geologies, was responsible for notifying the CGR of the decision of the Ministry of Mines, which comes into force from the date of signature of the ministerial order, therefore on July 24, 2023:
Mr. Director of the Company CONGO GOLD RAFFINERIE,
In accordance with the provisions of the well-identified Decree in the subject of His Excellency the Minister of Mines of 24/07/2023 transmitted to the Secretary General of Mines on 25/07/2023;
On the instructions of the Secretary General for Mines.
I regret to transmit to you what is the object in the margin for execution in accordance with the legal provisions;
As a result, the inauguration of your CONGO GOLD RAFFINERIE "CGR" Company scheduled for this Wednesday 26/07/2023 is postponed to a later date.
Please accept, Mr. Director of the Company
CONGO GOLD REFINERIE, the expression of my patriotic feelings.