AVZ Discussion 2022


Each party will have their own interpretation of contracts and events, each party will have information the other one doesn't and each party will think they are in the right until it is all laid out in front of us it's impossible to know whats going on.

AVZ thinks they are in the right enough to basically tell Zijin to f off and Zijin thinks they are in the right enough to take it to court.

My biggest concern is that we have pretty much had zero out of the DRC in relation to a ruling or an official government backed opinion on the matter.

My hope is that we are in the right and don't lose it over something as simple as someone not replying to an email lol.
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Cominiere is set up for the benefit of the DRC and is only holding a share in Dathcom on behalf of DRC. So no way that the Dathcom agreement allows Cominiere to sell their stake before precedent conditions (DFS, financing) allow ceding of the 10% to DRC. It's like a chef (Cominiere) letting the Chinese visitor (Z / JC) eat the boss's (DRC) big juicy steak pie (Manono) before dinnertime even starts (ML award, finance from CATH). If I'm the boss, I'd fire the chef for sure and kick the visitor out of the house.

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Here is another worthy post from over there by Helios11 .

People need to stop overthinking. Listen to the company. Read the DRC Mininig Code. Understand the requirements of the mining code for the DRC Mines Minister to sign the Decree. If you understand these three points, and not even think about the contract stuff. You will see its all fine.

Nigel was clear. 75% during his most recent interview.
AVZ has been clear, the have 75%, they have legal titles.
DRC minister has signed Decree for 75% (Good Title).

Zinjin rushed in, thought they had buy of the century and have realized they have lost. Disinformation campaign at its best.

The rules and precedents are quite clear. The contract as pointed out provided AVZ FROR. Furthermore, as combaste pointed out, elements in the contract restrict the pledging of shares until financing has been declared in reference to the feasibility study. This same feasibility study, and financial ability were put before Mines Minister to sign the Decree. All above board and legal.

I pointed out last night some time, a few requirements under the DRC mining code to move beyond Exploration to Exploitation. Simpy put, a company must have and remain with 51% or greater of shares in the controlling company. Again, simple. Anyone, any company (Zinjin), and media outlet, (AFR), writing and releasing uninformed information could be subject to legal action for not doing thier own DD.

DRC must remain with 10% shareholding as part of the DRC Mining Code. No other situation allows anyone other than AVZ to retain 51% of Dathcom, to mine Manano.
Helios11 has been posting some good stuff and putting up some good arguments and fact

Fighting a one man rear guard action against the troll swarms over in crapsville
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Cominiere is set up for the benefit of the DRC and is only holding a share in Dathcom on behalf of DRC. So no way that the Dathcom agreement allows Cominiere to sell their stake before precedent conditions (DFS, financing) allow ceding of the 10% to DRC. It's like a chef (Cominiere) letting the Chinese visitor (Z / JC) eat the boss's (DRC) big juicy steak pie (Manono) before dinnertime even starts (ML award, finance from CATH). If I'm the boss, I'd fire the chef for sure and kick the visitor out of the house.

I'd be throwing the bastards in Jail . That money is for the DRC government not for snacks and hookers . Off with their heads .
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Have a Cigar 1975
I've actually had a read of the 'Shareholder Agreement' that Tendoji posted on the toilet a few days ago, dated 2019, so appears to be an updated version of how things were to work going forward from then. The split in that document is 60/25/15, whereas, in 2016/17 when the deal was consummated it was clearly 60/30/10.

Once again, I surmise, as I don't know the truth, but it would seem that Cong got in between COMINIERE and AVZI for the extra 5%, and probably took a cut for arranging it? So, from there, the 2 deals for options were all with DATHOMIR

Semi explains the discrepancy someone pointed out last night or this morning.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️
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I've actually had a read of the 'Shareholder Agreement' that Tendoji posted on the toilet a few days ago, dated 2019, so appears to be an updated version of how things were to work going forward from then. The split in that document is 60/25/15, whereas, in 2016/17 when the deal was consummated it was clearly 60/30/10.

Once again, I surmise, as I don't know the truth, but it would seem that Cong got in between COMINIERE and AVZI for the extra 5%, and probably took a cut for arranging it? So, from there, the 2 deals for options were all with DATHOMIR

Semi explains the discrepancy someone pointed out last night or this morning.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️
Or maybe Dathomir bought 5% from Cominiere to end up with Dathomir 15% and Cominiere 25% sometime during those years and AVZ didn't announce it as it does not relate to/affect AVZ?
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Wishful thinking/daydreaming:
Would be nice if in the midst of the recent general market bloodbath were a group of instos/retail selling their non-AVZ lithium stocks to raise cash to buy AVZ as soon as trading starts again. That would precipitate a short squeeze for sure.

We longs should probably concentrate on posting our collective objective research and discussion on HC too on Thursday 19 May so that new holders/retail can make better decisions just before the market open and avoid being influenced by the FUD spread by the Z and JC misinformation campaign. Hold the line before the battle starts at dawn.
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I've actually had a read of the 'Shareholder Agreement' that Tendoji posted on the toilet a few days ago, dated 2019, so appears to be an updated version of how things were to work going forward from then. The split in that document is 60/25/15, whereas, in 2016/17 when the deal was consummated it was clearly 60/30/10.

Once again, I surmise, as I don't know the truth, but it would seem that Cong got in between COMINIERE and AVZI for the extra 5%, and probably took a cut for arranging it? So, from there, the 2 deals for options were all with DATHOMIR

Semi explains the discrepancy someone pointed out last night or this morning.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️
It's getting weird . So was Nigel unaware of the 60/30/10 done in 2016/17 ? Was the Minister for Mines unaware . Hell was the whole fricking
DRC government unaware . Zijin and it's gangsters had this big secret they decided to share with us on the eve of the ML .
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We end up with 66% or 61%. Would be nice to have it cleared when we out of suspension along with CATHs $$, BFS, Drilling results, 10mtpa SS (if BFS hasn’t been adjusted for 10mtpa), updated presentation to show our path to 10mtpa.

Also then we can get some Zijin in the bin T’s
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Have a Cigar 1975
Or maybe Dathomir bought 5% from Cominiere to end up with Dathomir 15% and Cominiere 25% sometime during those years and AVZ didn't announce it as it does not relate to/affect AVZ?
Yep, thats what I am trying to say. Not inferring AVZ asked him to do it, but hmmm, can't rule that out either LOL
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Have a Cigar 1975
We end up with 66% or 61%. Would be nice to have it cleared when we out of suspension along with CATHs $$, BFS, Drilling results, 10mtpa SS (if BFS hasn’t been adjusted for 10mtpa), updated presentation to show our path to 10mtpa.

Also then we can get some Zijin in the bin T’s
It certainly would. I'm picking DRC are going to run with 15%, just because Nigel inferred that as a possibility
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Have a Cigar 1975
It's getting weird . So was Nigel unaware of the 60/30/10 done in 2016/17 ? Was the Minister for Mines unaware . Hell was the whole fricking
DRC government unaware . Zijin and it's gangsters had this big secret they decided to share with us on the eve of the ML .
Nothing sinister in any of that. Thats how it was from day one. I guess as drilling progressed they thought 'fuck, this is good, we want more', and lawfully went about securing it piece by piece, ending up at 75/25, with FROF on 15%
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It certainly would. I'm picking DRC are going to run with 15%, just because Nigel inferred that as a possibility
Yep leaning into DRC with 15% as a nod for doing the right thing, we return the favour. CATL 24%.
Zijin maybe fined, maybe stripped of their holding on the Kamala copper mine depending how much dirt has been found on them. CATL, AVZ seem to be the Governments choice for Manono (both in battery council)
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It would be great to see it all backfire on Zijin.

The devil is definitely in the details.
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Hey TDITD are your balls still in the drawer ? Hopefully this time you'll be getting a blow job and not just the moisturiser .
Come on guys let try and keep it clean yeah? There are ladies present.
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Yep leaning into DRC with 15% as a nod for doing the right thing, we return the favour. CATL 24%.
Zijin maybe fined, maybe stripped of their holding on the Kamala copper mine depending how much dirt has been found on them. CATL, AVZ seem to be the Governments choice for Manono (both in battery council)
I'm not sure how valid it is but somewhere is floating around AVZ's apparent offer to drc gov of 5% avz shares (or AVZ's 5% share:unsure:) as well as a sum of money. Far exceeding zijin's $33 odd Mil for the 15%.
Anyone got a reference to that?
Nigel 'may' have validated this somewhat in that latest interview.

Be nice to see an outcome like this pop out the other end of the suspension. With a reversal and some jail time for those involved with the shady zijin deal.
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So we are thinking the suspension is more to do with zijins claims than the "Issuing of the Mining Rights?" I guess they are intertwined aren't they.
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So we are thinking the suspension is more to do with zijins claims than the "Issuing of the Mining Rights?" I guess they are intertwined aren't they.
Hazard to guess where the SP would be if no suspension . Add to that the DOW down about 2500points since this all started. That would be one big turd sandwich right there .
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Have a Cigar 1975
I'm not sure how valid it is but somewhere is floating around AVZ's apparent offer to drc gov of 5% avz shares (or AVZ's 5% share:unsure:) as well as a sum of money. Far exceeding zijin's $33 odd Mil for the 15%.
Anyone got a reference to that?
Nigel 'may' have validated this somewhat in that latest interview.

Be nice to see an outcome like this pop out the other end of the suspension. With a reversal and some jail time for those involved with the shady zijin deal.
Unsubstantiated but I think it was 8% of AVZ shares, USD 27 mill, a 10% free carry in any future LiOH plant and something else that has escaped me for now

The expectation will be 10mill per %, like the CATH deal I suppose

HAGW all
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Unsubstantiated but I think it was 8% of AVZ shares, USD 27 mill, a 10% free carry in any future LiOH plant and something else that has escaped me for now

The expectation will be 10mill per %, like the CATH deal I suppose

HAGW all
Cheers Xerof, good to know I've not deteriorated to imagining things in my sleep.

Regardless it's quite clear any offer from AVZ would far exceed the value of the apparent transaction that has taken place.
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