Who cares what number of carrés there are if AVZ creates a void at Manono, and who cares what parties take up said void, assuming a TO. However this is all certainly relevant if AVZ stays on, even though AVZ has commenced the procedures to take the DRC Government to court in the US of A. Not a big deal right? Come on, the relationship with the DRC Gov is dead and buried, if there ever was one.
Just like oil and water going forward I would think.
Anyway, not long to wait now until the mystery is solved.
I should say, this dialog reminds me of a great little and old time number from Jimmy Durante. I'd say Nigel has oscillated between "did you ever have the feeling that you wanted to go and still had the feeling that you wanted to stay?"
Yes, well that song is vintage and way past the recollection of most here, but somewhat relevant based on recent events over the last few months IMO and how Nigel has most likely felt over the many months that have gone by.
Have a good weekend ladies and lads, see you next week.
Would this tune be a little more contemporary?