Where was the US , when AVZ were putting out the " feelers " for offtake ?
I weas banging on about it for the longest time at HC.........AVZ needed diversity to avoid potential chinese collusion via the order of President Winnie the poo.......
View attachment 40469
Currently, China operates 15 of the 19 cobalt producing mines in the DRC, which has created dominance for the Chinese Communist Party over global critical mineral supply chains which directly harms U.S. strategic interests
Make no mistake, China want to dominate lithium supply too via Manono............the US only has themselves to blame for the predicament above.
Albermarle now getting desperate, tried a TO for LTR..................failed.
Albermarle now negotiating a JV with MIN.
Why didnt Albermarle seek a offtake with AVZ ?
Not to worry Albermarle, there is another option you can look at.............PARADOX , Utah.....
( monster in waiting )
BTW folks, what do you reckon the net worth is for Winnie the Poo ?
Thats a farken tonne of brown paper bags............and China is a communist country ...
One rule for him and different rules for his people, no wonder the POO extended his tenure of regime against the doctrine.