AVZ Discussion 2022


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A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that the lesson of the pied piper is to not trust strangers. But it's not. The moral of the story is to always pay people what they are owed.
View attachment 38639

Dead right

Nigel right now....

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DRC Mining Week / 2023 in Lubumbashi: Sama Lukonde spreads the Government's vision on the mining industry and agriculture

On behalf of the President of the Republic, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, the Prime Minister, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde, spoke, this Thursday, June 15, 2023, at the Mining Week of the Democratic Republic of Congo called “DRC Mining Week ”, which opened in Lubumbashi on June 14 under the theme:

“Recognize the trophies and victories of the mining industry in the DRC and outside“.

For the occasion, the Head of Government responded to a series questions.

”I would first like to mention here that I wanted to be present at these meetings, where I was delegated by His Excellency the President of the Republic, to be able to be close to this sector which is so vital for us in the Democratic Republic of the Congo right now. :unsure: :sick: :ROFLMAO:

And also to be close to our partners in the mining sector and also to listen to their concerns. I absolutely wanted to mention it.

To return to the question of the day, it is this sentence, which was given, “The revenge of the ground on the basement”.

And here, the interaction that must be done with the mining sector.

This sentence so dear to His Excellency the President of the Republic, His Excellency Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, he does not want to make it a slogan, but a reality. And I will give answers, perhaps from the institutional point of view. Because I followed the debate earlier.

From the institutional point of view, it is first of all the shock resulting from this Russian-Ukrainian war. And all of us realize, from that moment on, that the bulk of our imports, especially cereals, came from Ukraine. And all the other countries were affected. And so each country has turned to its local production. And we too, as a Government, to question ourselves on the subject, on the question of telling ourselves, we must absolutely guarantee our food security. And, beyond this food security, guarantee our own local production.

To do this, we first, and that's good, because we are with the Minister of Industry, adopted a National Strategic Development Plan, which covers the sectors that need the full attention of the government, in particular agriculture and then industrial production,” said Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde Kyenge from the outset.

“And it’s interesting that we are on this day for DRC Mining Week. But I hope that in the days to come, we could have forums, in any case, of the same size, because we already have forums in this sector, but at least forums of the same size , to also talk about agriculture and to talk about industry. Now, beyond this National Strategic Development Plan, which I spoke about, it is also the means that we must put in the sector.

Today, the mining sector is the largest contributor to the state budget. And so, a large part of this budget is allocated today to the agricultural sector.

We have effectively set up this National Program on the Development of our territories, the PDL-145T.

It is first of all to have, precisely, at the educational and health level, basic infrastructures. Basic infrastructures also at the level of our administrations for the return of the authority of the State. But afterwards, it is to have agricultural service roads. Because that is, we have talked about it, a big part of the solution.

The role of the State is to set the framework that will allow the emergence of agricultural production. And so, the agricultural service roads, it is our responsibility to put them in place so that all the production, which is done in the interior, can reach the major centers. And moreover, at the same time, solving another important problem, that of the rural exodus, the displacement of populations, because they do not have the possibility of having income in their local living environments, inside the territories.

Then, alongside these agricultural service roads, an energy plan, which is in deficit today in the mining sector. If we ever want more production, we will have to have more energy.

Of course, the public-private partnership that we have, particularly with the mining companies, provides the solution.

Earlier, with those in charge, I encouraged them to do more. And it is up to us, at the level of the Ministry of Water Resources, to also improve the conditions in terms of investments in the energy sector. Because in reality, energy goes hand in hand with all production. And agricultural production too. And so, today we are talking about the Grand Inga. But as part of the PDL-145 T, we want to have micro power stations to actually serve households, so as to lighten the main network, which could be used for industry, in particular the mining industry,” he said. -He specifies.

“I think that’s two things to think about. The first is that we want more added value at the local level.

This is what will allow us to benefit from more resources here on site, increase our income. And there, we call on the miners to develop the value-added chains of the products we have.

Today we are talking about the battery.

It's on.

We have a whole strategy with our neighbor, Zambia, so as to have added value in this sector and have more resources. But we have to do the same thinking for all the other metals we produce.

Then, alongside this production and its added value, I spoke of agriculture and I said that alongside, there is industry.

It is true that today we already have special economic zones within the framework of industry. But we want more industrialization in the country.

It is important that we can direct the resources, which we will have on this added value, towards the industry sector and have more processing alongside mining production.

I also want to mention that besides all these factors, we also need to protect our market.

Today, we are talking about agricultural production.

But if we put the framework that I talked about, we want more incentive in the agricultural sector. But we have to deal with external competition.

It is important to protect our own production so as to have more incentives for more investment.

The means to put in the agricultural sector, because the governor of Kongo central spoke about it, it is much more to accompany. But it is the framework that we are setting up, that is to say these roads and this energy that we have talked about, which will allow investors to come to this sector.

They are the real producers in the agricultural sector. And so, I believe that all of these challenges are there in front of us.

Today, we are working with all these programs that I have spoken about to put in place all this necessary framework”, concluded the Prime Minister.

It is important to emphasize that long before the Prime Minister, during a panel, three Provincial Governors, namely that of Haut-Katanga, Central Kongo, and Tanganyika, had each given the strategies of his entity in relation to to the issue of industrialization and agriculture to ensure food security.

*To remind, Manono is a town and territory in Tanganyika Province.

It should also be noted that before entering the room, Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde had first met with Congolese employers, including the bosses of large mining, banking and other companies on all issues related to collaboration between investors and the Government, particularly on the business climate.

And afterwards, he visited the different stands erected by the different companies that exhibited at this forum.

It should also be mentioned that several mining operators, general managers of large companies in the country took part in this conference which addressed several themes.

It should be noted that the current allocation of funds from the mining sector to boost the agricultural sector is a return of the elevator in view of the contribution of the latter in the past for the construction of the Union Minière du Haut Katanga ( UMHK), the ancestor of Gécamines.


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DRC Mining Week / 2023 in Lubumbashi: Sama Lukonde spreads the Government's vision on the mining industry and agriculture

On behalf of the President of the Republic, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, the Prime Minister, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde, spoke, this Thursday, June 15, 2023, at the Mining Week of the Democratic Republic of Congo called “DRC Mining Week ”, which opened in Lubumbashi on June 14 under the theme:

“Recognize the trophies and victories of the mining industry in the DRC and outside“.

For the occasion, the Head of Government responded to a series questions.

”I would first like to mention here that I wanted to be present at these meetings, where I was delegated by His Excellency the President of the Republic, to be able to be close to this sector which is so vital for us in the Democratic Republic of the Congo right now. :unsure: :sick: :ROFLMAO:

And also to be close to our partners in the mining sector and also to listen to their concerns. I absolutely wanted to mention it.

To return to the question of the day, it is this sentence, which was given, “The revenge of the ground on the basement”.

And here, the interaction that must be done with the mining sector.

This sentence so dear to His Excellency the President of the Republic, His Excellency Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, he does not want to make it a slogan, but a reality. And I will give answers, perhaps from the institutional point of view. Because I followed the debate earlier.

From the institutional point of view, it is first of all the shock resulting from this Russian-Ukrainian war. And all of us realize, from that moment on, that the bulk of our imports, especially cereals, came from Ukraine. And all the other countries were affected. And so each country has turned to its local production. And we too, as a Government, to question ourselves on the subject, on the question of telling ourselves, we must absolutely guarantee our food security. And, beyond this food security, guarantee our own local production.

To do this, we first, and that's good, because we are with the Minister of Industry, adopted a National Strategic Development Plan, which covers the sectors that need the full attention of the government, in particular agriculture and then industrial production,” said Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde Kyenge from the outset.

“And it’s interesting that we are on this day for DRC Mining Week. But I hope that in the days to come, we could have forums, in any case, of the same size, because we already have forums in this sector, but at least forums of the same size , to also talk about agriculture and to talk about industry. Now, beyond this National Strategic Development Plan, which I spoke about, it is also the means that we must put in the sector.

Today, the mining sector is the largest contributor to the state budget. And so, a large part of this budget is allocated today to the agricultural sector.

We have effectively set up this National Program on the Development of our territories, the PDL-145T.

It is first of all to have, precisely, at the educational and health level, basic infrastructures. Basic infrastructures also at the level of our administrations for the return of the authority of the State. But afterwards, it is to have agricultural service roads. Because that is, we have talked about it, a big part of the solution.

The role of the State is to set the framework that will allow the emergence of agricultural production. And so, the agricultural service roads, it is our responsibility to put them in place so that all the production, which is done in the interior, can reach the major centers. And moreover, at the same time, solving another important problem, that of the rural exodus, the displacement of populations, because they do not have the possibility of having income in their local living environments, inside the territories.

Then, alongside these agricultural service roads, an energy plan, which is in deficit today in the mining sector. If we ever want more production, we will have to have more energy.

Of course, the public-private partnership that we have, particularly with the mining companies, provides the solution.

Earlier, with those in charge, I encouraged them to do more. And it is up to us, at the level of the Ministry of Water Resources, to also improve the conditions in terms of investments in the energy sector. Because in reality, energy goes hand in hand with all production. And agricultural production too. And so, today we are talking about the Grand Inga. But as part of the PDL-145 T, we want to have micro power stations to actually serve households, so as to lighten the main network, which could be used for industry, in particular the mining industry,” he said. -He specifies.

“I think that’s two things to think about. The first is that we want more added value at the local level.

This is what will allow us to benefit from more resources here on site, increase our income. And there, we call on the miners to develop the value-added chains of the products we have.

Today we are talking about the battery.

It's on.

We have a whole strategy with our neighbor, Zambia, so as to have added value in this sector and have more resources. But we have to do the same thinking for all the other metals we produce.

Then, alongside this production and its added value, I spoke of agriculture and I said that alongside, there is industry.

It is true that today we already have special economic zones within the framework of industry. But we want more industrialization in the country.

It is important that we can direct the resources, which we will have on this added value, towards the industry sector and have more processing alongside mining production.

I also want to mention that besides all these factors, we also need to protect our market.

Today, we are talking about agricultural production.

But if we put the framework that I talked about, we want more incentive in the agricultural sector. But we have to deal with external competition.

It is important to protect our own production so as to have more incentives for more investment.

The means to put in the agricultural sector, because the governor of Kongo central spoke about it, it is much more to accompany. But it is the framework that we are setting up, that is to say these roads and this energy that we have talked about, which will allow investors to come to this sector.

They are the real producers in the agricultural sector. And so, I believe that all of these challenges are there in front of us.

Today, we are working with all these programs that I have spoken about to put in place all this necessary framework”, concluded the Prime Minister.

It is important to emphasize that long before the Prime Minister, during a panel, three Provincial Governors, namely that of Haut-Katanga, Central Kongo, and Tanganyika, had each given the strategies of his entity in relation to to the issue of industrialization and agriculture to ensure food security.

*To remind, Manono is a town and territory in Tanganyika Province.

It should also be noted that before entering the room, Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde had first met with Congolese employers, including the bosses of large mining, banking and other companies on all issues related to collaboration between investors and the Government, particularly on the business climate.

And afterwards, he visited the different stands erected by the different companies that exhibited at this forum.

It should also be mentioned that several mining operators, general managers of large companies in the country took part in this conference which addressed several themes.

It should be noted that the current allocation of funds from the mining sector to boost the agricultural sector is a return of the elevator in view of the contribution of the latter in the past for the construction of the Union Minière du Haut Katanga ( UMHK), the ancestor of Gécamines.

View attachment 38650

Mining week, what a fucking joke.

All these DRC politicians do is flap their gums & give lip service to "Felix The Impotent" FFS

Blah Blah Blah scrolling.gif
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Cumquat Cap

Lukonde is full of absolute shit and i'm convinced he is the root cause of many of avz' issues - corrupt as they come
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Lukonde is full of absolute shit and i'm convinced he is the root cause of many of avz' issues - corrupt as they come
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Lukonde is full of absolute shit and i'm convinced he is the root cause of many of avz' issues - corrupt as they come

What makes you say that? He's flown under the radar for me but I have a tough time connecting the African names.
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Screenshot 2023-06-21 at 4.16.39 pm.png
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those zijin fuckers delaying again. will this shitshow ever end!
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obe wan


As expected ; absolute dogs
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What a fucking joke.
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fucking dogs is right, wish there was something we could do. I'm developing a real hatred for the chinese. the fucking ICC is getting played as well, either they're on the chinese payroll or are dumb fucks, probably both apply.
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I find it interesting that the ICC agreed to yet another delay, particularly since Jin Cheng's reasoning for a delay is not related to this part of the hearing. This part of the hearing is about the ICC's jurisdiction to arbitrate at a later hearing on the wider issue of Zijin Mining's illegal acquisition of 15% of Dathcom.

Anyway, it is what it is, and here is a brief summary of the IGF's allegations against Jin Chen:

The IGF report (2022) into corruption in the DRC mining sector identified several allegations against Zijin Mining and Jin Cheng Mining. The report alleges that the companies engaged in corrupt practices, including bribery, to secure mining rights in the DRC . The report also alleges that the companies violated environmental regulations and human rights standards . Specifically, the report alleges that Zijin Mining bribed Congolese officials to secure mining rights in the DRC, and that Jin Cheng Mining used child labor in its mining operations.

This report is already in the president's hands, so good luck getting it amended you rodents.

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Definately taking bribes from Zijin to delay. Zijin well known for it.
Oh woops, im a highly trained court arbitrator of the International Court of Commerce, but silly me double booked, oh I'd forget my head of it wasn't screwed on.
And now, after the IFG report has been out for over a year, and the case anounced over 3 months ago, a several billion dollar company with lawyers for years needs more time to respond.
Sounds plausable, short recess? a week? Nahh, 3 months ar least.
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Expected but still fucked.

ICC bribed to hell, not great for the case. Fucked if we are relying on ICC results.

Even if the case is heard in September/October, who knows when the results will come out.
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Fuck this shit is getting depressing.
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So are we now delayed till late September? Is that considered a short continuance or is the hearing a different point in time? Bloody confusing drivel!
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A short delay of 3 months....we seem to have different definitions of short.
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Absolute disgrace the ICC should be better than this Zijin have had more than enough time to prepare they have already had a 3 month delay Due to double booking 🤭 by ICC, you have to ask the question if they are so confident of their position why not get on with it lol.
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Did I just get it up the ass again without that reach around
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