AVZ Discussion 2022


Just translate it?
Unfortunately I keep getting an error message saying that Google can't translate it now. Try again in a few minutes.
Might try again later after a couple of vodkas.

I am particularly interested in understanding what the document says about FRoR; particularly whether AVZ has exclusivity or if the junior partners, Cominiere and Dathmir also have this right.

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where you from Pete to have a name like yours and to suffer from such bad english? are you so unfortunate to not have had a good education or are you indeed chinese? I think you're the later, a slimy chinese troll, so fuck off!
That explains why my Google translation of the Dathcom JVA from French to English is not working. It's all tied up with translating his Chinese to Chinglish.
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it's not my fault that your fucking australian english is different from our civilized one in europe.
Australia and Europe.

And civilised

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Australia and Europe.

And civilised

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Unfortunately I keep getting an error message saying that Google can't translate it now. Try again in a few minutes.
Might try again later after a couple of vodkas.

I am particularly interested in understanding what the document says about FRoR; particularly whether AVZ has exclusivity or if the junior partners, Cominiere and Dathmir also have this right.


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Who cares what they think. What do YOU think?
Okay I'll have a crack. AVZ emerge victorious with the ML and with funding intact they quickly rocket to a MC $10 billion.

To celebrate this milestone AVZ enter into a sponsorship with the best club in the league, renowned for its style and class:


Sorry, you asked.
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Full moon tonight by the looks of it...

Looking forward to a better week
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Chinese EV production vid: Not directly AVZ related, but still worth a look.

Skip the wallet ads a couple of mins in.

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Australia and Europe.

And civilised

From an English ( country ) pov you spelled 'civilised ' correctly - with an 's'.

Funny that Peter Clark who lives in France (check his previous posts - err no, you can't because he deletes most of them), doesn't know that.
Spelled it with a 'z'

BTW PC, as a proud Brit (and Aussie) there's nothing that fucks me off more than arrogant cunts from UK who think they're superior to Aussies.

But then you deleted that post too or maybe it was done for you.

You really are too dumb to be a good troll.

Right had my rant, put it out there.

Can I suggest that we don't let him escalate this as he did a few weeks ago before the name change.

In not gonna reply again
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I knew a few girls at school who did French 🫣 none of them played footie though🫤
Try going to a Greek school 😱

Footy mate footy… Worse than our AVZ Secutry at spelling 😂 😂 😂

Yeah cunts that was on purpose…
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Fresh article from Germany.

Marco Schnepf ‧ 18.06.2023, 17:00 ‧ Aktualisiert am: 18.06.2023, 17:00

AVZ Minerals share: The next stage of escalation!​

AVZ Minerals has resorted to an international arbitration procedure over the dispute in the Congo.​

Save free PDF report to AVZ Minerals:Download here for free ➜
At a glance:
  • With its involvement in DathcomAVZ MineralsIt is a huge lithium reserve in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • But apparently the African country's government has not adhered to its own mining laws.
  • AVZ Minerals now wants to put pressure on the Congo through an international arbitration procedure.
AVZ Minerals seeks arbitration: As the Australian mining company announced on Friday, Two subsidiaries, together with Dathcom Mining SA, have filed an application for international arbitration.
Accordingly, AVZ Minerals and Dathcom accuse the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) of serious omissions, This would have caused financial disadvantages to the companies.

AVZ Minerals hopes for arbitration​

The arbitration proceedings are to be held in Washington, D.C. (USA). The plaintiffs invoke the so-called ICSID Convention, which states, Disputes between states and nationals of other states can be settled before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in the US capital.
Should investors sell immediately? Or is it worthwhile to join AVZ Minerals?
AVZ Minerals and Dathcom hope to that the arbitral tribunal make concessions to you and oblige the DRC to: The applicants accuse the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo of The mining laws of the African country have not been fully complied with.

Project Manono: Failure of the DRC government?​

For example, AVZ Minerals and Dathcom, that the government made mistakes in handling the research permit “PR 13359”. Without these mistakes, the government and authorities would have had to grant an operating permit to Dathcom. As a result, the “Manono” project would have been significantly negatively affected, This in turn has affected Dathcom's assets.
It remains to be seen how the arbitration tribunal in Washington, D.C. will decide.
Save free PDF report to AVZ Minerals:Download here for free

Lithium treasure: Chinese apparently interested​

For classification: Dathcom is the official owner of the lithium project “Manono” in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. AVZ Minerals, in turn, has a 75 percent stake in Dathcom. The remaining 25 percent One percent of the shares are owned by a Congolese state-owned company, La Congolaise D’Exploitation Minerie SA.
The Manono mine had been exploited in the past mainly because of its high tin content. Recently, however, there had also been extremely promising lithium deposits there, which AVZ Minerals intends to gain access to through its stake in Dathcom. When lithium mining will pick up in the light of the dispute with the Congolese government, remained open at first.
More recently, however, a possible involvement of Chinese actors in the lucrative lithium project had caused anger at AVZ Minerals.
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  • By 2035, US$920 billion will be invested in lithium mining worldwide


By 2035, US$920 billion will be invested in lithium mining worldwide​

June 16, 2023
Kiki Kienge

By Kiki Kienge
Since last May, lithium carbonate prices in China have increased by 55%, following the recovery of the electric vehicle market in the country.
This price increase notably affected the prices of lithium-ion batteries, which increased by 3.8% in May 2023 to reach $110.7/kwh compared to the beginning of the year. For the moment on the international market, the supply of lithium carbonate is by far insufficient to meet the demand.
The race to find new lithium deposits, which has already been launched by large groups, especially in Africa, remains a solution to remedy this shortage.
As in the DR Congo where the certification of the Manono lithium deposit in the province of Tanganyika by the Australians of the AVZ MINERALS group, which is currently the source of a standoff between the West and the East, including the beginning of the he exploitation remains blocked for the moment following the politicization of the project.
We are talking about an investment of at least US$3 trillion over the next twenty years in the production chain for batteries for electric vehicles, including at least US$920 billion just in the exploitation of lithium by 2035. .
In November 2022, the price of lithium had reached its historic peak to reach 81,832 euros per ton, in early March 2023 per ton was displayed at 52,050 euros, recording a drop of 36%.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) warns of potential shortages of lithium, which could deprive many battery producers of lithium carbonate and push up the prices of electric vehicles.
The largest lithium production is concentrated in Australia, China, Argentina and Chile. New deposits have been discovered in the United States, Portugal, Germany, Brazil and Mexico, in DR Congo among others, but these new deposits do not seem to calm the global lithium craze.
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"We are on the cusp of a promising venture in the manufacturing of power batteries in Manono. There, we bring together the Congolese government, Chinese companies and American and European companies as end users.”
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"We are on the cusp of a promising venture in the manufacturing of power batteries in Manono. There, we bring together the Congolese government, Chinese companies and American and European companies as end users.”
That appears to be a quote from Felix ? Where is Australia/AVZ in his equation ?He's going to have to make a bold move very soon or his Lithium is not going to see the light of day for years . imo
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Fresh article from Germany.

Marco Schnepf ‧ 18.06.2023, 17:00 ‧ Aktualisiert am: 18.06.2023, 17:00

AVZ Minerals share: The next stage of escalation!​

AVZ Minerals has resorted to an international arbitration procedure over the dispute in the Congo.​

Save free PDF report to AVZ Minerals:Download here for free ➜
At a glance:
  • With its involvement in DathcomAVZ MineralsIt is a huge lithium reserve in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • But apparently the African country's government has not adhered to its own mining laws.
  • AVZ Minerals now wants to put pressure on the Congo through an international arbitration procedure.
AVZ Minerals seeks arbitration: As the Australian mining company announced on Friday, Two subsidiaries, together with Dathcom Mining SA, have filed an application for international arbitration.
Accordingly, AVZ Minerals and Dathcom accuse the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) of serious omissions, This would have caused financial disadvantages to the companies.

AVZ Minerals hopes for arbitration​

The arbitration proceedings are to be held in Washington, D.C. (USA). The plaintiffs invoke the so-called ICSID Convention, which states, Disputes between states and nationals of other states can be settled before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in the US capital.
Should investors sell immediately? Or is it worthwhile to join AVZ Minerals?
AVZ Minerals and Dathcom hope to that the arbitral tribunal make concessions to you and oblige the DRC to: The applicants accuse the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo of The mining laws of the African country have not been fully complied with.

Project Manono: Failure of the DRC government?​

For example, AVZ Minerals and Dathcom, that the government made mistakes in handling the research permit “PR 13359”. Without these mistakes, the government and authorities would have had to grant an operating permit to Dathcom. As a result, the “Manono” project would have been significantly negatively affected, This in turn has affected Dathcom's assets.
It remains to be seen how the arbitration tribunal in Washington, D.C. will decide.
Save free PDF report to AVZ Minerals:Download here for free

Lithium treasure: Chinese apparently interested​

For classification: Dathcom is the official owner of the lithium project “Manono” in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. AVZ Minerals, in turn, has a 75 percent stake in Dathcom. The remaining 25 percent One percent of the shares are owned by a Congolese state-owned company, La Congolaise D’Exploitation Minerie SA.
The Manono mine had been exploited in the past mainly because of its high tin content. Recently, however, there had also been extremely promising lithium deposits there, which AVZ Minerals intends to gain access to through its stake in Dathcom. When lithium mining will pick up in the light of the dispute with the Congolese government, remained open at first.
More recently, however, a possible involvement of Chinese actors in the lucrative lithium project had caused anger at AVZ Minerals.

  • Home
  • 2023
  • June
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  • By 2035, US$920 billion will be invested in lithium mining worldwide


By 2035, US$920 billion will be invested in lithium mining worldwide​

June 16, 2023
Kiki Kienge

By Kiki Kienge
Since last May, lithium carbonate prices in China have increased by 55%, following the recovery of the electric vehicle market in the country.
This price increase notably affected the prices of lithium-ion batteries, which increased by 3.8% in May 2023 to reach $110.7/kwh compared to the beginning of the year. For the moment on the international market, the supply of lithium carbonate is by far insufficient to meet the demand.
The race to find new lithium deposits, which has already been launched by large groups, especially in Africa, remains a solution to remedy this shortage.
As in the DR Congo where the certification of the Manono lithium deposit in the province of Tanganyika by the Australians of the AVZ MINERALS group, which is currently the source of a standoff between the West and the East, including the beginning of the he exploitation remains blocked for the moment following the politicization of the project.
We are talking about an investment of at least US$3 trillion over the next twenty years in the production chain for batteries for electric vehicles, including at least US$920 billion just in the exploitation of lithium by 2035. .
In November 2022, the price of lithium had reached its historic peak to reach 81,832 euros per ton, in early March 2023 per ton was displayed at 52,050 euros, recording a drop of 36%.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) warns of potential shortages of lithium, which could deprive many battery producers of lithium carbonate and push up the prices of electric vehicles.
The largest lithium production is concentrated in Australia, China, Argentina and Chile. New deposits have been discovered in the United States, Portugal, Germany, Brazil and Mexico, in DR Congo among others, but these new deposits do not seem to calm the global lithium craze.

Which is why it is important to keep the facts about AVZ in the headlines because there is more and more bullshit about our project coming out by newly and poorly informed media sources.

Shareholders on this forum know the facts and know the laws, legalities and illegalities that have occurred around our project and should ensure that these facts are kept in the media to counter all the uninformed and misleading bullshit that goes quiet for a while before resurfacing again.

AVZ’s Achievements have been clearly listed on TSE and so have anti corruption media sources so it shouldn’t be hard to support the company by keeping the truth out there.

The corrupt entities involved have continually tried diversionary tactics including saying why should an Australian company benefit from the project rather than the DRC…. Talk about spinning absolute fucken bullshit.

We have clear proof that AVZ followed the mining code and all legal processes and that we have committed to supporting the local communities and DRC (in our Sustainability Report), we have proof that Cominiere and Zijin have illegally committed fraud and extortion and proof that shorter’s and teabag tommy have publicly produced and released deceptive and misleading articles…. It’s just a matter of keeping the facts out there
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