AVZ Discussion 2022


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Glad to be long hey.
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Is this the issue we went into a TH for or seperate altogether
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Master of Quan
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So Jin is actually claiming the 15% we acquired to go to 75%? Is that what I'm reading in the ann?
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Relieved this is going into suspension. Too much ambiguity in the air and so far Zijin has released minimal information on their case (in English at least).

Ill play devils advocate, there are two sides to every story and the truth usually lies somewhere in between. At least the ICC is located in Paris and not the DRC so would therefore be independent and unbiased to 'lobbying'. From what I understand Nigel and co are supremely confident somewhat of a relief.

On the plus side I can now take a mental break from all these shenanigans for a while. Unnecessary anxiety to say the least.

Big thanks to all the AVZ internet sleuths for finding these gems of information floating around.

Good luck to all holders!
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So did the tough guy and put up with pain in the middle of my back for 5 days. Now in hospital with undiagnosed covid which has caused major clots in both lungs and killed parts of my lungs. Get to the doctor early guys
Due some good news today good luck everyone.
God speed for a full recovery DAZ, get well soon brother !!
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So did the tough guy and put up with pain in the middle of my back for 5 days. Now in hospital with undiagnosed covid which has caused major clots in both lungs and killed parts of my lungs. Get to the doctor early guys
Due some good news today good luck everyone.
Now you can at least switch off your phone and rest!
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Personally I'm happy with the suspension but overall my view is this whole situation is absolutely fucked

This is 100% exactly how I did not want my significant investment to proceed

Apologies for the swearing....
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Looking on the bright side, if inflation stats released tonight in the US don't show improvement, I will be very happy to be in suspension in the near future.
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The voluntary suspension is requested in connection with the finalisation and release of an
announcement in relation to its mining and exploration rights for the Manono Lithium and Tin

Note that the suspention is VOLUNTARY and is in relation to IT'S MINING AND EXPLORATION RIGHTS.
It's an extention to the halt we got on Monday about the mining licence, not about the arbitration.
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The voluntary suspension is requested in connection with the finalisation and release of an
announcement in relation to its mining and exploration rights for the Manono Lithium and Tin

Note that the suspention is VOLUNTARY and is in relation to IT'S MINING AND EXPLORATION RIGHTS.
It's an extention to the halt we got on Monday about the mining licence, not about the arbitration.

Yes but its in relation to RIGHTS, Zinjin is claiming they have rights hence the ICC case
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The Fox

Important to remember this is only a request to enter into Arbitration. No doubt AVZ will be working all Government connections to secure / ensure their shareholder rights are protected / upheld during the suspension time. There is a chance ML will still be issued and recorded on CAMI during this time as expected.

Z is just trying to pressure AVZ into allowing them on the Board and recognised on the Share registry and of course be acknowledged publically as a participant, obviously AVZ is not doing that presently.

I'd prefer AVZ should go after Cominiere for breaching the pre-emptive rights within the Share Holders Agreement, and head to Arbitration or Court on the partly paid share purchase transaction with Z. (I appreciate that its not ideal to take on a Gov entity, but they have stolen / ignored our rights to the additional 15%)

If this gets sorted at the higher levels of The DRC Government and they intervene due to AVZ pressure, Public Opinion pressure, NGO pressure, then there is no need to enter into any conversation with Z and certainly not arbitration to recognise them as shareholders.

Glad for the suspension !!

The Fox
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Very smart move again from Nige, suspension until the 20/5 to sort this BS out.

Hopefully by then the MACRO will be close to reversing ........;)

Bullish MACRO + Bullish resolution =


God I hate you HARRY and your gold digging MEGHAN !!

But you get the point right ?

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Personally I'm happy with the suspension but overall my view is this whole situation is absolutely fucked

This is 100% exactly how I did not want my significant investment to proceed

Apologies for the swearing....
Yes absolutely everyone on here would be happy with the suspension I would think..

With our perception of how the Chinese “don’t compete“ in big projects like this, it would be good to test them out at least with an alternative deal on the side with another non Chinese company ready to tell CATH.. Sorry but we aren’t prepared to go ahead with the JV if those Z pricks are going to be in the mix. We have offtake and funding from a more trustworthy Company.

Surely if CATH are not at all in this in the background with Z, they would be absolutely fuming and putting pressure on the PRC to tell them to piss off or risk China missing out on the lithium mother load. It would be great to see the US and Europe work together to keep this out of Chinese hands completely.
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Yes but its in relation to RIGHTS, Zinjin is claiming they have rights hence the ICC case
This is not at all how I read it, Zinjin is disputing ownership, not rights.

Rights is a licence, and they mention specifically "mining" rights, which is something they've never had before.
They would have to get a mining licence to have that right.
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So Jin is actually claiming the 15% we acquired to go to 75%? Is that what I'm reading in the ann?
I don't think so

I think Jin is claiming the 15% of Dathcom that AVZ purports to have pre-emptive rights over

This is the 15% (of a total of 25%) that Cominiere held in Dathcom of which AVZ was supposed to pick up 15% with the remaining 10% subsequently being passed to the DRC Govt on completion of relevant transactions for the DRC Govt to then be carried freehold through the project

It seems prima facie that crooked elements within Cominiere have done a deal with Zin for personal gain and effectively sold them the 15% of Dathcom late last year in contradiction to the Dathcom shareholders Agreement (which AVZ is relying on to prove they had the pre-emptive right to take up that 15%)

This I believe is what the arbitration is about

We are stuck in the middle ....its a clusterfuck dodgy deal between Cominiere and Zin and in reality the DRC Govt needs to fucking wade in and crack some fucking heads at Cominiere
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The issue is vapour. Let. it. go. mate.
Still think its vapour ?

Folks have invested shit loads into AVZ for a better future, a better future for the DRC and the WORLD too, Zijin intruding on AVZ good work and reputation is not VAPOUR............its CRIMINAL !!

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I am happy with the suspension. They will not just sit still and wait for the 20th - 9 days away. So many good things coming up and the buy - sell side is now wiped. Will the shorts get burnt and replace their orders when we come out of suspension?

I am a happy camper and see big upside once we win this battle, followed by several key announcements and the possibility shorters numbers slashed.
Could be a drawn out suspension depending how things play out. Is it possible we still see relevant Ann's in the meantime? I'm not well enough versed in a suspension situation to know.
Yes absolutely everyone on here would be happy with the suspension I would think..

With our perception of how the Chinese “don’t compete“ in big projects like this, it would be good to test them out at least with an alternative deal on the side with another non Chinese company ready to tell CATH.. Sorry but we aren’t prepared to go ahead with the JV if those Z pricks are going to be in the mix. We have offtake and funding from a more trustworthy Company.

Surely if CATH are not at all in this in the background with Z, they would be absolutely fuming and putting pressure on the PRC to tell them to piss off or risk China missing out on the lithium mother load. It would be great to see the US and Europe work together to keep this out of Chinese hands completely.
You'd imagine that CATH are squarely on side of zijin with this, can't afford to think like a westerner on that front imo.
Always wondered why it was a one step removed entity of CATL myself.
Haven't heard boo from the picks.
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Hi all, am an AVZ investor and have been enjoying following/reading this AVZ thread for the past week or so - I found this article last night and thought you might be interested in Fellix seeking to replace a judge in the upcoming presidential election. Hope he stays one step ahead …

It is already this Tuesday, on the instruction of President Félix Tshisekedi, that the Constitutional Court will draw "one member per group", including Dieudonné Kaluba, President of the High Court.

According to the high court press release sent to election-net.com, on Monday, May 9, a judge will therefore be replaced.

In addition, the pan-African magazine, Jeune Afrique, mentions the replacement of the President of the Constitutional Court wanted by Head of State Félix Tshisekedi, following the lack of confidence. "DRC: Félix Tshisekedi wants to replace Dieudonné Kaluba at the Constitutional Court," the pan-African media headlines on Tuesday.

According to JA's information, "the Congolese president has requested the appointment of a new president of the Constitutional Court, an essential part of the next electoral process. An unexpected reorganisation," writes JA

And to pursue:

"To justify this replacement request, a member of the first presidential circle mentions in particular the Matata Ponyo Mapon case... he finally escaped justice after, on November 15, the Constitutional Court became incompetent."

Jeune Afrique also indicates that "according to several sources within the highest court, and the entourage of the Head of State, the latter has requested the replacement of Dieudonné Kaluba".

"If the president comes to make such a decision, it is because confidence has been broken," comments a close friend of the Head of State at Jeune Afrique. Dossier to follow!
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