AVZ Discussion 2022


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Fyi, Fwiw, To remind,

View attachment 1644

View attachment 1645

It's so Hot here atm the Ice has Melted, but i don't care ;) :oops: :eek:

p.s. - Bart says thanks again for the Cap Bro (y)

Fyi, Fwiw, To remind,

View attachment 1644

View attachment 1645

It's so Hot here atm the Ice has Melted, but i don't care ;) :oops: :eek:

p.s. - Bart says thanks again for the Cap Bro (y)

Fyi, Fwiw, To remind,

View attachment 1644

View attachment 1645

It's so Hot here atm the Ice has Melted, but i don't care ;) :oops: :eek:

p.s. - Bart says thanks again for the Cap Bro (y)

Fyi, Fwiw, To remind,

View attachment 1644

View attachment 1645

It's so Hot here atm the Ice has Melted, but i don't care ;) :oops: :eek:

p.s. - Bart says thanks again for the Cap Bro (y)
I LOVE green days
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Almost a tug of war between Ukraine/US rate hikes & the surging lithium price/impending news. Never a dull moment.
I guess there is no such thing as easy money. As mentioned in an article I read recently, with speculative investing you pay the toll in fear, uncertainty and doubt. Made a bit of sense imo if a bit dramatic.

Thanks for the tip mate.
I don't think anyone would doubt your sincerity so don't worry about cross promoting.
Crapper has an end of term feel to it, difficult to take seriously when all of the crap is considered
Found myself just having a laugh- I've really got better things to do.
Scoota = gold, but the reactions were even funnier.
Inspector Clouseau certainly spotted the photoshopping
What! Was that photoshop?? 😳

:ROFLMAO: yes was pretty funny. Nigel sitting there with that particular expression.
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Master of Quan
Fyi, fwiw, I see where,

Pilbara Minerals delivers first profit on lithium boom​

Australian lithium miner Pilbara Minerals Ltd reported its first half-year profit on Wednesday as prices of the battery metal soared due to rising demand from the electric-vehicle industry.

Thin supply and a demand explosion spurred by the electric-vehicle revolution has sent prices of lithium surging in recent months, with current rates estimated to be eight times higher than year-ago levels.

“The result reflects continued improvement in lithium market conditions over the period, which has continued its strong momentum into the current half,” the company said.

Pilbara also said its chief executive officer Ken Brinsden would step down by the end of the year. :oops: :eek: :unsure:

Well done to them finally turning a profit. If they can make money with that deposit ( it’s big but veiny and a few impurities ) imagine the money printing machine AVZ will be if they can pump out 4.5-10mtpa! Add in PLS and wowsers!! Party on Franks mega yacht!
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Hi Frank

I'm not cross promoting here but with zinc on the critical list and the geopolitical climate Ironbark Zinc (IBG) in Greenland may be of interest. They have received EXIM approval for funding and are in the process of working through the equity component to potentially fully fund the mine

Might be worth a look ....full disclosure I have some which I picked up through my broker on a CR at 2.4c

If the US wants to secure zinc supplies and the proximity to Europe suits it might have some legs

Not sure if I can post a link to their home page but see if this works https://ironbark.gl/


*Hi Nut, Thanks for the Heads Up, when it comes to Critical Minerals of the Battery kind, the DRC has the bloody lot mate, as well as a Shit load of Zinc atm, No wonder Felix / DRC have jumped at the opportunity to get Kipushi, the world’s highest-grade zinc mine back up and running asap, as i'm sure you are well aware, with,

Ivanhoe Mines and Gecamines Sign New Agreement to Return the Ultra-High-Grade Kipushi Mine in the DRC to Production​

Ivanhoe Mines Executive Co-Chair Robert Friedland and President Marna Cloete, together with Alphonse Kaputo Kalubi (Chairman) and Bester-Hilaire Ntambwe Ngoy Kabongo (CEO) of Gécamines, DRC’s state-owned mining company, are pleased to announce that Kipushi Holding, an Ivanhoe Mines wholly-owned subsidiary and Gécamines have signed a new agreement to return the ultra-high-grade Kipushi Mine back to commercial production.​

Kipushi will be the world’s highest-grade major zinc mine, with average grade of 36.4% zinc over the first five years of production.​

Watch a new video showcasing Kipushi’s planned transformation into the world’s highest-grade major zinc mine: https://vimeo.com/676846621/282541f745
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Dow futures moving decently green as we speak

See what happens overnight

Hopefully some common sense prevails in Europe and settles markets

Fundamentals have not changed for AVZ and possibly going to get better

Watching closely over the remainder of the week

Near term catalysts vs global macro events

Very interesting
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*Hi Nut, Thanks for the Heads Up, when it comes to Critical Minerals of the Battery kind, the DRC has the bloody lot mate, as well as a Shit load of Zinc atm, No wonder Felix / DRC have jumped at the opportunity to get Kipushi, the world’s highest-grade zinc mine back up and running asap, as i'm sure you are well aware, with,

Ivanhoe Mines and Gecamines Sign New Agreement to Return the Ultra-High-Grade Kipushi Mine in the DRC to Production​

Ivanhoe Mines Executive Co-Chair Robert Friedland and President Marna Cloete, together with Alphonse Kaputo Kalubi (Chairman) and Bester-Hilaire Ntambwe Ngoy Kabongo (CEO) of Gécamines, DRC’s state-owned mining company, are pleased to announce that Kipushi Holding, an Ivanhoe Mines wholly-owned subsidiary and Gécamines have signed a new agreement to return the ultra-high-grade Kipushi Mine back to commercial production.​

Kipushi will be the world’s highest-grade major zinc mine, with average grade of 36.4% zinc over the first five years of production.​

Watch a new video showcasing Kipushi’s planned transformation into the world’s highest-grade major zinc mine: https://vimeo.com/676846621/282541f745
Thanks for that Frank

Yes superb grades at Kipushi indeed

The grades at Citronen in Greenland are just okay so it's definitely a mix of commodity/supply/proximity/geo-political and supply chain security in that regard

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Sorry, I will never utter that name again. I feel your pain.

*Remind me, What Name is it this Week o_O :unsure: :rolleyes:

After seeing the Shit Show on "The Crapper" today where AVZ Posters were attacking each other over "Where's Wally / Nigel " atm

As well as "She who can't be Named" giving Her two Bobs Worth every 2 Mins, well, It's a Recipe for Disaster imo

With each passing Day, more and more SH's on "The Crapper" will get the Shits and migrate over to TSE imo

They, "HotCrapper" Only have themselves to Blame, brought on by Greed / Clicks etc :mad:

If they don't lift their game, change their tune, use a Bigger Stick to control the Trolls, then

The Crapper will be Full to overflowing with Troll Crap, Death by a Thousand Cuts you would think :eek: :poop: :oops:

As i have other Stocks apart from AVZ, I will continue spend a bit of time on there, but i Prefer it here tbo

Food for thought on The Crapper :poop:

Bottoms Up, Pants Down :oops:

Frank :cool:

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Sounds like a dodgy taxi driver or two might have got their wires crossed when they heard Nigel jumped on a plane. :unsure:

But the halarity that has ensued has been pretty entertaining :ROFLMAO:

Shame though .. . I'm signing up with uber 😔
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Sounds like a dodgy taxi driver or two might have got their wires crossed when they heard Nigel jumped on a plane. :unsure:

But the halarity that has ensued has been pretty entertaining :ROFLMAO:

Shame though .. . I'm signing up with uber 😔

Fyi, fwiw, I see "Real Copper" DRC Copper, not that other Crap is going gangbusters, Tin on a Tear also atm, while HC takes a turn for the worse, in a Downward Spiral, going from Fun and Informing, to Farcical and Frustrating ffs ! :rolleyes:

Copper at more than 10,000 USD per tonne this week internationally

The prices of the main mining export products of the Democratic Republic of Congo are showing a general upward trend this week from February 21 to 26, 2022, according to projections by experts from the National Mercurial Commission of the Ministry of Foreign Trade.

Copper is trading this week at USD 10,000.06 per tonne compared to USD 9,825.80 per tonne last week, giving a positive price differential of USD 180.3.

Zinc is also trending higher this week at USD 3,657.30 per tonne versus USD 3,631.95 per tonne the previous week, a positive price differential of USD 25.35.

Similarly, tin is up this week at 43,986.50 USD per tonne against 43,377.50 USD per tonne last week, a positive price difference of 609 USD.

Copperbelt Katanga.png
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Fyi, fwiw, I see "Real Copper" DRC Copper, not that other Crap is going gangbusters, Tin on a Tear also atm, while HC takes a turn for the worse, in a Downward Spiral, going from Fun and Informing, to Farcical and Frustrating ffs ! :rolleyes:

Copper at more than 10,000 USD per tonne this week internationally

The prices of the main mining export products of the Democratic Republic of Congo are showing a general upward trend this week from February 21 to 26, 2022, according to projections by experts from the National Mercurial Commission of the Ministry of Foreign Trade.

Copper is trading this week at USD 10,000.06 per tonne compared to USD 9,825.80 per tonne last week, giving a positive price differential of USD 180.3.

Zinc is also trending higher this week at USD 3,657.30 per tonne versus USD 3,631.95 per tonne the previous week, a positive price differential of USD 25.35.

Similarly, tin is up this week at 43,986.50 USD per tonne against 43,377.50 USD per tonne last week, a positive price difference of 609 USD.

View attachment 1696
Yes agree Frank, in all seriousness I was just having a read and getting very frustrated which has been the case more often than not for many months. At least scoota provided a bit of relief.

With the price of lithium and tin there is a real disconnect opening up here:

Lithium carbonate 99.5%min
447,500 Chinese Yuan
equals $70,838.35 USD
Tin $43,986.50 USD

Just need drc to ignite the fuse...
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*In other News, I see where those poor yanks might have to pay @ $1.30c a litre for Fuel, poor buggers, my Heart Bleeds Not ! :rolleyes:

U.S. drivers brace for the highest prices in 9 years as oil approaches $100 a barrel

Worse-case scenario for U.S. gasoline prices may be $5 a gallon, says GasBuddy’s De Haan

U.S. drivers are looking at the highest prices for gasoline at the pump since at least 2013, with prices for oil nearing $100 a barrel — a level it hasn’t reached in more than seven years — in the wake of Russia’s move into Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to send troops into Ukraine where Russian separatists have been fighting the Ukraine army resulted in Brent crude oil spiking to an intraday high of $99.50 a barrel on Tuesday, “ensuring American motorists will be paying more for gasoline at the pump,” says Brian Milne, editor and product manager, at DTN.

“Unless we see a quick resolution, Brent crude will push past $100 a barrel, sending U.S. gasoline prices to $3.75 a gallon by early March.”

*Might be a Good Time to Trade in that Old ICE and Buy an EV i reckon, Problem Solved (y)

Chasing Tesla.jpg

Do it for Joe, do it for the Planet, do it for the DRC and Me ;)

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*Fyi, fwiw, It's good to see where the,

The USA launches the “Tujenge” program for the development of the East


The US government, through the US Agency for International Development (USAID), launched this Tuesday, February 22, 2022, the program called "Tujenge" for the consolidation of the development of the eastern part of the DR Congo.

According to a press release received by the editorial staff of Actu30.cd, the said program which will be implemented in Beni, in the province of North Kivu, and in Mambasa, in Ituri, will benefit from the collaboration of several parties, in particular authorities, communities, civil society organizations, community organizations, government actors, local populations, as well as the private sector.

Funded by the U.S. government, through USAID, this program will be implemented by Mercy Corps in consortium with International Alert, Wildlife conservation Society, Alliance for Responsible Mining, International Peace Information Service, HIVE, Chambers Federation, APROHDIV, Justice plus , SOFEPADI, CORACON, and Pole Institute as well as local partners.

"USAID's partnership for the development of eastern DRC called Tujenge is part of the Privileged Partnership for Peace, Prosperity and Environmental Preservation between the United States and the DRC, but also to attack the root causes of conflicts, the recruitment of young people into armed groups, the destruction and looting of natural resources, in order to promote peace, social harmony, good local governance and economic growth that is beneficial to all, ”we can read in the press release.

According to USAID, this partnership will also help restore security in conflict zones and force negative forces to retreat.

*In other News, i see where the,

Evaluation of the Addis Ababa agreement: head to head Félix Tshisekedi - Jean-Pierre La Croix this Wednesday

The United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, arrives in Kinshasa this Wednesday, February 23, 2022.

Jean-Pierre Lacroix will thus take part, on Thursday February 24, 2022, in the follow-up meeting of the Framework Agreement for Peace, Security and Cooperation for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the region. Which agreement was signed in 2013.

It should be noted that the United Nations Assistant Secretary General in charge of peacekeeping operations in the DRC will stay in the country for three days.

Before setting course for Kinshasa, he was alternately in Goma in North Kivu, in Bunia, in Ituri and in certain regions of the eastern part of the DRC.

*While in other News, Never a Dull Day in the the DRC where,

Félix Tshisekedi discussed with Deputy Secretary of State Monica Medina


The Assistant Secretary of State of the United States in charge of Oceans and Ecological and Scientific Affairs, Monica Médina exchanged this Monday, February 21, 2022 with the Head of State Félix Tshisekedi, at the city of the African Union in Kinshasa .

According to the presidential press, the two personalities spoke about issues relating to cooperation between the United States and the Democratic Republic of Congo, in the field of the environment, and the conservation of nature.

At the end of the hearing, Ms. Monica Medina told the press that this first visit to Congo allows her to realize the situation on the spot, and to know the environmental realities of the country.

For the Deputy Secretary of State, the United States knows that the DRC and the countries of the Central African region constitute the lungs of humanity in terms of nature conservation.

She specifies that her country will continue to establish diplomatic relations with the DRC in the field of the environment.

"We must help the people who live around and in the forests to be able to lead a better life," she said.

Arrived since last weekend in the Congolese capital, the Deputy Secretary of State will also visit Kenya.

Mr. Monica will visit from February 25 to March 3, as head of the US delegation to the resumed fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly, to celebrate 50 years of the environment program of ONU.

*While down in Capetown the Minister of Finance was busy being Friendly and Fruitful as,

The DRC and the RSA are working to strengthen economic cooperation

Within the framework of strengthening economic cooperation, and promoting the investments necessary to revive the economy, the Minister of Finance Nicolas Kazadi and his colleague from the Republic of South Africa Enoch Godongwana, had a friendly and fruitful exchange, Tuesday, February 22, in Cape Town.

According to Minfin's communication unit, South African investments in the DRC will focus on growth-accelerating sectors (infrastructure, mining, green transition, energy, agro-industry, textiles, banking and insurance, etc.) to accelerate economic diversification. , advocated by President Tshisekedi.

It should be noted that the Minister of Finance, Nicolas Kazadi is staying in Johannesburg at the invitation of the Minister of Finance of the RSA to discuss the financing of projects for diversification and economic recovery.

He will also discuss with the investors who will go to Kinshasa in the coming days.

Congomedia !!!.png

Food for thought on the Road to Mining the Fruits of Manono (y)

Stay Cool at TSE - Not Hot at the Crapper ;)

Frank :cool:
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Master of Quan
Can’t believe people are still thinking Scoota was trying to be deceptive with that pic. Was f’ing funny if you ask me!
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Can’t believe people are still thinking Scoota was trying to be deceptive with that pic. Was f’ing funny if you ask me!

I can't believe it made No1 on the HotCrapper Hit Parade, but good on Him, I gave him a TU for his Humour :ROFLMAO:


Then again, there's a Lot of things i struggle to come to terms with / understand about HC these Days tbo

That Trading Girl Linda is right up there atm :rolleyes:
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‘Want to stop making Putin rich… renewables is the answer’: Does the Russia-Ukraine crisis speed up or slow Europe’s green energy push?

Much of Europe may want to cut Russian natural gas dependence for good, but what will keep everyone warm for now?​


As grim as the reality of a conflict in Ukraine may be, economically, it may serve as a major catalyst for Europe’s decarbonization efforts, forcing governments to invest in earnest in greater zero-emissions renewable energy sources and the electrification of cars and homes.

Doing so could secure energy independence from a Vladimir Putin-led Russia that’s proving to be a greater security threat by the day, say green-energy proponents and other global market-watchers.

“Much the same way the 1970s OPEC crisis sparked investment into renewable energy, and set forth new legislation mandating national fuel efficiency standards, this crisis may force Europe to invest at a much faster pace into distributed energy resources, renewables and demand-response technologies to secure its energy future,” said Peter Sobotka, founder and CEO of Corinex, a company specializing in making European energy distribution networks more efficient.

Distributed energy is typically decentralized, or harnessed right where it’s used, such as stationing wind and solar at an electric power plant. Demand-response technology helps consumers use energy during off-peak times.


The-future-is-Electric !!!.jpg

Food for thought on the Road to Mining the Monsters of Manono (y)

Stay Cool here, Not Hot on the Crapper ;)

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Hi Frank

I'm not cross promoting here but with zinc on the critical list and the geopolitical climate Ironbark Zinc (IBG) in Greenland may be of interest. They have received EXIM approval for funding and are in the process of working through the equity component to potentially fully fund the mine

Might be worth a look ....full disclosure I have some which I picked up through my broker on a CR at 2.4c

If the US wants to secure zinc supplies and the proximity to Europe suits it might have some legs

Not sure if I can post a link to their home page but see if this works https://ironbark.gl/

Hi mate
Hi guys (& gals)

Not cross promoting either, please spend a couple of hours looking at BGT.
Threads are quality but check out the FA yourself.
Some very astute holders have been around analysing and waiting for quite some time.
All the catalysts for a large re-rate are there or rapidly approaching.
Disclosure: LTH
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*Fyi, fwiw, Not Lithium / AVZ related, but Chinese Mining DRC Cobalt on Foreign Correspondent tonight, anyone who's been here long enough has heard the stories and is well aware of the problem, so i will be tuning in to see for myself what exactly is uncovered in tonight's episode and what is being done to eradicate this scourge that has hung over the DRC for years, if not decades :rolleyes: :unsure: :oops:

foreign correspondent

The world is embracing renewable technologies, but how much do we know about the metals that are powering this green revolution?

This story exposes the shocking truth about the mining of cobalt, a metal essential to making the batteries in electric cars, laptops and mobile phones.

The world's richest deposits of cobalt are in the Democratic Republic of Congo, one of the poorest countries on earth.

It produces about 70% of world output.

This buried treasure has lured hundreds of thousands of Congolese to work in the country's mines, big and small.

But mining is dangerous, corruption and violence is rife and though child labour has been banned, it's common.

In recent years, the cobalt trade has been taken over by Chinese companies which operate 15 of the 19 big industrial mines.

Locals say that under their management, low safety standards have dropped even further.

"Unfortunately people are dying for lack of safety," says an employee of one big company.

Australian reporter Michael Davie travels to this mineral-rich country to investigate the industry - from the major Chinese-owned companies to the conditions of the small-scale workers on the fringes of the big mines.

It's a dangerous mission and Davie is followed, harassed and arrested by mine and government security officials.

What he uncovers is shocking.

The day he arrives there's been a mine cave-in, killing at least six miners.

He sees miners tunnel 25 metres underground with no safety equipment.

He meets children as young as six handling cobalt, a toxic metal which can cause serious health effects.

He meets a mother whose 13-year-old son has just been killed on the fringes of a mine whose embankment collapsed.

Companies in Congo are obliged to make sure their perimeters are safe.

He secures a video which shows a man being beaten by a Congolese soldier as Chinese mine managers watch on laughing.

And he interviews a whistleblower who accuses the Chinese mine he works for of covering up the deaths of co-workers.

He also says the country isn't benefiting from the boom.

"There is no investment coming back in terms of environment, infrastructure...We don't have road facilities, we don't have communication. There is nothing."

But there's hope amidst the gloom.

Davie meets the Good Shepherd Sisters, nuns who've set up a school near the mines and educated thousands of children.

"If the children are given education, if schools are spread all over and every child goes to school, then we are redeeming this country," says one nun.

This is a rare insight into a powerful industry which operates a dangerous business with seeming impunity.

All of us use the end product.

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*Fyi, fwiw, Not Lithium / AVZ related, but Chinese Mining DRC Cobalt on Foreign Correspondent tonight, anyone who's been here long enough has heard the stories and is well aware of the problem, so i will be tuning in to see for myself what exactly is uncovered in tonight's episode and what is being done to eradicate this scourge that has hung over the DRC for years, if not decades :rolleyes: :unsure: :oops:

foreign correspondent

The world is embracing renewable technologies, but how much do we know about the metals that are powering this green revolution?

This story exposes the shocking truth about the mining of cobalt, a metal essential to making the batteries in electric cars, laptops and mobile phones.

The world's richest deposits of cobalt are in the Democratic Republic of Congo, one of the poorest countries on earth.

It produces about 70% of world output.

This buried treasure has lured hundreds of thousands of Congolese to work in the country's mines, big and small.

But mining is dangerous, corruption and violence is rife and though child labour has been banned, it's common.

In recent years, the cobalt trade has been taken over by Chinese companies which operate 15 of the 19 big industrial mines.

Locals say that under their management, low safety standards have dropped even further.

"Unfortunately people are dying for lack of safety," says an employee of one big company.

Australian reporter Michael Davie travels to this mineral-rich country to investigate the industry - from the major Chinese-owned companies to the conditions of the small-scale workers on the fringes of the big mines.

It's a dangerous mission and Davie is followed, harassed and arrested by mine and government security officials.

What he uncovers is shocking.

The day he arrives there's been a mine cave-in, killing at least six miners.

He sees miners tunnel 25 metres underground with no safety equipment.

He meets children as young as six handling cobalt, a toxic metal which can cause serious health effects.

He meets a mother whose 13-year-old son has just been killed on the fringes of a mine whose embankment collapsed.

Companies in Congo are obliged to make sure their perimeters are safe.

He secures a video which shows a man being beaten by a Congolese soldier as Chinese mine managers watch on laughing.

And he interviews a whistleblower who accuses the Chinese mine he works for of covering up the deaths of co-workers.

He also says the country isn't benefiting from the boom.

"There is no investment coming back in terms of environment, infrastructure...We don't have road facilities, we don't have communication. There is nothing."

But there's hope amidst the gloom.

Davie meets the Good Shepherd Sisters, nuns who've set up a school near the mines and educated thousands of children.

"If the children are given education, if schools are spread all over and every child goes to school, then we are redeeming this country," says one nun.

This is a rare insight into a powerful industry which operates a dangerous business with seeming impunity.

All of us use the end product.

Yeah nice one Frank.....definitely worth a watch. I did watch a doco a while ago where the Chinese were filmed bashing a safety guy for giving a toolbox to the crew.. :(

Anyway, on another note........got some new ART Work....:D:D
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