So on our 1 year anniversary of living in a echo chamber.........what do we know ?Happy 52 Weeks in suspension SH’s
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View attachment 35686
But our 1st Anniversary is Tuesday the 9th![]()
It may certainly be spurious, but no material effect ?
AVZ / MANONO in lock down for 12 months, world lithium supply delayed for 12 months, the poor folks living conditions in DRC delayed for 12 months, AVZ LTH prosperity / living conditions delayed by 12 months....etc etc...........its had a huge material effect!!
b) AVZ v Zijin ( ROFR 15% )...........ICC arbitration, no conclusion in sight.......
c) AVZ v DATHOMIR ( 15%).........ICC arbitration, no conclusion in sight.....
d) MMCS v Cominiere ( 5% ) ......ICC arbitration,conclusion this year ?
35% of Dathcom in dispute , no conclusion.
e) CHINA IS PLAYING THE LONG GAME aka ICC Arbitration extension, they have a pineapple up everyones arse !! ( please note , my utter disgust is towards the Govt, not its people ! )....
e) Felix Tshisedeki mandate of extinguishing corruption is in question big time.
Conclusive IGF report in AVZ favour sitting on his desk for the last 11 months yet no action of any kind, in fact thats wrong, there was action, with the mining decree cancelled and AVZ forced to create harmonius relations within Dathcom participants going forward.........a fucking slap in the face!
Whats FT agenda atm ?
Is he plotting behind the scenes in the slowest way possible to entrap / prosecute the corrupt scum, or is he more focussed on being a chameleon in order to garner the votes for re election ?
f) FT has a gold watch thats worth more than most of his communities........where did you get that you priviledged fuck ?
g) General consensus is the DRC locals want AVZ to drive Manono, not the corrupt Zijin ...........are you listening FT ?
h) JULES ALINGETE is a fucking RIPPER !!!
My head is spinning............pretty fucked up scenario we have here, no doubt i have missed a whole heap of other shit too, but for me this is where it stands on a basic level, no wonder we are all fatigued, bewildered, snappy from time to time, the equation here has so many jig saw parts, you would have to be a fucking genius to predict how this is all going to play out and more importantly .........when ?
For the record, i dont believe this is all doom and gloom, AVZ have the IGF report behind them, they have done all the right things regards to documentation, ethics ( except continuous disclosure ), expenditure, DFS, the weight of evidence is on AVZ side as i see it, so if MANONO was to be stripped from AVZ , the international backlash would be immense , DRC would have to be Chinas slave forever as no other country would have a bar of them and litigation , not to mention the long game would go to a whole new level.........just cant see that scenario happening......MANONO is just too big and important for it to be an abandonded baby, or more aptly, abandoned monster.
So folks, whats to become of the next 12 months ?
Given ICC deliberations could take 12 - 18 months and DRC elections are another 7.5 months away, something has to give to break the stale mate.
Will these " harmonious " discussions that are purportedly happening as we speak result in a ML for AVZ before the DRC election ?
What would be the equation that makes a lose ,lose, a win win ?
Will FT win the next election ?
Will AVZ be constructing in the next 12 months ?
So many questions, so much up in the air........
How will this fucked up scenario play out and when ?
The poster who is closest to the mark wins a all expense paid 7 day holiday at @JAG boat house...........all the beer and crayfish you can eat plus a possibility to peruse the famous AVZ pin up girl collection that has been compiled...........
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