These religious people are at times the mover and shakers and king makers comes the election time and can move the votes around.
*Unfortunately so Bro, mixing Religion and Politics goes hand in hand in the DRC it seems
*To add, I see where,
Government Sama 2: It is the team of the electoral campaign of Félix Tshisekedi (Devos Kitoko)!
The reshuffle of the SAMA Lukonde government carried out last week by the President of the Republic has aroused the reaction of political actors from all sides.
This is the case of Professor Devos Kitoko, senior executive of the Lamuka political platform and secretary general of the Ecidé political party dear to Martin Fayulu Madidi.
According to him, the ministerial reshuffle carried out by the President is a non-event and its leaders constitute a cabinet of his electoral campaign for the future elections.
And to hammer:
"This government is a chronicle of failure announced to those who have fraudulently reached the summit of the institutions of the Democratic Republic of Congo". 
For this close friend of Martin Fayulu, this cabinet that Tshisekedi has just set up to prepare for his election worries all Congolese with regard to the configuration of its animators who have acceded to their posts where each has been placed where he has left a taste, very bitter to the Congolese people. 
Also, he adds, this government has no difference from the previous one. 
Because, according to him, those who have just integrated him are not credible with regard to everything that has happened in our country, including the 100-day public trials where all Congolese were informed of the embezzlement of more than 50 millions of US dollars that have never been returned to the public treasury while we have witnessed the acquittals of these culprits and perpetrators.
Moreover, this scientist asks the current regime to organize credible, transparent, impartial and peaceful elections within the constitutional period and with the consensus of the electoral law and the leaders of the electoral center in order to restore peace, honor, the dignity, credibility and legitimacy of the institutions of the DRC and its facilitators.
However, if nothing is done until January 23, 2024 at midnight, the country will witness a legal vacuum at the top of the State from where it must be filled by the establishment of a short transition which will be piloted by civil society leaders and without Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, declared the secretary general of Ecidé, before calling on the Congolese to be vigilant in all directions to block the way to all usurpers.
Food for thought