I wanted to comment and draw attention to some points about the announcement today.
It's a very strong anouncement, this is good.
There is good detail and the wording is succinct.
They talk plainly about shenanigans.
It's the first time they've made an official statement that the granting of the ML does not depend of the outcome of the ICC arbitrations.
"the award of the Mining Licence is not subject to the conclusion of the ICC proceedings
with Jin Cheng and Dathomir and the Company continues its discussions with the DRC
Government which at the date of this announcement remain incomplete"
It's the first time the company has publicly called out being under attack from criminal entities, flagging and bringing attention to the illegal manner of their intent.
"The Company believes it is under besiegement by non-state actors who intend to
unlawfully acquire, for themselves and/or other third parties, an interest in the
Manono Project and continues to take all necessary actions to resist these vexatious
and meritless claims and to protect its and Dathcom’s interests."
Together with coming out publicly, (at least in africa) calling out corrupt activity from specific people (MoP).
I've always believed this is the way to win, speak loud and clear about what's going on. Don't let the rats have any dark corners to hide.
I don't know if it was a brilliant manipulation or a happy accident, but that fuckwit from Cominerie totally exposed himself of TV in his response interview. This was REALLY good for us.
It looks like we're in the midst of a campaign by AVZ, and I think it's a really strong move.
If the DRC dont capitulate to us soon, I expect something strong from the chinese and those they've payed off.
EDIT: I forgot to add, this would be a perfect time for a decent australian journalist to do a juicy story on this battling Australian company full of mum and dad investors, fighting corruption and the chinese crooks to claim a stake in the EV revolution in the DRC.
Anyone got some good connections?