obe wan
Well the decree being pulled does have it back as one ; but still leaves us without a decree ( security blanket ) ; but saying that and everyone saying that MoM is corrupt ; sure I’ve changed my opinion somewhat on her ; but I think it was a move that needed to be made.Mate now that the North and South are back as one , are you still of the opinion AVZ has secured Roche Dure ?
All the shit has been about this North / South split and how it was interpreted; who apparently gave the green light for it to happen etc etc; there was clearly something not considered right about it all ; so clearing the decks of that split does allow for the parties to come together and discuss / reason / negotiation / put forward concerned / bed those concerns etc.
I’d be extremely surprised if Dathcom weren’t awarded South ; North…there’s always been that talk of DRC taking up an additional 5% in the North ( probably what Modo is clinging on to but beefing it up to 100% north and south

I think the North is what the discussions are currently focusing on ( for anyway saying that nothing is going on ; that is not true, these discussions are current ) Zijin taking North isn’t going to happen IMO ; can’t see how FT would accept the Zijin 76% ( thief’s) , Cominiere 24% ( thief’s ) offering by Zijin … I mean what could go wrong with those crooks at the helm siphoning profits with minimal to the state.
Yes I think South where AVZ have carried out all their work will go to AVZ ; I think AVZ will be involved in the North , but with more involvement with others, of course north and south could be awarded together and possibly DRC looking for say 15% over the lot ; but IMO and even though it doesn’t currently comply with mining code ; I think negotiations at higher level around terms of agreement with conditions regarding performance ( South ) and percentages related to the north is probably where it’s currently at . I reckon award and performance in start up of the South will conditions linked into AVZ gaining control of the north is where it will be ( AVZ mining rights for North still being intact and North not opened to others for application )
Double barrelling North and South I.e awarding South one miner and North to another doesn’t make a lot of sense given infrastructure constraints; current infrastructure wouldn’t be able to handle all the material coming out for Manono as a whole by essentially what would be competing operations ; one would get strangled by the other or both would be struggling for capacity considering these constraints.
Both mining and Infrastructure takes time and money; best gradually ramp it up