tonster66,I believe we need to take a wider more strategic look at things. If Felix or AVZ implemented every one of the suggestions on these forums we would have been screwed long ago.
One of the precepts of 'The Art of War" is to know when to fight and when not to fight. Lets face it we have been in a mining war with china and corrupt officials for some time.
If we look back, we have the IGF report it identifies the corrupt actions of the MoP and cominiere. There were and are stills calls to remove her. If Felix was to remove her then all the crooks would have gone to ground without a resolution. It seemed that Felix continued to support the MoP. This being said we did not know where the MoM sat in terms of her support. She has now come out and it has been identified that she is corrupt and is acting illegally.
Felix can now complete the ministerial reshuffle as he can now remove 2 corrupt ministers. It has really been a well crafted battle. AVZ and the DRC will win and through this entire process the chinese have, in front of the world, been shown to be totally corrupt and have shown the inner workings of their operation.
"To know when to fight and when not to fight"
We have called Felix out for not doing what we wanted him to do and same with AVZ. Both of these actors have chosen not to fight for a time. I believe with the release of the letter from NF exposing the MoM's corruption is their time to fight. One shot fired but it has cut of the head of the snake.
Felix can now move, he can start his fight, a fight for his country and his people. He always said he was going to rid the DRC of corruption. I believe this has been a master stoke by Felix, the US, and AVZ. The US are masters at this type of thing.
Felix also said, 'Show me corruption in my ministers and they will no longer be in my government". He has pre-warned them but they still continued to act and we now have the evidence that the MoM is corrupt along with the MoP and many others.
Bring on the reshuffle.
AVZ and the DRC win.
I like the way you think, definitely both creative and outside the box, I also think not many posters here would have come up with that lateral or almost covert strategy by Felix. As time has unfolded he seems to have been anti-AVZ forever and a day, even thou we were initially given the impression that he was a friend of AVZ and we had a good relationship with him, personally, I don't see much evidence of this.
It's possible he was poisoned towards AVZ by maybe some senior grubby ministers in his cabinet, we may never really know, or he may have felt that AVZ just wasn't a good fit for his future plans for whatever reason. I think It was mentioned at the Melb preso that we had requested meetings at senior levels but we were effectively being fobbed off by the gatekeepers to those ministers.
If he (Felix) has in fact as you suggest been giving these 'F'ng pricks' lots of rope simply to hang themselves, 'having now sprung the trap' I bow down to him, and you my fellow AVZ long deserve a few stripes for identifying Felix as a friend, not foe, as I'm still leaning toward that impression at this time.
I hope your theory is 100% correct mate