Good to hear from Marius.
I'm pissed but I think we need to collectively calm the farm a bit.
Maybe give management a fortnight or so to gather all the detail and give us a response to this situation.
After all it can only go one of two ways and we just don't have enough clarity as it stands.
I'm all for calling out the corruption but keep it more civilised and respectful without direct relation to FT until the worst actually happens. He's not publicly backed us but he's said nothing against us to date either.
Just a thought.
This tweet is in response to boatman, a deserving target amongst many others.
Had to double take on that, thought my eyes were shot. Normally it's Tommy Twothead tooting what the Boatman says and not the other way round, like we didn't already know those two are dutch ruddering the tinny towards the waterfall.
I say when AVZ sorts this mess out they should go after Tommy and make him prove under oath what he says it true with facts or sue him for every cent he has , that would put more money in the bank
I reckon Tommy is in for a world of hurt, enjoy the Boatmans silky palms while they last Tommy the Twot Engine.