We have lately had some blow-ins, how many of these have been negative/unrealistic
We have lately had some TO talk, how much of this has been negative/unrealistic
It would seem there has been a creep in of the same 'type' that infects the HC forum
We need to remain vigilant on here.
When you make a huge mistake and decide to pop over quickly to check up on HC, by god you get slapped in the face with a wet fish.
Its a bloody absolute cesspit over there, way too many shorters, paid posters, agitators, arsewipes, it really is horrible on a thread of a stock that has become known, pick anyone and its got a load of cretins on it.
Obviously, we are all tired of the suspension, a good many of us are over it.
But, there is a difference between being over it as an involved investor in the company and simply being a troll or a shorter/other interests against AVZ.
Don't let the BS narrative steer you towards giving up on your investment!!
Stay strong, stay vigilant