I believe you have been conditioned into looking at it from the enemies point of view and have capitulated after being worn down after all this time (anyone saying this shitshow hasn't worn them down is either telling huge porkies or a psychopath). That is exactly what they want all of us shareholders to do so we pressure the board into accepting a pitifully low TO offer like the one you shockingly

mentioned. (Thank god we don't have ESS board for example)
Granted we are being choked, but you are missing all in our favour :
We have ICC cases where we WILL win (don't want hear ifs or buts, look at how MMCS went) -
Big impact on leverage
We have a BFS that will value us far higher -
Big impact on value
We are drilling for further resource -
So so impact on value
We have Felix reshuffling Lukondes corrupt cesspit -
Big impact on ML being delivered
We have access to a further $50 mil which it unfortunately looks like we will use - Big impact on our longevity to hold past ICC issues
We have pineapples -
Big impact on Meme quality
Nigel and the BOD would never go for such a silly price which I bet they have already been given verbally
Jesus even the scam was at $1.5 AUD wasnt it ?
In my view 90cents is a crazy prediction when you factor in the cards we still hold. Thank god your not close to the money mate, very happy to have you wire me the difference from 90cents if this does get brought out, you know to keep you happy